Use this code for organizations that clearly provide social science research services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Environment major group area. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Housing, Shelter major group area. Organizations that provide preventive, diagnostic and treatment services that focus on a particular mental health disorder. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Education major group area. Organizations that provide preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for animals that have illnesses, injuries or emotional problems; and which put to sleep animals that are aged or in severe pain because of untreatable health problems. United Way and community chests or funds, the United Jewish Appeal and other religious appeals are examples of federated giving programs. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Medical Research major group area. NTEE code, primary X00: Religion: General Parent/child status Child within group exemption. Organizations that protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations. Organizations that provide or coordinate a wide variety of programs and services that are needed by and of interest to this population. Services can include pregnancy testing and physician exams with ultrasound, counseling on pregnancy-related issues, information on STDs, healthcare & community referrals, and help with material goods such as maternity and baby items. Organizations that conduct research in the field of engineering in which mathematical and scientific principles are applied to solve a wide variety of practical problems in industry, social organization, public works and commerce. Use this code for Roman Catholic churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs. Organizations that provide educational services including special placement and individualized programming, instruction and support services for children and youth who are gifted or have disabilities and require appropriately modified curricula, teaching methodologies and instructional materials in order to learn. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Animal-Related major group area. Organizations that provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the International, Foreign Affairs and National Security major group area. Organizations that provide or coordinate a wide variety of programs and services that are structured to meet the social, educational, economic, recreational and other needs of specific ethnic and/or immigrant groups in ways that are culturally appropriate. Organizations that are concerned with the effective functioning of government including the administration of public agencies and the actions and decisions of public officials. (Organizations that present the productions of others should be classified as presenters. Use this code for organizations that clearly provide youth development services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Use this code for organizations that clearly provide education services where the major purpose is unclear cannot be accurately assigned. Private foundations are considered family foundations if relatives or the original donor are still active on the board of trustees or in the operation of the foundation. This code is used primarily for organizations exempt from federal taxes under 501(c)(18) of the Internal Revenue Code. Use this code for organizations other than family planning centers that offer reproductive health services. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Grantmaking Foundations major group area. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Mental Health, Crisis Intervention major group area. The code can be found on the IRS website, under the section " Exempt Organizations ." NTEE codes are three-digit codes that specify a non- exempt organization 's purpose. Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy N.E.C. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Housing & Shelter major group area. This code is used primarily for organizations exempt from federal taxes under 501(c)(22) of the Internal 279 Revenue Code. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures. Recreational centers usually offer an organized program of activities for community residents and provide all necessary equipment. Organizations that develop and maintain educational exhibits that are structured for the size, interests and intellectual capacity of young children. Public Finance, Taxation & Monetary Policy. Organizations that utilize a variety of techniques to help people who wish to control their dependence on nicotine and give up substances containing nicotine. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Community Improvement, Capacity Building major group area. Meet the requirements in its own country. Use this code for organizations that focus on a wide variety of nerve, muscle and bone diseases or those not specified below. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Environment major group area. Organizations (also known as nutrition sites or senior nutrition programs) that provide hot meals on a regular basis, usually for elderly individuals but also for disabled adults or other target populations. Organizations that develop, rehabilitate, manage and/or provide rental housing that is available to people who qualify on the basis of income, age or disability for publicly subsidized housing e.g., HUD housing or housing assistance under Section 8 of the Housing and Urban Development Act. Organizations that house collections of living animals, birds, reptiles, living aquatic plants and animals including fish, shellfish, and shore birds, insects and other wildlife for the purpose of study and public viewing. Use this code for types of museums not specified below. Organizations that conduct research in the area of social science that involves the systematic study of the human aging process and aged human populations using the knowledge and methodologies of the social sciences, psychology and the biological health sciences. The purpose of the organization is to develop leadership skills and good citizenship practices in youngsters who are interested in service to others. \[Many of these are 501(c)(7) organizations.\]. (rev. The related medical specialty is rheumatology, a subspecialty of internal medicine, though rheumatology is broader and covers more conditions than arthritis. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions that affect the nerves, muscles or bones. International Health Development (Draft Code - not for internal IRS use). Organizations that provide temporary shelter for women who have experienced domestic violence and for their children. The standards affect the design and construction of the building and plumbing and mechanical elements as well. Community Improvement & Capacity Building. The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system is used by the IRS and NCCS to classify nonprofit organizations. Organizations that develop and maintain educational exhibits which illustrate principles from mathematics and the physical sciences. Organizations that provide classes for people who want to develop a basic understanding and control of their pets \[These are typically section 501(c)(7) exempt organizations\]. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures. This code is used primarily for organizations exempt from federal taxes under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For example, an organization that is coded C27 will come up when someone searches on the keyword "recycling." Organizations that provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief major group area. Organizations that promote, produce or provide access to a variety of arts experiences encompassing the visual, media or performing arts. transom definition architecture; celebrities covering taylor swift. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Arts, Culture, and Humanities major group area. 11 Can a church file a 1023-EZ? 12/04). Equivalent to a corporate tax return for nonprofits, IRS Form 990 must be filed annually by all 501 (c) (3) organizations. Use this code for organizations that provide both substance abuse prevention and treatment services. Voluntary health organizations active in the prevention or treatment of diseases or conditions that affect the nerves, muscles or bones. Also included are smoking education/prevention programs that help persuade people to avoid the habit before they start. Use this code for organizations that broadly address civil rights and advocacy issues or which focus on populations not specified below. Organizations that provide a temporary place to stay for people who have no permanent housing. Organizations whose primary activity is the production of concerts including barbershop singing groups, glee clubs/choir groups, childrens choirs and other singing ensembles. The recognizing date of the exempt status is June, 1995. Select Classification from the options on the left side of the screen and then select Find an Organization's NTEE Code from the Code Lookup menu on the left. Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to develop individual and group initiative and responsibility, self-reliance, courage, personal fitness, discipline and other desirable qualities of character through participation in a wide range of organized recreational, educational and civic activities under the leadership of qualified adult volunteers. Includes university presses. Organizations that provide food, clothing, household goods, cash and other forms of short-term emergency assistance for indigent individuals and families who have insufficient resources to meet their basic needs. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy major group area. Residential options exclusively for older adults who want to have a simpler, maintenance-free lifestyle and enjoy the company of peers with common interests, or who require a moderate amount of support in the activities of daily living to maintain independent living. Organizations that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble. Name. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Science and Technology Research Institutes, Services major group area. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief major group area. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Medical Research major group area. Organizations that represent physicians who have advanced training in the medical specialty which provides comprehensive medical management including preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or injuries that affect the central, peripheral or autonomic nervous systems including the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, spinal nerves and other related structures. Included are conservation of the nations forests, rangeland, vegetation, deserts, wild and scenic rivers and other wilderness areas and open land spaces; and reestablishment of areas that have been devastated by destructive activities such as strip mining or other destructive activities. X20: Christian. 9/2005). Organizations that provide a wide variety of informational, social and supportive services for children and youth including runaways and other troubled youth. Organizations that provide mediation services which help individuals who are having a dispute discuss the situation and reach an agreement without resorting to litigation. Use this code for all adult, child matching programs other than Big Brothers or Big Sisters. Use this code for organizations that provide residential, custodial care, but the specific nature of the facility is unclear, or which have multiple facilities which fall into more than one category below. Organizations whose primary purpose is promote world trade and strengthen international trade and investment position of the US, states and localities. Preschool, elementary and secondary schools that provide a formal education for children and adolescents in kindergarten or first grade through grade twelve. Source: NCCS 501(c)(3) IRS Business Master FIle 2016, National Center for Charitable Statistics, National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Codes. Schools run independently of the traditional public school system but receiving public funding and operating by a charter. Enter the Federal ID number (or name and state) and hit Submit. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures. Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of patients. Organizations that provide job training and employment experiences for individuals with disabilities, people who have been disabled by use of drugs or alcohol or people with emotional difficulties, with the objective of helping them to become economically self-sufficient. - This code is used if the organization is a parent (group ruling) and is not a church or 501(c)(1) organization. Also included are work activity centers which provide personal and social development opportunities for participants who have demonstrated inconsequential production capacity. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Medical Research major group area. Three-character NTEE codes are used to describe an organization's goals and objectives. Later, choose the NTEE code that best represents your company from the list provided. Coaching, access to a swimming pool or other facilities, sports equipment, and officials for competitions are generally included. Organizations whose primary activity is the production of plays. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Education major group area. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Crime & Legal-Related major group area. Organizations that focus broadly on scientific research and inquiry or which engage in interdisciplinary science activities. Organizations that foster, nurture and sustain artistic excellence and create a climate in which the arts and humanities may flourish in a community. Use this code for Planned Parenthood organizations. Organizations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Employment, Job Related major group area. Independent Housing for People with Disabilities. This performance contract details the schools mission, program, goals, students served, method of assessment, and ways to measure success. Organizations that sponsor activities which celebrate, memorialize and sometimes recreate important events in history such as battles, treaties, speeches, centennials, independence days, catastrophes that had an important impact or other similar occasions. Organizations that serve the interests of the community as a whole and provide services which meet the needs of people who own or rent apartments, condominiums, townhomes, mobile home parks or other housing complexes who are their members. Organizations that support the passage of legislation and other social measures that protect or extend the rights of individuals to conduct their lives according to the precepts of their faith. Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Mental Health, Crisis Intervention major group area. Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of children and youth. Eric Rapaglia offered some word about meatless Fridays in his Pastor's Bulletin at St. Joseph-St. Thomas-St. John Neumann Church. Learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Housing, Shelter major group area. Organizations that provide medical, educational and counseling services which relate to the conception, delivery and care of offspring. Organizations that provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the Education major group area. Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions that involve hypersensitivity to substances that do not normally cause a reaction. "We lost a man . Separately incorporated, local Volunteers of America sites. NTEE Code Description Definition A Arts, Culture & Humanities Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to promote appreciation for and enjoyment and understanding of the visual, performing, folk, and media arts; the humanities (archaeology, art history, modern and classical languages, philosophy, ethics, theology, and comparative religion); history and historical events; and/or . Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy major group area. Included are organizations that focus on an art form in a specific medium such as stained glass or textiles. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief major group area. Organizations that conduct research in mathematics, the science which addresses quantities, magnitudes, forms and their relationships using symbolic logic and language. Separately incorporated postsecondary educational institutions provide opportunities for people who have completed their undergraduate education to receive advanced, postgraduate training in a professional field leading to a masters degree or doctorate. Historical Societies & Historic Preservation. Use this code for organizations whose research focuses on a wide variety of forms of cancer. Organizations that provide supportive services for crime victims which may include crisis counseling, medical services, escort services, transportation, child care, financial assistance, protective services, information about the mechanics of court proceedings, assistance with forms to file for reimbursement of crime-related expenses or losses, and/or advice and guidance concerning court appearances. Published Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:24 am. Organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Human Services - Multipurpose and Other major group area. Organizations that provide diagnostic testing and/or individual or group instruction for people who are having reading difficulties. Organizations whose members are business and professional men and/or women or other individuals who have a common interest in improving the life of the community, which conduct fund-raising events to finance community service projects. Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of women. Organizations existing as a fund-raising entity for a single institution within the International, Foreign Affairs & National Security major group area. Organizations that raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Grantmaking Foundations major group area. Use this code for organizations that provide multiple supportive services or for supportive services specified below. Organizations that provide opportunities for people to learn and become competitive in tennis, badminton, racquet ball, squash, table tennis and other racquet sports. Governmental organizations that provide for the payment of life, sick, accident, or other benefits to the voluntary members of associations or their dependents or designated beneficiaries. Organizations that provide services for the mutual aid and benefit of their members; that ordinarily have a lodge system whereby activities are carried out under a form of organization that comprises local branches, chartered by a parent organization and largely self-governing, and that make provision for the payment of death benefits, and for benefits in case of accident, sickness, or old age. Organizations that provide a therapeutic living environment in community-based facilities for adults or children with emotional and/or behavioral problems who require a structured, supervised treatment program which may include individual, group, family and other treatment modalities as appropriate. Organizations that conduct research in the area of social science that involves the systematic study of human beings, their antecedents and related primates, and their cultural behavior and institutions in comparative perspective (anthropology); and/or the study of social institutions and social relationships (sociology). Consultation, training, and other forms of management assistance services to nonprofit groups within the Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other major group area. Organizations with religious affiliations that are engaged in television productions and broadcasts which have religious content. Organizations whose primary purpose is to educate individuals, provide financial support for educational institutions and other forms of material support for students and institutions in countries outside the United States. Use this code for organizations that clearly provide services relating to public affairs or society benefit where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Organizations that administer tests which measure the skills, abilities and interests of job seekers and help them make appropriate decisions regarding an occupational field or position.