2019– PhD student in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at the University of California, Berkeley, as recipient of the Regent’s Fellowship. Landscape Ecology and Modeling Laboratory, Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1601, USA; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: jingle.wu@asu.edu) Received 6 July 2000; accepted in revised form 25 February 2002 Key words: Gradient analysis, Land use pattern, Landscape metrics, Urban ecology, Urbanization Abstract Urbanization is arguably the most dramatic … Tree Ring Lab @ UBC. Our special session at US-IALE has now spawned a special issue in the open-access journal LAND. Dr. Karen E. Hodges | Professor, Conservation Ecology Major Research Interests Human activities are causing species extinctions, extensive loss of habitats, damage to existing wild areas, and global changes in climate that are altering the distribution, abundance, and persistence of many species. Faculty of Forestry As a result, many populations of Canada’s most recognizable wildlife - caribou, elk, deer, wolves, bears – are declining. 2424 Main Mall, Ecology 75: 1978-1990 Carroll, A.L. The project aims at understanding the climate change impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystems of the Indian Himalayan region. A recent area of inquiry utilizes participatory mapping which can reveal even longer temporal dynamics than historical imagery. Now, UBC Okanagan students from the Wildlife Restoration Ecology Lab (WiRE Lab), led by Assistant Professor Adam Ford, are helping humans coexist with wolves and better understand the mysterious, intelligent, and social predators who are crucial to the balance of ecosystems. Forest Sciences Centre Over the course of 3 weeks, students will delve into the current concepts, methods, and applications of landscape ecology. dendrochronology, forest disturbances, forest ecology, global change biology, landscape ecology BSc, HSp Environmental Science, University of Western Ontario, London, ON (2019) Originally from Winnipeg, I developed an interest in forest ecology while studying environmental science in southern Ontario. Main navigation. Tap into research opportunities and the expertise of renowned UBC Okanagan professors working in campus labs such as the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Research Facility; the Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services (BRAES); and the Centre for Microbiome & Inflammatory Research. Interestingly, ecosystem services research has largely proceeded with little grasp of how long-term river-floodplain development underlies contemporary ecosystem services. Her thesis explored the relationship between biodiversity and dispersal through a combination of greenhouse and field experiments. UBC Search. UBC Search. The field emphasizes spatial patterning and spatial heterogeneity and often focuses on dynamics over large regions. From historical photography to recently declassified cold-war era “spy” imagery, to land surveyor maps, our work has expanded the suite of approaches available to assess long-term landscape change. aerial photograph interpretation, biogeography, botany, ecological restoration, landscape ecology, natural and anthropogenic disturbances Shane McCloskey , PhD Granted 2007 Research Interests: She leads UBC’s Landscape Ecology Lab and her cutting-edge research on vulnerable To solve the world’s biggest environmental challenges, first, you need the tools to understand them. Landscape ecology, both conceptually and methodologically, has the potential to play an active role in explaining, describing and forecasting the emergence and spread of zoonoses, to inform decision-making on sustainable measures to minimize their spread and to build spread safe landscapes. Research connections. Our innovations have extended remote sensing well beyond the typical range(traditionally limited to 1972) to as far back as the turn-of-the century. Jen Baron, MSc Student Research Interests:dendrochronology, forest disturbances, forest ecology, global change biology, landscape ecology. Several recent projects have begun to delve into the realm of human health, ranging from the impacts of urban forests on human health, to role of forests in providing nutrition in rural areas in the Tropics. We are continually developing creative ways to apply the approaches of landscape ecology – a primarily terrestrial discipline – to problems at the interface of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well as social-ecological systems. Main navigation. We often use of historical records to document long-term anthropogenic impacts to such systems. For example, our work has shown that tradeoffs and synergies can appear inverse when history is disregarded. Faculty of Forestry UBC Tree Ring Lab. UBC Landscape Ecology January 2013 – January 2017 4 years 1 month. Further, increases in fire frequency, severity, and size are structuring forest landscapes for […] We particularly enjoy river and riparian habitats because they are so highly productive, dynamic, and greatly impacted by human activities. In my PhD thesis, co-supervised by Dr. Lori Daniels & Dr. Sarah Gergel, I investigate landscape change and wildfire vulnerability since 1950 in southeastern BC using historic aerial imagery. Faculty of Forestry and Quiring, D.T. We are interested in the implications of landscape change on ecological processes as well as on the ecosystem services on which society depends. Influence of feeding by Zeiraphera canadensis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on growth of white spruce: larval density - damage and damage - shoot production relationships. The position offers a flexible work location with teleworking options, but travel to partner labs will be required, as needed, in manner that is safe and consistent with the circumstances of the ongoing pandemic. Now, as a PhD Candidate, I am researching the effects of fire exclusion and historical logging on the resilience of British Columbia’s dry forest ecosystems. Ecology and evolutionary biology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on natural history, behavior, genetics, mathematical, and environmental sciences. szojka[at]zoology.ubc.ca Megan joined the lab in 2018. The University of British Columbia. Particularly, my research focuses on the Bhagirathi catchment in the state of Uttarakhand. – Forest Soils (University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Donec congue at elit a pellentesque. LANDSCAPES & LIVELIHOODS LAB | UBC. Academic Collaborators Within the University of British Columbia Faculty Robin Naidoo Conservation Science Program, WWF-US. Research connections. Forest Sciences Centre A major component of our high spatial resolution research involves aerial photography. Home Research People Prospective Students Publications Contact People have shaped landscapes for millennia for food, shelter, and other needs. Canada’s National Air Photo Library, along with BC Provincial archives (now housed at UBC), include millions of photographs. With over 45 labs, research centres and interdisciplinary hubs, UBC Psychology is home to numerous ground breaking research programs. These collaborations happen through the development of research projects of mutual interest, field tours, and educational workshops. We have linked aerial photographs to a diversity of ecosystem services with ecological, cultural and economic values. 2424 Main Mall, 2424 Main Mall, Along this vein, we have expanded the approach to monitoring of groundwater systems and urban streams. The Wildlife Restoration Ecology Lab (WiRE Lab) Across the Earth, human modification of the environment has never been so widespread as it is today. Landscape Ecology Lab, Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia. At the lab, I am the lab manager and research technician. Search. My lab at UBC will investigate how to reconcile biodiversity conservation with agricultural production. Environmental Biology and Management (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. Landscape Ecology and Modeling Laboratory, Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1601, USA; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: jingle.wu@asu.edu) Received 6 July 2000; accepted in revised form 25 February 2002 Key words: Gradient analysis, Land use pattern, Landscape metrics, Urban ecology, Urbanization Abstract BSc, HSp Environmental Science, University of Western Ontario, London, ON (2019) Originally from Winnipeg, I developed an interest in forest ecology while studying environmental science in southern Ontario. Forest Sciences Centre for their thesis research UBC Search. 2003) B.S. Martina Clausen She/Her. 2008) M.S. The University of British Columbia vancouver campus. After working as “the GIS guy” for a while, I joined the Tree-Ring Lab and completed an MSc in Geography (Fire Ecology) at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. – Forest Soils (University of Washington, Seattle, WA. standing of landscape ecology. I do experimental field research in community ecology. UBC - A Place of Mind. Given the current pandemic conditions, the postdoc will be based in Dominik Roeser’s lab at UBC. At the lab, I am the lab manager and research technician. Our historical ecology research helps expand our knowledge of landscape degradation by growing and refining the tools for long-term landscape assessment. As part of this, the Landscape Ecology Lab and the Centre for Environmental Assessment Research at UBC have been working with the Tŝilhqot’in National Government to support geospatial research that characterizes landscape change and its impacts on specific places and values in order to aid land use planning and environmental assessment. (1993). Ecology and Evolution 9:14031-14041. 2008) M.S. Prior to joining UBC, she was an Associate Professor in Environmental Geography and Director of the Complex Systems Laboratory at Université de Montréal (2001-2012). It includes new advances in quantifying landscape structure and connectivity (such as graph theory), as well as labs which incorporate the latest scientific understanding of ecosystem services, resilience, social-ecological landscapes, and even seascapes. Email juli.carrillo[at]ubc.ca . Pacific Salmon Ecology and Conservation Laboratory A lab which studies adult salmon migration survival, behaviour, energetics, physiology, habitat use, and environmental cues. Currently, I am a part of DST’s NMSHE project at Wildlife Institute of India and working in collaboration with landscape ecology lab at UBC. HOME MEET THE LAB Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Environmental Biology and Management (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. The University of British Columbia. Around the … Phasellus efficitur id felis ultricies consectetur. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Webinar featuring Terry Sunderland June 23, 2020 L andscape ecology, both conceptually and methodologically, has the potential to play an active role in explaining, describing and forecasting the emergence and spread of zoonoses, to inform decision-making on sustainable measures to minimize their spread and to build spread safe landscapes. Collaboration for Advanced Landscape Planning. Density-dependent space use affects interpretation of camera trap detection rates. standing of landscape ecology. Search. As land-use change has escalated, however, it has become a key driver of biodiversity loss, climate change, and decline in other ecosystem services. 2424 Main Mall, FOR 594 Landscape Ecology and Management LARC 540 Environmental Analysis for Site Planning personnel: 1. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology. About. Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada, Emergency Procedures | Accessibility | Contact UBC | © Copyright The University of British Columbia, © Copyright The University of British Columbia. Our research on landscape indicators develops the fundamental premise that by monitoring land cover in a watershed, one can better characterize downstream aquatic systems. Her lab, The Landscape Ecology Lab, is unified by a curiosity of understanding the impact of human activities on landscape dynamics. Now, UBC Okanagan students from the Wildlife Restoration Ecology Lab (WiRE Lab), led by Assistant Professor Adam Ford, are helping humans coexist with wolves and better understand the mysterious, intelligent, and social predators who are crucial to the balance of ecosystems.. Two British Columbia wolf populations reported to be in recovery — one in the Kootenays and another on … in […] We collaborate with managers, First Nations, and other local people who live and depend on the landscapes in which we work. Landscape ecology is perhaps best distinguished from other ecological disciplines by its focus on: 1) spatial heterogeneity, 2) broader spatial extents than those traditionally studied in ecology, and 3) the role of humans in creating and affecting landscape patterns and process. Her work aims to improve our understanding of how competition, abiotic sorting, and dispersal interact across scales in real landscapes. Adjunct Faculty, IRES, UBC My research interests encompass topics in both the social and natural sciences, including the economic costs and benefits of nature conservation, ecosystem services, landscape ecology, and wildlife ecology. I place a strong emphasis on holistic science that recognizes landscape level impacts while considering the wider social-ecological context. Our students and post-docs have made the following discoveries in this realm: (a) Citizen science data from hikers and mountaineers helps Canadian Wildlife Service improve species distributions models for hard-to-sample regions; (b) Spatial estimates of human impacts can differ by an order of magnitude from non-spatial estimates, thus changing priorities for marine protection; (c) Mapping ecosystem services of interest to First Nations is not only feasible, but can be done in ways which inform forest management. I’m excited to integrate my expertise from previous projects with new techniques through my research in the Landscape Ecology Lab at UBC. Biological Conservation, 241:108295. conservation, Fire ecology, forest disturbances, historical ecology, Indigenous fire, Indigenous forestry, landscape ecology Sarah Dickson-Hoyle , PhD Student Research Interests: He has an M.Sc. Made possible by investments from the Government of Canada and the generous donations of Charles Fipke, it specializes in trace element analysis and electron microscope imaging. Principal Investigator sean.smukler@ubc.ca Education Ph.D. – Ecology (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. My M.Sc. Cole Burton Dr. Cole Burton is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forest Resources Management, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Terrestrial Mammal Conservation, and the Principal Investigator of the WildCo Lab. Our lab has helped create new avenues for exploiting such archives in landscape management. Landscape ecology has grown tremendously over the past few decades. Currently, I am a part of DST’s NMSHE project at Wildlife Institute of India and working in collaboration with landscape ecology lab at UBC. In this lab you will explore how the landscape around Edmonton, Alberta has changed over time (1966 to 1976).You will do this by examining some Fragstats metrics, as well as by creating a transition matrix that explicitly shows the transformation of land uses over time. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology. Quisque malesuada libero eleifend fermentum luctus. We are interested in the implications of landscape change on ecological processes as well as on the ecosystem services on which society depends. An informal group of researchers at the University of British Columbia specializing in landscape visualization, environmental perception, public land management processes, and sustainable landscapes. About. Stream and Riparian Research Laboratory On a tight-knit campus like the Okanagan’s, you’ll be able to work closely with award-winning faculty and make meaningful connections with your peers. The University of British Columbia. Biology / BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan Faculty of Science. An acclaimed professor, Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Forestry, and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr Gergel is respected as both a scientist and an educator. dendrochronology, forest disturbances, forest ecology, global change biology, landscape ecology. Many of our projects employ a long-term perspective in understanding landscape change. Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada, Emergency Procedures | Accessibility | Contact UBC | © Copyright The University of British Columbia, © Copyright The University of British Columbia. Applying habitat restoration to species at risk Conservation in a working landscape and field experiments particularly river... Analysis and am always eager to discover new techniques for quantifying environmental patterns to use both in.! 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