I have a Galaxy J3 . Yes it was in small text somewhere.. Oh well). Downside is that you would have to run it to your windows machine so you canadjust (mangle) the ttl but then you can also use ice to share it from there. Any gammer will know that thats way to much for pvp. honestly if your rooted with a recovery installed i would just backup your rom and install a custom one, that should work out of the box with just the ttl edit and it it doesnt work you can just restore the back up, its hard to know whats been done with the default rom that marks the data. Umm. If I tether directly to the computer, and activate the vpn, I am not throttled, but if I dont use the vpn, then I am throttled. Also not sure how to sideload. For me No VPN most of the time. O. Ozzmodiar Guest. by gscheb Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:34 pm, Post OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation My settings of the above worked great until October of this year. Thanks for this blog post and commenters. Hello bumma- all u have to do is download PdaNet to use your phone to power up your laptop, I have a tx3 pro box and its eating up My tethering data and I dont want itbto..help, Great thread! For anyone else searching: iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING 1 -j TTL --ttl-set 65. As I cant think of a way to delete them off of a caged phone, the only thing I can think of is to overwrite it THEN currupt the Sig because your current bundle will then be gone, due to being over written. I really want to limit my learning curve here, as in, Im not ready to study up on Linux. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/dd-wrt-openvpn. Not theory Been doing this for many years. @ Alex (Sorry, I missed your response earlier). Honestly though since you have a nexus device, i would recommend rooting and useing teather router(playstore) sonce that would allow teather bypassing on any device, but you have to be comfortable with doing so, its a better long-term solution though. 117 is sometimes a working TTL for Verizon. I have vpn on my desktop but it makes its slower. This has been a life saver for me, as I'm on the road traveling with my camper for the rest of the week. Please help Change TTl on Openwrt in GL-MT3000, Curl not working on 4G repeater but work on Ethernet, (Noob)How to ssh and change ttl in GL-AR750, GL-AP1300 Disconnects Often + Other questions. Hopes that setup going?? Am I missing some setting in the router? There are a few issues with that line. Fastboot requires unlocking, flashmode doesn't. The only modification in the copied firewall command was changing the TTL to 66 Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. (41 in hex = 65 in dec) https: . somewhere in /sys or /proc I assume. The reason for Ubuntu sever isnt just to mangle the strings. I made a test again on my Windows 10 Enterprise machine and ping this machine. No way that a phone can process as much, cleanly and as fast, as a proper built sever. Any help? I turn off the VPN and the Router begins working again. hey, can go go into more detail on pfsense box. I have tried postrout and prerout and that didnt work. Then I found a guy on youtube who showed how easytether pro (8bucks paid app) is very solid and rarely disconnects when tethered usb to a pc. Settings Database Editor app is the best for doing the 2 Android hacks without the need to root. Im on a sprint unlimited LTE plan with 10 gig hotspot .Im wondering if I can bluetooth tether to my desktop pc and hide it . Tmob says thank you (normal) The TTL value is set by a system default value which is an 8-bit . OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Be sure to click MORE and choose 4G for your network. For my set up I have to do 2 things for it to work on T-Mobile unlimited. . Any help is appreciated. All hack settings are still intact. You're going to be entering a command to change your TTL. No nothing on the phone needs to be done, so long as you can turn on the wifi hotspot. Have you tried just renaming the tmobile one to the metro one?? I also have 3 sims currently (3 lines) for use with wifi (split the data between them, as I often hit 300gb). I had tried to tell him, in one of my known and attested failures at diplomacy, to just shut up.). Backblaze is the solution I use and recommend. 3. change settings put global tether_dun_required 0(may not needed anymore) 4. use a ttl editor to change value from 64 to 65, or use iptable command to do it. No warnings, no speed cuts. As an alternative test scenario, have you tried the USB tether phone into Windows 7 (connected to the router)? Using my mobile hotspot, so far I have binge watched on Hulu, and downloaded a bunch of things on various devices just to make sure I'm not missing something. You changed the system TTL already via sysctl, why are you trying to mangle it in the firewall now? It isnt required but it is good housekeeping and could avoid issues depending on other rules established. And all those 3 methods. Correct. also the only reason to use a ubuntu server(this can be any pc/laptop, its just acting as a server) is its easier to edit the data coming through, you dont need to know anything other then how to enter a string of text into a terminal, or at worst use vi/vim to edit a file so the config is saved permanently if you dont want to re enter it ever time the computer is rebooted, it 10-30mins of research max. Even if youre streaming with the new h.265 codecwhich cuts the bit rate by about half, but still hasnt found its way into many consumer productsyoure still looking at 7GB/hour. My data gets cut off totally if I use to much, normally after I use about 30gb. it is just a guess. Hope this helps, good luck! I guess i just dont understand why the dun method was working for the s7 but not the note 8.. i have the TTL set. I have an iPhone on the T-Mobile One plan. But I finally got it correctly installed (no idea how) and my USB tether is giving me full high speed data. We just have to find something to edit the bundle with before you push it, like the guy in the post did. I did some magic, and now my sierra wireless has an Ipad IMEI and also changed the TTL to 90, this seems to work pretty well too. At home on the same tower, no issues so far. C:\Users\12345nanananana>adb shell Well, this didnt work, is there something I need to do with the phone, other then tether? while Android has one of 64, if you change the TTL for windows to 65 when it gets to the phone the TTL will go down by one makeing it equal 64 the same as the phone. As for the question about why an encrypted tunnel or VPN works is not because it hides the amount of data but what the data is. Jay, I did the method 1, got no errors but Im still being throttled using hotspot. Ive got a Linksys 54G w/ DD-WRT installed lying around but wouldnt you recommend a newer router for all the fancy MIMO features? From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key: I was under the impression that android tethers cannot occur within the VPN tunnel. All the one i have dont so i had to change the firmware, i use advanced tomato specifically, ddwrt is good too, Update: I even tried PDAnet with Hide tethering option enabled, it STILL didnt work T-mobile must have changed the way they detect usage. Either way Ill see if I can find a way to pull mine off, doubtful, or make another one, first chance. Right on what's the no cap no throttle unlimited run you a mo? From the ISP's perspective, the number of hops is as expected. Buy an Android phone? I hook to PC with the USB tether and mods I tried to make run the hotspot off PC and it works i get 20-30mbs with data so hotspot I believe is the same I never had issues I'll start testing more if anyway I can help I will, most changes I make with a file manager resets every reboot so I used terminal to change everything so it doesn't revert T-Mobiles paid hotspot gets 5-15mbs on 6t with hotspot paid for I have 7pro I use to try this with so I know speed I need, they say that but I've used 100gb and had no issues I have the international one plan. We also watch Netflix via our Smart T.V., which is also via Wi-Fi hotspot. Note: If you find PdaNet isnt working, or T-Mobile is severely throttling your connection, installing a custom Android ROM as Cyanogenmod can help. How about sharing the connection through a RaspberyPi-type of device, if youre concerned about energy consumption? None worked. Honestly I would avoid this unless all other means fail or you really need stuff like VoLTE (VoLTE might actually be included in the newer unknown bundles but I doubt it as I cant fathom a way to add the settings without editing the bundle) or any features that may require the actual current bundle. Do i put a space since it might get corrupted if I dont? No one interupteh my stock tradeh! https://highonandroid.com/android-an-rooted-android-att-t-mobile-sprint-verizon/, https://highonandroid.com/android-aandroid-smartphone-or-tablet-universal-guide/, https://www.groovypost.com/howto/hide-data-usage-get-truly-unlimited-tethering-tmobile-one/, https://social.technet.microsoft.coo-live-ttl-in-windows?forum=w7itpronetworking, https://github.com/RiFi2k/unlimited-tethering, Step by Step guides on rooting / un-rooting the T-mobile LG V10 for MM 6.0, [How To] [mod] [root] WiFi fix for slow / intermittent connection, Flash Xiaomi Qin F22 pro (stock firmware with Google Play , with and without ROOT), [ROM][UNOFFICIAL][13] LineageOS 20.0 for LG V30 (joan/h932), LG V30 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Developm, Optimized LineageOS19.1 v8.3 [28Feb/2023], Galaxy S 4 i9505 Original Android Development. This will cause the signing to become invalid and because it will be on a no. Mobile phones use a TTL of 65, and it's ond of the ways carriers know you're using cellular or hotspot. Whos build did you use?? Not USB to the router. Are you saying you don't know how to use the editor on the command line? I can use pdanet, it works fine at masking.. but I would much rather just be able to flip a switch on my phone and go about tethering wirelessly. The default TTL value on the 4G router is 64. 3. first step is to figure out why it wont except your bundle. [b]Virtual Wireless Access Point[/b] Im really guessing on the numbers because its been a minute and all of my phones say 100.x.x now so I dont risk a higher version over writing it. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Iptables#Modifying_the_TTL. Otherwise incoming wont properly work (usually no big deal) and your out going ttl would be off. PS: Ive currently exceeded the first 4GB, Wouldnt they still see all the traffic because they view it AFTER the tunnel?? and our Hey so I applied your ttl cmd prompt for 65 and have a rooted note 5 custom rom. Then go back to the CUSTOM TTL SETTINGS and DISABLE and SAVE & APPLY. For those worried about (as you rightfully should be) the best way to do it is to use the plan thats supposed to only allow up to 480p (it actually allows above but scales it back to around 1080p). Anyone out there struggling just d/load == PDA NET and EASY TETHER and you are well on your way. I wifi hotspot my phone. If I just set the TTL to "65" on my Laptop and connect my shield to my laptop, the Shield will have a TTL of "66" and it'll be used as hotspot data which is throttled. You are using an out of date browser. Please just make a new thread. Also, nothing has to be done with the phone first? I Tried sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=65. For the Win 10 computer I made the registry edit post by JcWarez in this thread. T-Mobile Ones unlimited data plan isnt quite as unlimited as advertisedespecially when it comes to tethering. # Then change all of the TTL values to what you need and then delete the #s at their lines beginning. I dont know what you guys are using and I dont have/use a router, nor do I have time to mess with that kind of complicated stuff. For my system to work, I do the combination of ALL 3 T-Mobile doesnt specify how slow its going to be after 26GB, but from my testing with previous T-Mobile data caps, its looking like less than 512kbps. Only deprioritization. I don't all that much care about the speed(although wtf, I paid for what I paid. As for wonders never ceasing somebody, if you would be so kind, please do inform the author of my appreciation for this advice. The TTL parameter is controlled by /etc/sysctl.conf.. Keys to speed, I make sure I have a good signal and even bought a cell signal booster for 99bucks on ebay and it helps a lot to get a solid signal. So this method is pretty straight forward and doesn't require root. I'm attempting to use a phone as WAN and bypass the carrier tethering limit. This caused it to revert like we wanted. The TTLstands for time to live it is a counter on the data you send for its maximum hop count, or the number of devices it can travel through, for ever device it goes down by one, windows has a default TTL of 128, while Android has one of 64, if you change the TTL for windows to 65 when it gets to the phone the TTL will go down by one makeing it equal 64 the same as the phone. After rebooting, if I login to PIA, it will show You are protected by PIA. So a regular one-hour episode of something debiting less than 5GB from your allotment is no big deal. Things seem to be working OK, though, we only notice slowdowns when using it as a hotspot to watch Netflix on the TV. 3. It could do SOME tasks via the usb, including all filetransfer & charging. at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:697) Ive been reading the news and how theyre planning on dropping Internet privacy laws, so now would certainly be a good time to get started with that. Some people might not need to use a VPN if they are just going from their phone to one device (without an extra hop). Is this intentional? So I feel that if you set it to 67 then you could use it indirectly with your rig like you started trying to do. I havent had a need to side load one but like twice before I could get a jailbreak. Its honestly easier to run command prompt as admin and run netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65(no quotation marks) and thwn reboot, it doesnt work without a reboot. Fair enough. As in your example - it works only when you ping localhost (in my case IP of localhost is and is router address): C:\Windows\system32>systeminfo | findstr /R /C:"OS " It only works great when I'm at home. In this next example TTL stands for whatever your native (unknown to me) ttl is, INC equals increase, And = sets/changes the value to whatever number follows after it. Mike, perhaps youre teathered via USB and WIFI hotspot simultaneously? Even the static IP advice is wrong. However, most sites use a default TTL of 3600 (one hour). Honestly Id go the unknown bundle route and if I didnt like it Id worry about side loading your apps. Just did what Jay n others explained on this thread. Does the ttl method on router or laptop, adding dun, vpn, still working as of December 2018? Actually I just gave it another try and so far from what I can tell i got it working! The phones data is still fast. My internet access situation is much the same as Austins. USB tether to Win 7 pro laptop, share the USB connection to your LAN. As long as you have a hotspot limit and not a 4g/lte limit then it shouldnt be too late. I tried to use a router from the desktop to share over WiFi, with a Network Bridge, but it kind of broke PDANet. Navigate. Ac does good but I bought a 800 router 3 yeaRs ago with it and a book or a few sheets of paper would deflect the sign but you can get 80 wide with proper multi ac. for some reason still not working on Linux for me. Download Root Explorer from Google Play Market Put your device in airplane mode. The fine print will be what makes or breaks you. What can I do differently? they tell you how to do that with a router. Well, I solved the issue of being masked, but now Im throttled while on the VPN connection. Please list all the steps. Trying to get this set up for my parents as they have no other internet options. Some people on xda said with a vpn you can. Or of highspeed data? And at least so far. that happened after the last update. Even using your suggestion, Im still getting throttled in Windows. Zach I can offer my input on Question #2 although it wont be a complete answer. honestly your options depend on your phone. The app only works if the kernel supports this parameter. I have done NO MODS AT ALL to phone. I swear, I tried to help you guys but you guys just do t get how your methods are screwing the network and even more so your selfs. Or should the number NOT be rising on my device at all? I also setup their desktop application on my Windows 7 computer connected by USB tether to the phone. That are still tracking but it only flags yellow for certain sites. With iOS if you can get it jailbroken you are set. Im using a QLED now with no screen lag and hard wired. I will help you though. @Mildew I did a manual update of the driver. I'm not sure how to change the apn setting you mentioned. Ive downloaded pdanet+, and select hide tethering, but when I connect to my PS4 and check on data usage its still showing as increasing. Edited the apn then sent it to my puter and pushed it. Here in Hernando beach everybody is throttled. at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider.mutateGlobalSetting(U Honestly though an old top with zantyal seems to be the best. Your VPN University link gushes about connecting a 4G phone directly to the USB port of a DD-WRT router. plugged in the phone. This is in part because, on many phones, T-Mobile has pre-installed network monitoring software designed to detect extracurricular data use. However, cant change APN settings. Always smart to test other options. Since hex is base 16 65 would be 101 not 65, the remedy would be to use either a decimal value(65) or enter the correct hex value that would equal 65(or 41 in hex), I beg the pardon of yall. Any new ideas. Its because the 28.3 is still on the phone so when it ignores 28.4 it finds 28.3. Tried several different things, user agent strings, etc. at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider.enforceWritePermissio Cheers guys, Your email address will not be published. Why did everything but specific flashmode was working I've no clue. If you must use a standard router I recremend the r7000 Netgear. and if your going to use wifi tether router the settings depend on the phone, that app while it works good for some phones requires different setting for each device, but ive had some phones that i couldnt get working at all with it. I have a rt-n56u and Ive tried to enter net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 65 via telnet, but Ive been unable to see the expected results. First, make sure your firewall is enabled as we need it for firewall commands. I tried easytether pro and got slightly faster speeds and the big difference for me was that it almost never disconnects. Were all hoping you have better luck. I would like to make it simple.