You should be aware as an information consumer that there are ongoing battles for your allegiance. Decline representation of clients or organizations that urge or require actions contrary to this Code. Creating a sense of mystery around a brand generates an aura that bypasses the usual cynical take on commercial icons. This simple PR stunt gave all the journalists covering the Mir crash landing a few lines to add to their stories. Other branding backlashes have plagued companies such as Nike and Starbucks. An individual ad in a BTL context may not cost as much as a massive ad buy facilitated by an agency that primarily does ATL advertising; however, BTL advertising can still be costly for advertisers and profitable for ad agencies in the aggregate. As previously stated in this text, social institutions such as your family, friends, church and workplace can influence your behavior in tandem with or contrary to what you see and hear in the mass media. It is helpful to perform an act of goodwill during or immediately after a crisis when possible. PR is about promoting good relationships with your consumers, your employees and the communities where your products are made. a. Core Principle Avoiding real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest builds the trust of clients, employers, and the publics. Then, they research the organization itself to clarify issues of public perception, positioning, and internal dynamics. However, this book focuses on a public relations approach based particularly on writing for the media. This document is designed to anticipate and accommodate, by precedent, ethical challenges that may arise. In other words, it is known as the first modern ad agency. Note here that social science theories are based on many observable facts. The persuasive communication model, or the two-way asymmetric, works to persuade a specific audience to adopt a certain behavior or point of view. Specific criteria for evaluating the campaign when it is completed are also established at this time (Smith, 2002). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way how a corporation manages a balance among its economic, social, and environmental responsibilities so it can produce a positive impact on society. Emotional connections are crucial to building a brand or lovemark. Despite his many years of service in the U.S. Senate, John McCain famously adopted this brand during the 2008 presidential election. Actively pursue personal professional development. To improve, adapt and expand professional practices. b- The most common publicity-based tool is the press D. Although emergencies are by their very nature unpredictable, it is possible to list and prepare for negative scenarios that might occur. Question 2 1 pts The best (most accurate) way to set your advertising budget is to usemethod. A. Public Relations. For example, utility companies often include fliers about energy efficiency with customers bills, and government agencies such as the IRS issue press releases to explain changes to existing codes. The crisis communication plan should be revised based on any new learnings. Simply put, public relations helps to influence an audiences perceptions by building relationships and shaping public conversations about a client or company. Front groups: A member implements grass roots campaigns or letter-writing campaigns to legislators on behalf of undisclosed interest groups. Finally, the two-way symmetrical model argues that the public relations practitioner should serve as a liaison between the organization and key publics, rather than as a persuader. Advertising is challenging enough when products do not raise ethical dilemmas. Today there are about 500,000 ad agencies in the world of all shapes and sizes. c. He thought a relationship with China might drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. Operations Management questions and answers, Which of the following statements is true about public The positive PR campaign presented Toyotas as cars with a high standard of excellence, backed by a company striving to meet customers needs. Public relations professionals are in charge of a wide range of communication activities that may include increasing brand visibility and awareness, planning events, and creating content. A member shall: Safeguard the confidences and privacy rights of present, former, and prospective clients and employees. We often presume that we know how individuals from other groups will think because we have seen messages in the media and we presume to know how the other will respond. Apple has successfully developed PR campaigns surrounding product releases that leak selected rumors to various press outlets but maintain secrecy over essential details, encouraging speculation by bloggers and mainstream journalists on the next product. c. Although staff agencies serve primarily to operate public programs, they may have line . The level of targeting that is possible is incredible and would have been unimaginable 20 years ago. The Obama campaign featured several iconic portraits and slogans that made for a consistent brand and encouraged his victory in 2008. The campaign came up with the word biosolids to replace the term sludge. Because of this, PR efforts that get products and brands into the press are far more valuable than a simple advertisement. Lobbying can be part of a government affairs program. We do not want anyone to beat us to the bread and milk. Communication technicians write press releases, pitches, feature articles, and other communication materials and assist in event planning. The advent and increase of social media releases,search engine optimization, and online content publishing and the introduction of podcasts and video are relatedtrends. The ultimateobjectiveof PR is to retain goodwill as well as create it; the procedure to follow to achieve this is to first do good and then take credit for it. Some of these campaigns have become particularly significant for their lasting influence or creative execution. Line agencies perform tasks and administer programs, while staff agencies furnish advice and give assistance. Expert Answer 100% (5 ratings) Answer The accurate statement about public relations is; it includes the use of speeches, corporate websites and special events sponsorships. For more information on the differences between marketing, public relations, and advertising, read the following articles: According to Smith (2013), public relations practitioners can be placed in two groups based on responsibilities: communication managers and communication technicians. This credibility gap can be overcome, however, when PR professionals using good promotional strategies step in. There are paid brand advocates, of course, but in a networked communication environment, even unpaid individuals with modest followings can becomeinfluencers people who promote products on their social media streams. A lot of that is because of the Internet, a lot of that is because of cable TV news (Associated Press, 2006). It is simply a matter of fact that PR efforts are ongoing and that attacks within these battles do not always take the form of headlines. Inbound marketing is advertisings answer to de-massification. BPs marketing firm developed a PR campaign that, at least on the surface, emulated the forward-looking two-way symmetric PR model. Online social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter ensure that firms can get their messages heard directly and quickly. Abrandshould aim to have the same problem statement, industry viewpoint, or brandperceptionshared across multiple sources and media. One key point made in this visual history is that non-branded newspaper ads would often outnumber branded ads in the early days of the newspaper industry. Brands may advertise during certain TV shows or publications to reach a particular type of media consumer. More recently, Blackwater Worldwide, a private military company, dealt with criticisms of its actions in Iraq by changing its name. Thank you!! Immediately advise an appropriate authority if a member discovers that confidential information is being divulged by an employee of a client company or organization. Want to create or adapt books like this? In the press agent/publicity model, communications professionals use persuasion to shape the thoughts and opinions of key audiences. d- Marketers can control whether the media choose to publish There was a time when many companies did not see the value of public relations, unless a crisis happened. Pioneered by such companies as Procter & Gamble during the 1930s, the older, advertising-centric model of branding focused on the product, using advertisements to associate a particular branded good with quality or some other positive cultural value. The amount of money spent on traditional media channels has declined as more and more readers have turned to favor online and social media news sources. Media relations is the first thing that comes to mind when many people think of PR: public announcements about company news, talking to reporters, and articles about new developments at a company. The groups working against smoking were not familiar with media relations, making it harder for journalists to quote them and use their arguments. Rice futures went up and up out of fear that people were stockpiling rice. (Public relations View the full answer Transcribed image text: all AT&T 2:49 4 Exit 1 Which is an accurate statement about public relations? ATL and BTL advertising can work hand in hand. Here are three other ways to differentiate the two: 1. a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news 120 Wall Street, 21st Fl. To counter the bad press, the company launched a series of commercials featuring top Toyota executives, urging the public to keep their faith in the brand (Bernstein, 2010). There are sections on content marketing and other forms of persuasion. Sponsorship is often used as part of a public relations campaign. You do not legally have to tell journalists everything that has happened (depending on the circumstances and whether your institution is funded by taxpayers), but if journalists discover a negative impact that you failed to disclose, they will wonder what else you are hiding, and they may give your critics and detractors extra consideration and attention. D) Public relations is a strategy to . The result of this campaign was the popularization of diamonds as one of the necessary aspects of a marriage proposal (Reid, 2006). It is about earning free news and social media coverage, but perhaps most importantly it is about managing crises so that people are not given a reasonnot to buy your products. More will be added as experience with the Code occurs. There are two other advertising concepts or theories that this text aims to introduce: the basic rule of seven and the third-person effect. Disclose promptly any existing or potential conflict of interest to affected clients or organizations. Organizations attempt to persuade an audience to take a certain point of view. It relates in many ways to the superbug media concept from previous chapters, and it is growing in popularity as people and companies develop new and better ways of avoiding advertising. The brand may need to establish itself with an awareness campaign. Professional communicators tailor messages in relation to the advertising funnel or purchase funnel, as shown in the image on the left. For most of the 20th century, the shorthand definition of PR was that it was like advertising only instead of paying a media outlet to run a message, you sent the message out to journalists and other gatekeepers (see Chapter 7) in the hopes that they would share the information as news. One of the first professional PR experts, Bernays made the two-way asymmetric model his early hallmark. A. The question is whether they are buying it up because they are unduly influenced by messages in the mass media, or they are responding out of fear of how other people will behave. A companyis a business entitythat produces several types of product, whereas a brandis a term used to label a specific product or a limited family of products. All of the answers listed are correct It includes the use of speeches, corporate websites, and special event sponsorships It is usually more expensive and less cost-effective than traditional advertising. It is the audience-building aspect of advertising. Tobacco company Philip Morris started underwriting cultural institutions and causes as diverse as the Joffrey Ballet, the Smithsonian, environmental awareness, and health concerns. During the tactics phase, the PR group decides on the means to implement the strategies they formulated during the strategy phase. This section describes a few notable PR campaigns over the years. Despite the cynical outlook of many Americans regarding commercial claims, the notion that Apple is a symbol of individualism has been adopted with very little irony. Events such as the 1994 Saturn homecoming sought to encourage this sense of belonging. Professionals and academics examine and manipulate all four components to isolate which changes correlate with which behavioral effects. He was concerned about another World War starting between the United States and China. A member representing a ski manufacturer gives a pair of expensive racing skis to a sports magazine columnist, to influence the columnist to write favorable articles about the product. These chats aimed to justify many New Deal policies, and they helped the president bypass the press and speak directly to the people. Consumers who have been so successfully persuaded to purchase and enjoy a product that they try to persuade others to buy it too extend the reach of advertising potentially exponentially. PR is how brands manage the spread of their information, so it's similar to branding. The campaign began by giving diamonds to famous movie stars, using their built-in publicity networks to promote De Beers. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to an audience through topics of public interest and news items. A PR group generally handles all aspects of an organizations or individuals media presence, including company publications and press releases. This model has held up in the years since its development and is a good introduction to PR concepts (Grunig & Hunt, 1984). Parts of this chapter remixed from Curation and Revision provided by: is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. PRSA is committed to ethical practices. Commercial ventures also rely on this model. . This has happened as recently as 2008. The public information model moves away from the manipulative tactics used in the press agent model and presents more accurate information. Advertising professionals will often argue that the best branding helps define and redefine the product over time so that the product only exists in consumers minds as advertising has described it, but marketing gets into the business of deciding what products to make, how to promote them, whom to market them to and when to stop making them. conference. Historically, PR depended on other media platforms such as TV, newspapers and magazines to promote its content. Many brands use this form of marketing to engage consumers on a deep level and to offer information and emotion that might not be present in other forms of advertising. P. T. Barnum was an early American practitioner of this kind of PR. The advertising rule of seven is a rule of thumb, or what social scientists call a heuristic, which suggests that people need to see an advertisement seven times before they act on it. The PR campaign of the Body Shop made it one of the great success stories of the early 1990s, but the unfounded nature of its PR claims undermined its image dramatically. It is important to map out potential negative scenarios and have a PR plan for each one. Besides the conflict during crisis situations between journalists and PR professionals, there are PR battles that go on between competing brands and between non-profits, corporations and government officials all the time. Advertising is a relatively straightforward process, right? Advertising influences brand and product awareness in individuals and in groups. Source: James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing Public Relations (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1984). While it is true that PR often tries to put a good face on companies with all manner of reputations and harmful business practices, it also serves charities, governmental services and small local businesses. These public conversations often take place through mass media and social media, which is why public relations professionals need to understand how to work with and write effective messages for the media. One of the more infamous examples of their campaign was a heavily reported account by a Kuwaiti girl testifying that Iraqi troops had dumped babies out of incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals. Work 37.5 hours per week and commit to a minimum of 375 hours for the duration of the internship. Regardless of its purpose, a typical campaign often involves four phases. B. Core Principle Client trust requires appropriate protection of confidential and private information. If Nike introduces a new Air Jordan, the branding is easily handled. This is not to say that BTL messages are crafted one at a time for individual consumers. The model is particularly popular in advertising and consumer marketing, fields that are specifically interested in increasing an organizations profits. Engaging in social media arguments is almost never productive for a brand, unless you have Wendys level of Twitter clapback. This renaming helped New York City eliminate tons of sewage by shipping it to states that allowed biosolids (Stauber & Rampton, 1995). Public relations focuses on image, whereas advertising focuses on sales b. Sometimes it helps us to understand an element of mass media if we discuss when it all goes wrong. Some highlights are referenced here. The campaign conducted interviews with consumers, giving them an opportunity to air their grievances and publicize energy policy issues. questions. This branding model seeks to associate a company with specific personal and cultural values that hold meaning for consumers. Advertising is synonymous with public relations. Acknowledge that there is an obligation to protect and enhance the profession. For example, PepsiCo owns the Pepsi brand but also Frito Lay, Gatorade and Quaker, among others. Under the Pepsi brand, there are several products such as Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Wild Cherry and many other variations around the world. tool. This personal application is perhaps the greatest evidence of the impact of advertising and PR on modern culture. The first step of the campaign Hill & Knowlton devised was the creation of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) to promote studies that questioned the health effects of tobacco use. Now, there are ad agencies of all sizes, and even very large agencies might do BTL marketing. Employing a combination of activities, designed to sell a product, service, or idea, including advertising, collateral materials, publicity, promotions, direct mail, trade shows, and special events. The state of Louisiana undertook all rescue and clean-up operations in New Orleans. Corporations, conveniently, grew large enough to have massive budgets to spend on advertising. We serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those we represent. Common PR activities include speaking at conferences, seeking industry awards, working with the press, communicating with employees, and sending out press releases. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a full-time accredited public or private College/University pursuing a degree in Communications, Public Relations and/or Media. Mass audiences may be in decline but entities who know how to build mass networks of users and how to successfully, if not always ethically, use their information are only starting to show their power. S-M-C-R assumes that the sender comes first and the receiver comes last. It involves developing consistent messages and content of uses that are so compelling people will come to the brand to experience them. PR pros often work with journalists to cover negative stories with clarity and honesty rather than trying to hide the facts about a crisis. They launched a PR campaign to change the image of diamonds from a luxury good into an accessible and essential aspect of American life. Encourage clients and customers to determine if a conflict exists after notifying all affected parties. Furthermore, the goal is to disseminate communication based on the two- way symmetrical model presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984). Marketing professionals worry about all four and consider advertising as just one part of the promotion category.