Still, it was not until 1975 that Geraldoyes, that Geraldo, Geraldo Rivera got hold of a copy of the uncut Zapruder film and played it for a national audience on his show, Good Night America. Which resulted in a kind of collective national gasp as millions of Americans simultaneously saw something that they had previously only read about. Can we even have the certainty that all is uncertainty? I ask. I met him when he was my freshman philosophy professor at Yale and he was working on The Lonely Labyrinth, his landmark analysis of the gloomy Danish anti-rationalist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. The shock never wears off. Oh wait. That trajectory work would produce charts which do not conform to the Zapruder film. I hope to see my readers there! There is no enthusiasm in the crowd. I dont know, you tell me. At one point momentarily Zapruder is seen moving his camera down from his line of vision during his filming sequence. The frame in Nix film does not align with any frame of Zapruder film is because the films are not in synch, on different time frame. No one adding or subtracting frames to the film on the weekend of the 22nd would have known of the existence and significance of the DPD Dictabelt tape which had fortuitously recorded the sound of the gunfire in Dealey Plaza. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". It would be nice if we could just look at the Zapruder film and say, Aha!, Frame 313, he says now, will always be at the center of the Zapruder film. The evidence strongly supports the Zapruder Film as being accurate and there is a very good correation between it and the acoustical evidence. Certainly not too hot. Bush had a hand in Kennedys assassination. Is that the mysterious Babushka lady standing stage left? And there they go running off for their next shot while the Newmans remain poised in position, waiting to be cleared by the director. Where are all the people? Theres an interview with him where he talks about his love of amateur photography, how he took pictures of everything. Bill and Gayle Newman. And we know that he is hit in such a way that matter was ejected from the back of his head.. Probably just got off the phone with John. Of course. The time span covered and timing of the shots and their impacts are the same down to the hundredths of a second. The limousines turn onto Elmdebris from the headshotlimo slowing or stoppingwhat else is believed to be missing/altered? Well, you know, there was a famous assassination in London where a Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, was supposedly assassinated by the KGB with a poison flchette triggered by I was going to say by an umbrella when Morris interrupts impatiently. Zapruder Film Frames. compositing artifact, mutated with the merging together of multiple film sources. Notice the family ducking for cover. The sun is shining. While slowly killing her off with a daily dosage of poison, the CIA would sadistically give America reason to discredit her. Information on Jeans boyfriend is terribly difficult to come by. Youd think if the press and the police wanted to speak with anyone, it was the guy holding the movie camera. (In analyzing these frames, we use "left" for "driver's side" and "right" for "passenger's side".) Within that 30 seconds of missing time, the motorcades lead car. Bruglioni thought there was more frames showing the awful blood spatter after Frame 313. Zapruder film: Jackie only gets as far out on the trunk as seen in frame 375. Entertainment for the barracoon. Knowing that his home movie would have both historic and forensic value, Abraham Zapruder had three copies of his original film made for government investigators. And the Umbrella Man became an icon of conspiracy theorists? I ask. If correct, many more than 7 frames were excised from the film. James Norwood, a retired professor of Humanities, University of Minnesota, was perhaps the first to point out what seems to be a definitive discrepancy: In the Zapruder film of the assassination, Jackie goes only just beyond the middle of the trunk before retreating. This discussion raises the possibility that CIA had the capability to alter the Z Film. Again the renewed shock of watching it (rather than Stones far-fetched military-industrial-complex conspiracy theory) had its effect: Public reaction pushed Congress to pass the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which ordered that the declassification of literally millions of assassination documents be expedited. So one recent morning over breakfast in the dining room of the hotel in New Yorks SoHo where Morris was staying, I sat down in front of his computer to watch the Zapruder film with him. For those citing Hornes interview with Brugioni one might do well to listen carefully when Brugioni says that he counted the number of frames. An instant later, in Frame 313, it looks like a lightning bolt strikes JFKs head. His name was Louie Steven Witt and he testified that he brought the umbrella on that sunny day becausewait for ithe wanted to express his displeasure with JFKs father, Joseph Kennedy. As a writer, hes questioned the way that photographic images can document the nature of truth (in his recent book Believing Is Seeing). Source: JFK Assassination Film: Proof of Tampering? A man who never met John Kennedy but whose name, Zapruder, is inextricably linked to Kennedys and to Kennedys death. Someone told the other a dirty joke. As of Z-337, he hasnt even touched the limo yet, let alone mount it. The Zapruder film serves as a clock, Morris points out. It changes shape as he falls into his wifes lap. President Kennedy does not enter the stage for the first third of the picture, and it is there were we encounter a serious problem. Umbrella Man consists of Morris talking with Josiah Tink Thompson, one of the first and most respected of Warren Commission critics. Question on the Z film alteration. Your email address will not be published. Who, Morris says, had been ambassador to England in the 1930s and [was] known for his policies of appeasement to the Third Reich., Symbolized, I say, by the umbrella that Neville Chamberlain carried back from Munich, after Chamberlain claimed to have brought peace for our time by letting Hitler swallow up half of Czechoslovakia, giving Hitler the impetus to launch World War II. When asked, George H.W. When he continued filming, frame 133 already shows the presidential motorcade in view. The CIA perhaps had the capability to further alter the film. Her findings surprised me. We could build a postwar future on that edifice. Dino saw a Secret Service copy of the film, in which the head explosion was whitish instead of reddish. Frame 486 is the last frame of the film. Frame by Frame. Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris deconstructs the most famous 26 seconds in film history. I believe so. She has been an enormous help to the TUC ministry ever since that time, editing books for publication as well as running the podcast and administrating the TUC community, among other tasks. America had been a bad boy. Frame 313. The entire message "KODACHROME II SAFETY FILM" is between Theyll rear you in the craft and then bus you out to the event for free. Regarding the actual editing of the Zapruder film, they also feel frames are missing from the one shown to the public. Bush didnt ascend through the ranks of secret societies and intelligence to the seat of vice president and then the presidency by killing presidents. I fully agree with Randy Robertson. If the shadowy Deep State wanted Jean Hill dead for outing their second shooter, then Jean Hill would be dead. | READ MORE. where this cameraman was standing. The man was shooting from right just this side of that tree . And what better place to peer over ones shoulder, once the curb had filled with too many bystanders to number, than the grassy knoll? Or, I should say, them. All you little JFK researchers lack basic common sense and spread a lot of misinfo with your ignorance. the partial distance that the message took up at the beginning and ending from "Image of an Assassination, A New Look at the Zapruder (1) Her right hand is nearly flat on the trunk; (2) her fingertips are about 10 inches from the drivers side handhold, gripped by Clint Hill; (3) in two dimensions, her right arm is at a ~45 degree angle with the trunk. How adorable. WhoWhatWhy. web pages Yahuah is truly amazing. There is another glaring problem here, because agent Zapruder never captured Jean Hill making any such notion towards the Lincoln. Nix film: She is further out on the trunk. Morris new film, after all, about Donald Rumsfeldfamous for his line about unknown unknownsis called The Unknown Known. If my work frustrates or bores you, then I highly suggest doing your own research. Criticizing me for dismissing the Umbrella Man as a crackpot [theory]., So Cox believes the Umbrella Man had a role in the assassination?. Is it possible that Zapruder had to lower his movie camera because Elm Street slopes downward towards the overpass? The message is flashed 7 times through the May 26-28. Just look at Bush. On 13 February 1969 Zapruder said that he could not tell if frames were miss-ing from his film nor could he vouch for the film's chain of custody. IN my last newsletter I made mention of Rebecca L. Gould without ever giving a photo reveal. Autopsy photos clearly show that the Presidents face was undamaged. This is also the precise moment when Jean is said to have looked into the direction of the Texas School Book Depository and saw Jack Ruby making his getaway. She has since stated when she saw a photo of Jack Ruby after his killing of Lee Harvey Oswald she now believes he was the man she saw running. Well return to Norma Jeans claim in a moment. Or so we're led to believe. Expect plenty more of her in upcoming announcements. 17 and 18 frames long. I stress assassination. Either there were multiple takes and her best performance was not a part of the finished product, which would also explain the discrepancies among the motionless crowd, or were simply dealing with a one-take crisis actor. Anthony Marsh span of. And it would be so much easier to dismiss the impression of a frontal shot as an illusion, because otherwise youd have to doubt the conclusion of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald, who was positioned behind the president, was the lone gunman. The synchronization of the film and DictaBelt are mathematically verifiable. The distance between the 1st & 2nd is 50 5/8 frames; We want to take your picture!. You would need 10 seconds of continuous filming, almost twice the time it took for all the shots to occur, to see a 2 frame difference. Sorry, whatever he has to show us is a no go. The frame that gave Abraham Zapruder nightmares, the frame he insisted be withheld from the publica single frame of film that can be said to have changed American history and culture. His film shows the President's assassination in vivid color and provides an indispensable timeclock . That's . I wanted to talk to Morris about the Zapruder film because as a documentary filmmaker hes focused on mysteries (he freed an innocent man from death row with The Thin Blue Line); hes re-examined secret history (he won an Oscar for cross-examining the enigmatic Robert McNamara in The Fog of War).