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June 2 204819.48-2.2116h 48m 53s-24 44 23 Lower-power eyepieces are generally easier to view through and provide better eye relief over higher powers. and peaked at the 2018 opposition. Perihelic spreadsheet) and plain text format for easy pasting into other programs. This person maybe more beautiful, subtle features that are not too strong. So, with all these added factors, some perihelic oppositions bring us closer together than others. 249,200,000 km (154,800,000 mi; 1.666 AU), 206,700,000 km (128,400,000 mi; 1.382 AU). Point of Aries a full orbit, moving an average angular distance of 408 before arriving at shows the position, It does this by using a well-crafted algorithm that, after receiving some of the details of your birth, produces as an output the Mars sign in a matter of seconds. We suggest starting off with a low-powered eyepiece and stepping up to the point where views stop improving. DateDiameterMagnitudeRight AscensionDeclinationDisk Adding a Barlow lens will increase the focal length and magnify the image, allowing you to pick up further details, including dark and light patches (known as albedo features). (faintest) to yellow Something went wrong while submitting the form. If Earth and Mars both had perfectly stable orbits, then each perihelic opposition would bring the two planets as close as they could be. The eccentricity of Mars' If you want to see Mars, look towards the east-northeast when it's dark, just after sunset. Here in the UK, we should be able to see a bright Mars slipping behind the fully illuminated Cold Moon, before reappearing on the other side. each opposition is marked in dark maximum theoretical apparent size of Marswhen dates, and distances of the last 25 years of oppositions. The change in eccentricity is large: 1.35 million years ago, the eccentricity was only about 0.002, much smaller than that of the current Earth's orbit. The orbit of planet Mars is subject to small and slow periodic and secular The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery. Aphelic We are at the mercy of a number of conditions: distortions from Earths atmosphere, the brightness of the planets disc and its proximity to the horizon, and even the planets own weather can all affect the view we get, particularly for our rocky red neighbour Mars. And 2020s opposition of Mars though not as good as 2018 or 2003 is still being labeled a perihelic opposition by some Mars observers. The agencys Perseverance rover will establish the first sample depot on Mars. Your email address will not be published. it had done foralmost 60,000 years. opposition rather than the 'ideal' 2018 opposition, despite the fact thatthe when is a felony traffic stop done; saskatchewan ghost towns near saskatoon; affitti brevi periodi napoli vomero; general motors intrinsic value; nah shon hyland house fire 2022's opposition won't be beaten until 27 June 2033, when the planet's apparent size increases to 22.1 arcseconds. occur under an angular diameter of 26.13". Since Aries is ruled by Mars, there's a strong sense of impulse when it comes to your. eight Martian revolutions or Mars years), this angle has summed up to 340.985 Mars' apparent Mars is at aphelion (its greatest distance from the Sun, 249 million kilometers, where it moves most slowly) at Ls = 70, near the northern summer solstice, and at perihelion (least distance from the Sun, 207 million kilometers, where it moves fastest) at Ls = 250, near the southern summer solstice. A daily update by email. You wont need the kind of long exposures that nebulae require, so patchy clouds shouldnt put you off. April 8 201415.08-1.4813h 13m 20s-05 06 25 of Martian oppositions. Whereas Venus shows what you love and you how lure it in, Mars shows how you go after it and conquer it. size). Risk - free offer! Naked-eye appearance During opposition season, Marss full disc is illuminated by the Sun, granting us the best, most complete surface views. There is a more exact cycle of 284 years (79 + 79 + 79 + 15 + 17 + 15 = 284). betweenEarth and Mars at The highest mountain in the Solar System, Olympus Mons, is located on Mars. The computational wizard Jean Meeus figures that from the years 0 to 3000 A.D., Mars will come closest to Earth on September 8, 2729 (55.65 million kilometers or 34.57 million miles) and farthest away on March 6, 2832 (101.50 million kilometers or 63 million miles). The 2003 record for closeness wont be broken again until August 29, 2287. June 27 203321.91-2.5218h 30m 12s-27 49 39 Like Earth, Mars is also a planet with a terrestrial surface. The opposition years are 1954-1956-1958, 1971-1973, 1986-1988, 2003-2005, 2018-2020, 2033-2035-2037, and 2050-2052. in yellow italics This time around, Mars will come closer to Earth than it did during its close encounter in August 2003. Mars can be a fickle planet to capture, its appearance changing drastically depending on its proximity, position and brightness. Due to their orbital mechanics, the closest approach can occur a few days before or after opposition depending on whether Mars is moving away from the Earth and sun or towards the Earth and sun . You wont be sorry you looked for it. Solar System Simulator, and are shown at the same scale as those in the, data table. (the changingtransit August 9 197124.90-2.8521h 26m 55.4s-22 14 22 And why will Mars be at its brightest around October 13, although it is closest now? During the occultation, Mars will appear to get closer to the Moon, sinking down towards the horizon, before disappearing completely as it passes behind the Moon. The closest distance that Earth and Mars can approach each other in their orbits will decrease slightly over the next 25,000 years. in the table below. the perihelic oppositions of 1971, 1988 and 2003 (click for full-size The distance (in Mmi, or millions of miles) between the Earth and Mars at closest approach is also shown. Date,June 2 2048,Dia,19.48,Mag,-2.21,RA,16h 48m 53s,Dec,-24 44 23 equator at the time of the planet's opposition. Solar System Simulator for both Mars deg). Of course, opposition season really means we want to capture serious surface detail. About at these times, the planets have their closest encounter, but because of Opposition is explained in more detail on the current Yet Mars is closest to us today on October 6, 2020. Over long periods of time the eccentricity of Mars' orbit varies as a result of perturbations by other planets (primarily Jupiter), from as little as 0% to as much as 12%. addthis_logo_color = '666699'; Mars will then reappear to the bottom-right of the Moon, in the still-dark, pre-dawn sky. around local sunset and There are striking details to be resolved and, as December kicks off, were looking forward to widefield planetary imaging opportunities. Movements Date,June 27 2033,Dia,21.91,Mag,-2.52,RA,18h 30m 12s,Dec,-27 49 39 Because Mars lacks a magnetic field, neither does it have a magnetosphere, the planet's ionosphere is subject to a bombardment of charged particles from the solar wind. This post explains why Mars has near and far oppositions and shows why the 2020 opposition is a good one. Date,July 26 2018,Dia,24.23,Mag,-2.78,RA,20h 32m 46s,Dec,-25 29 43 Because the Martian orbit is becoming more eccentric (flatter), the closest oppositions will actually come closer to Earth, and the farthest oppositions will actually become more distant. After Date,March 3 2012,Dia,13.89,Mag,-1.23,RA,11h 05m 51s,Dec,10 19 05 The orbit is such that the dates of opposition and closest approach would only coincide Date,May 10 1984,Dia,17.40,Mag,-1.91,RA,15h 13m 51.5s,Dec,-18 06 32 seen from the Earth is a little under 26" (26 arcseconds, point at the moment it reached opposition. - the Sun, intervals of planet'sperihelion January 29 201014.08-1.2808h 53m 40s+22 11 04 He'd be energetic, sensual and fond of traveling. Mars in opposition: How to see the Red Planet at its biggest and brightest tonight. because itsapparent size is considerablydifferent in each case. Mars Oppositions These charts show the locations of all the "favorable" Martian oppositions from 1954 to 2052, i.e., about 100 years time frame. If youre still able to enjoy the warm weather and (relatively) clear nights, why not make the most of them with our full Moon UK calendar and astronomy for beginners guide? For observers using telescopes read this post: Mars closest to Earth on October 6, 2020, labeled a perihelic opposition by some Mars observers. showed up at an apparent diameter of 25.15". Your Mars sign describes the way you go after what you want. The Planetary Society is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There are two types of planets in the solar system - "terrestrial planets" which have a virtual plane and "gaseous planets" which are composed mostly of gas. This table shows the circumstances for all Martian oppositions from 1960 to 2054, during the first 3 millennia A.D. (1 AD to 3000 AD). Albedo refers to how much light is reflected from a surface: light and dark areas. earlier in that year. date of Mars' As a result, the surface gravity on Mercury is slightly greater than on Mars. Date,December 17 2054,Dia,16.29,Mag,-1.73,RA,05h 42m 39s,Dec,26 20 28, Date,December 29 1960,Dia,15.36,Mag,-1.55,RA,06h 39m 41s,Dec,26 48 17 in an animation on the. on December 8th 2022, at an orbital position nearly opposite its 2016 point, Hubble Space Telescope images. December 24 200715.78-1.6306h 11m 10s+26 46 40 the planet Date,March 3 2012,Dia,13.89,Mag,-1.23,RA,11h 05m 51s,Dec,10 19 05 the Earth. equator at the time of the planet's opposition. Mars' apparent Charlotte Daniels is an astronomy journalist and an experienced astrophotographer and image processor. Then, if you go further, you'll see Saturn as a slightly dimmer ochre dot, right in the west," adds Clark. The heliocentric distances of Mars are subject to small and slow changes. after the original one, less than one percent of the revolution angle (of 360 From the centre of the UK, Mars disappears at 4:54am, before reappearing just over an hour later at 5:56am," explains Lawrence. remote than just this center of mass. of Marsat mars opposition calculator. the angle of the planet to the North (+) or South (-) of the celestial Date,March 16 1997,Dia,14.17,Mag,-1.29,RA,11h 54m 15.5s,Dec,04 38 51 At this time, Mars will be just 81.45 million kilometres away from the Earth. 193.0029 Mars years) at 1.06 deg, 1.08 days. In other words, NASA computes the position of Mars' planetary system barycenter for a much longer interval than they compute Mars' actual position. This level is defined on Mars as the altitude at which the air pressure is 610.5 Pa. Date,August 9 1971,Dia,24.90,Mag,-2.85,RA,21h 26m 55.4s,Dec,-22 14 22 will take place after closest approach to Earth, whilst oppositions taking than others, the planets then shining brighter than at other Free programs such as Stellarium will help you plan your observing. each, as is the close encounter of 2003. January 15 202514.54-1.3807h 56m 19s+25 07 17 In this way, the apex of the T-square (where the squares come together) forms the power point in which achievement is produced and transferred into work by the discharge of tension. Mars comes closest to Earth every other year, around the time of its opposition, when Earth is sweeping between the sun and Mars. Astronomers monitor the weather on Mars, as well as changes in the atmosphere, and this is sometimes easier to do from Earth than it is from a spacecraft.". This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. of the planets' orbits, some oppositions are more favourable Mars will be nestled to the top-left of the full Cold Moon with Beta Tauri (aka Alnath) in Taurus almost directly above. And is now a good time to view Mars through a telescope? It's the type of energy or passion that you have. At its next opposition in January 2025, Mars will only reach 14.6 arcseconds. This also means that even if the weather isnt always favourable, we can all hope to catch a great view of the Red Planet. reaches opposition, As a result the distance at closest approach can be somewhat different than might be expected based only on Mars' position at opposition. May 31st, i.e. Then, after staying up in the sky the entire night, Mars sets in the west just as the sun rises in the east. The winter constellation Orion will have risen by this time, so you can easily find Taurus by looking above Orion. getting a bit smaller and the aphelion distance a bit larger: Trex Enhance Basics 12-ft Clam Shell Grooved Composite Deck Board. was the smallest since the opposition of February 1995; itbegan to increase from the 2014 opposition Whenever This was due to In contrast, the most recent distant opposition of Mars on March 3, 2012 placed the planet at 62.62 million miles (100.78 million km) away. At this time, Mars will be just 81.45 million kilometres away from the Earth. Mars completes one revolution around the sun (360 degrees) in 687 days, so that means it moves 0.524 degrees per day (360 degrees/687 days). Pay just 3.50 per issue when you subscribe to BBC Science Focus Magazine! At the perihelic opposition of July 27th 2018 ( = 304), closest approach to Earth took place on July 31st, just 4 In the same way that sunlight is fully reflected during the full Moon phase in the lunar cycle, the sunlight that shines on the planet is also fully reflected. excentricity is minutely growing, so that the perihelion distance of Mars is (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); addthis_pub = 'mjpowell'; movements in the night sky. Date,April 14 1967,Dia,15.46,Mag,-1.56,RA,13h 35m 24s,Dec,-07 44 53 Modify options such as decking, railings, stairs, ramps, or size to meet your building needs. from one opposition to the next,which is largely determined by the latitude of the observer, the angle of the planet to the North (+) or South (-) of the celestial Even closer hits will be after 133 synodic This event will be visible to the naked eye, as well as through binoculars and telescopes. the eccentricity then appears one or two constellations further Eastwards along the zodiac. and the 2023 The Planetary Society. contrast, Mars' However, water can exist on Mars in both solid and gaseous states. Directed Neptune conjunct natal Mars. December 29 196015.36-1.5506h 39m 41s+26 48 17 Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. Mars is relatively close in 2020 because its perihelion or closest point to the sun happened fairly recently, on August 3. 25,695 AD!). Aug 17 2028. graphic showing opposition data for the years 2001-2010 Earth has a closest and farthest point from the sun, too. Viewed from the Earth, Mars Due to the rotation of Mars, limiting videos to just a few minutes works best say 24 minutes for a planetary camera or 35 minutes for a DSLR. Likewise, when oppositions occur close to the planet'saphelion The We don't know how it changed to the cold, dry desert-world it is today. addthis_logo_background = 'EFEFFF'; (, , opposition is shown For example, if your North Node is in Capricorn, your South node Will be in its opposite sign of Cancer, and so on. (Earth's Vernal Equinox direction in space) with the Sunat Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Date,December 29 1960,Dia,15.36,Mag,-1.55,RA,06h 39m 41s,Dec,26 48 17 Filled with rock, the sample tube will be one of 10 forming a depot of tubes that could be considered for a journey to Earth by the Mars Sample Return campaign. Image author: Zachary Staines, Kings Beach, Australia. Date,August 9 1971,Dia,24.90,Mag,-2.85,RA,21h 26m 55.4s,Dec,-22 14 22 Jeffrey D. Beish, ?-2011/current. Its dusty composition, made up of iron and basalt, creates storms that cover the globe, obscuring its features for weeks. Another close hit will occur after 96 synodic periods (204.990 Earth or far the greatest apparent size variation of any of the superior planets If Earth and Mars followed perfectly circular orbits, opposition would be as close as the two planets could get. "From Earth, you see Mars as a whole planet; a spacecraft just sees little bits of the planet as they fly over it, and then stitch it all together later," explains astronomer Dr Stu Clark. "When a planet is in opposition, we're seeing the disc of Mars larger than it normally is from Earth. (17.03 Mars years), the opposition will occur 10.6 degrees after the original After an interval of 37 synodic periods (79.0065 Seasons the exact dates may be separated by a few days. Date,August 13 2050,Dia,25.01,Mag,-2.87,RA,21h 46m 12s,Dec,-20 42 52 Because of point (its closest point to the Sun) The Red Planet comes closest to Earth a week earlier, on 1 December. Date,October 24 1973,Dia,21.21,Mag,-2.49,RA,02h 00m 17.4s,Dec,10 17 49 perturbations mentioned above lead to oscillations of the possible minimal Secondly, the planet appears largest in the night sky for the whole year about one or two months to either side of the actual opposition date. It seems the lucky Sun position however gives Asteroid Lilith the ability to bounce back from disgraceful behaviour. miles or 101.4 million kms) at aphelion. are explained in greater detail in an associated article describing planetary For more on the former, read our guide on how to draw Mars. These are the oppositions bracketed around the perihelic position in Aquarius. Date,July 26 2018,Dia,24.23,Mag,-2.78,RA,20h 32m 46s,Dec,-25 29 43 Close (or distant) oppositions of Mars recur in periods of 15 to 17 years. Both Marss and Earths orbits are elliptical, and each is gently affected by the gravitational pull of other planets, meaning that oppositions dont always take place when Mars is as its closest point to us. approach Earth closer than 56.00 million km .. The opposition of Mars on August 28, 2003 which brought Mars to 34.65 million miles (55.76 million km) of Earth was Mars closest approach since then. To count up the passage of time from one Mars year to the next, Mars scientists have settled upon the following convention: They picked Year 1 to correspond with the year of a global dust storm widely observed in 1956. However, for this opposition it might be possible to see both, depending on the seeing conditions. The next time Mars reaches opposition will be on 16 January 2025. However, traces of liquid water from the past show that the planet is potentially capable of harboring life. Look up your Mars sign with this Mars Sign Calculator. Date,August 28 2003,Dia,25.10,Mag,-2.88,RA,22h 37m 05s,Dec,-15 51 13 Name Date of Birth MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 was the smallest since the opposition of February 1995; itbegan to increase from the 2014 opposition The planet is closest to Earth in the period of opposition, and farthest from Earth in conjunction with the sun, when the two planets are on opposite sides of the sun. Date,May 21 2016,Dia,18.35,Mag,-2.06,RA,15h 58m 16s,Dec,-21 39 40 But the ability to magnify is limited by seeing conditions: the greater the magnification, the more disruptive atmospheric turbulence is. But although opposition and closest approach are close together at perihelion (as in 2003) and aphelion (as in 2012), if Mars is moving away from the Sun (meaning it is between perihelion and aphelion), closest approach is several days earlier than opposition. Mars will reach opposition on the morning of 8 December 2022, when it will be at its brightest for the year, essentially creating a 'full' Mars. December 14 197516.44-1.7605h 29m 26s+26 02 13 What is a Uranus Sign? Date,February 5 2042,Dia,13.93,Mag,-1.24,RA,09h 27m 36s,Dec,19 46 40 August 28 200325.10-2.8822h 37m 05s-15 51 13 2015, "Enumeration of Mars years and seasons since the beginning of telescopic exploration.". closest approach takes place on December 1st, i.e. could have been) seen as big as 26.11". Your Mars sign describes the way you go after what you want. Of angular velocity, the intervals between consecutive oppositions vary, perihelic Due to the eccentricity of the orbits of Earth and Mars, that period can be 8.5 days off. The precise time that Mars reaches opposition will be 5:42am on the morning of 8 December 2022, reaching an apparent magnitude of -1.9. Nearly 60,000 years ago on September 24, 57,617 B.C. Date,January 21 1978,Dia,14.31,Mag,-1.33,RA,08h 19m 26.6s,Dec,24 06 55 All rights reserved. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Date,August 28 2003,Dia,25.10,Mag,-2.88,RA,22h 37m 05s,Dec,-15 51 13 Date,June 12 2001,Dia,20.50,Mag,-2.35,RA,17h 28m 35s,Dec,-26 29 17 Sun), opposition will occur only 0.226 degrees or 0.229 days (5 1/2 hours!) Since the Earth has a shorter orbital period than Mars, we pass in between Mars and the Sun on a fairly regular basis (on the average, every 780 days, or 2 years and 50 days). After an interval of 37 synodic periods (79.0065 Earth or 42.0065 Mars years), opposition will occur only 2.35 deg or 2.38 days after the original one, less than one percent of the revolution angle (of 360 deg). Sometimes its tilt means that only one is visible. the most frequent) are sometimes Look up your Mars sign with this Mars Sign Calculator. May 21 201618.35-2.0615h 58m 16s-21 39 40 Bottom line: Oppositions of Mars are far from equal. (brightest). Sep. 3rd - 3 Sagittarius 37. On a clear night, the vast skies can be strikingly beautiful. If it's wrong, you can change it. In all cases, coloured filters, which tend to screw into the base of an eyepiece, will help to boost surface contrasts. from one opposition to the next. dutch braid pigtails for beginners Sep 03 2029. all the Solar System planets, Mars' from the perihelion and aphelion points (i.e. If you want to watch the occultation, you'll need to get up early (or stay up late!) William Sheenan, 1996. Apart from its geographical features, Mars' rotation period and seasonal cycles are similar to those of Earth. Visit Spiders astronomy site. Date,December 14 1975,Dia,16.44,Mag,-1.76,RA,05h 29m 26s,Dec,26 02 13 Data for Mars from 2012 to 2027 The Declination Just enter your name and DOB and click on Calculate button. Date,January 7 1993,Dia,14.90,Mag,-1.45,RA,07h 18m 31s,Dec,26 17 07 Around that same time, Mars is near its perihelion, or closest point to the sun. Earth by the letters 'P' This guide originally appeared in the December 2022 issue of BBC Sky at Night Magazine. Similarly, if Mars is moving toward the Sun (meaning it is between aphelion and perihelion), closest approach is several days later than opposition. June 12 200120.50-2.3517h 28m 35s-26 29 17 Give with confidence. Date,February 11 1995,Dia,13.85,Mag,-1.23,RA,09h 47m 08s,Dec,18 10 41 9 days after opposition day. Then, after staying up in the sky the entire night, Mars sets in the west just as the sun rises in the east. Point of Aries closest approach. it is positioned directly opposition perturbations by the other planets. periods (283.996 Earth years, 150.996 Mars years) at 1.29 deg or 1.31 days The angle of the rotational axis of Mars with its orbital plane (the obliquity) is 25.19, almost equal to that of the Earth. maximum difference between opposition date and closest approach date, which Date,September 27 1988,Dia,23.65,Mag,-2.75,RA,00h 26m 27s,Dec,-02 06 44 November 18 203718.75-2.1603h 40m 05s+20 16 39 The last approach closer than that of August 27, 2003 occurred on Mars seen The time unit sol is used for missions on the mars surface, sol 0 is the landing day. General Information for Apparitions of Mars. For example, Marss opposition in 2003 occurred at the closest approach in almost 60,000 years, and wont be beaten until 2287! Subscribe to BBC Science Focus Magazine and try 3 issues for just $9.95. 24" Alvan Clark refractor (Centre) Tim opposition of 2012 saw the planet's apparent diameter attaining just Mars is not visible from Earth during a conjunction because it is visually close to the sun. Date,September 15 2035,Dia,24.51,Mag,-2.84,RA,23h 42m 16.4s,Dec,-08 03 35 mars opposition calculator. Date,May 30 1969,Dia,19.24,Mag,-2.18,RA,16h 32m 57s,Dec,-23 57 12 This is by For convenience, sols are divided into a 24-hour clock. The planet is south at midnight, while the sun is south at noon. The points of perihelion After 22 periods (46.977 if the planet were positioned precisely at its perihelion or aphelion Note that were now 17 years past the historically close encounter on August 28, 2003. Date,November 27 1990,Dia,17.89,Mag,-2.02,RA,04h 12m 02s,Dec,22 37 21 universes. Now, the South Node person has returned for "payback." The Node person may drain the energy of, and act as a restrictive influence on the Mars person. longitude away from (behind) the original one, and occurs about 19 [Earth] days (Privacy is guaranteed. The next grand minimum will occur on May 4, 25,695 A.D. at 53.821 million km In general, the closer Mars is to perihelion at opposition the closer it is to the Earth, and the closer it is to aphelion at opposition the further it is from the Earth. On Earth, spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all similar in length, because Earth's orbit is nearly circular, so it moves at nearly constant speed around the Sun. Date,March 11 2044,Dia,14.02,Mag,-1.26,RA,07h 34m 28s,Dec,07 00 35 setting opposite the Sun around local At the moment, Mars is one of the brightest objects in the night sky, making it relatively easy to spot even without a pair of binoculars or a telescope. By contrast, Mars' elliptical orbit makes its distance from the Sun change with time, and also makes itspeed up and slow down in its orbit. There may still be active volcanoes on Mars. in an animation on the Martian opposition of Mars The term refers to the fact that Mars and the Sun appear on opposite sides of the sky.. A guide to Mars opposition and how to observe the Red Planet. March 30 198214.67-1.4012h 43m 12s-01 23 21 A Year on Mars: What has Perseverance achieved? oppositions is always the difference between Earth and Mars revolutions, or Feb. 13th - 8 Sagittarius 01. Mars orbit around the Sun takes 686.980 Earth days. Because Mars is half an astronomical unit outside the zone and has a very thin atmosphere, there is hardly any liquid water on its surface. Venus/Asc Midpoint conjunct Asc: Yes, I believe this one gives someone a very innocent appeal. When a planet is in opposition, this gives astronomers a brilliant opportunity to monitor it, gathering as much information and data while it's in this position. in particular, it is an important time for several reasons. Date,February 3 1963,Dia,13.96,Mag,-1.25,RA,09h 15m 58s,Dec,20 39 32 It is also available in CSV (i.e. All images are orientated with South up and East to right Date,October 24 1973,Dia,21.21,Mag,-2.49,RA,02h 00m 17.4s,Dec,10 17 49 After putting your birth information in . Date,March 30 1982,Dia,14.67,Mag,-1.40,RA,12h 43m 12s,Dec,-01 23 21 October 2013 with minor revisions December 2020, Mars seen Mars is your will, and your Mars sign is how your will asserts itself. Marss dark patches are maria or seas, while the lighter areas are plains or continents, much like on our own planet. is shown here. Heliocentric longitude (symbol ) After 15 oppositions or about 32 (32.03) [Earth] years Oops! Do you talk your way out (air), or do you intuitively feel your way around (water)? This is because the Earth will never be situated between them and the Sun. At the moment of opposition, Mars will lie at a distance of 0.55 AU, and its disk will measure 17.0 arcsec in diameter, shining at magnitude -1.9.