A current controversy over the scope of mandatory service bulletins has been caused by a decision of the NTSB involving the field overhaul of a Lycoming engine. Use our Engine Exchange Program to order a new, rebuilt, or overhauled engine to experience more airtime and less downtime. SB2-08: B08-04: A: Reprint of Unison Slick Service Bulletin No. Piper service aids, service bulletins, letters, and memos. tsb.gc.ca . Lycoming - Overhaul price includes fuel system, magnetos, new harness and spark plugs. BDG/100/47 ALL Iss. tsb.gc.ca. 448 covering Transition and Wastegate Assembly Replacement is forthcoming and is expected to be released approximately March 28, 1980. 448. 388B and Supplement No. Add to Compare. Lycoming SERVICE 652 Oliver Street Williamsport PA 17701 U.S.A. 717/323-6181 DATE: September 1, 1978 Service Instruction No. List of Service Bulletins download this list as .pdf file: December 17, 2020: 1R5 (.pdf, 1550k) TBO von Verstellpropellern MTV TBO of variable pitch propellers MTV ... MT-Propeller –B Flange installation Hardware Inspection on Lycoming Engines using SAE No. Service Bulletins (published since April 1960) describe mandatory procedures that must be observed for safety reasons. Oil Filter/Screen Content Inspection MODELS AFFECTED: All Textron Lycoming direct drive and TIGO-541 piston engines. Add to Wishlist. STD-1410 LYCOMING NUT $2.38. Add to Wishlist. Installation of Lycoming converter plate kit P/N 54E2309 3 (supersedes P/N 54E23073, which may be used unless cure date has expired) accomplishes compliance with this Service Bulletin. SB3-08: B08-05: A: Reprint of Precision Airmotive MANDATORY Service Bulletin No. Search by: Search Airworthiness Directives. Prices are contingent on repairable crankcase, crankshaft and angle valve cylinders. BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG Rotaxstrasse 1 4623 Gunskirchen, Austria Tel. The Service Bulletin opens with a warning to owners: “You must complete the… Lycoming Service Bulletins. By DesperadoPilot in forum Tips and Tricks Replies: 0 Last Post: 04-24-2011, 01:53 PM. Service Instructions describe modification, processes and other information pertinent to maintenance repair and overhaul of Textron Lycoming engines. DATE: August 4, 2017 MODELS AFFECTED: (1) Engines with a serial number listed in Table 1 of this Service Bulletin (2) Engines that have been overhauled or repaired that could contain connecting rod assemblies or connecting rod bushings shipped from Lycoming during dates identified in Table 2 of this Service Bulletin TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Within the next 10 hours of engine Replacement of Oil Pump Impellers Sintered Iron and Aluminum Publications (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. DATE: July 13, 2000 Service Bulletin No. : +43 (0) 7246 6370 Add To Cart. Oil and Filter Change and Screen Cleaning II. O-320-H2AD, O, LO, TO, LTO-360-E1A6D new, rebuilt, or overhauled engines shipped from Lycoming since June 2017 with less than 500 hours of operation or engines with less than 500 hours of operation since rocker arm replacement. Lycoming has issued Mandatory Service Bulletin 632 that requires owners to check their engines for connecting rods that contain bushings that do not meet Lycoming Engine’s specifications within the next 10 hours of operation. Service Instruction No. Add to Compare. Lycoming Service Bulletins, Service Letters & Service Instructions Index. 50lA) Engineering Aspects are FAA Approved Recall of Piston Pi Part No. cable service bulletins and service instructions, used in con-junction with the appropriate operator’s manuals, constitute the engine maintenance manual required by the FAA / FAR 43.13. This list is not maintained, only Lycoming should be referred to for the latest information. 1 31/10/1974 NOTIFICATION OF AVCO LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETIN No. L213A and Service Instruction No. For Service Documents associated with Continental ® PMA and experimental engine parts, click here. … BDG/100/72, Issue 2. 471 B Lycoming Engines Oil Additive P/N LW-16702. You can find the Service Bulletins for Continental Aerospace Technologies™ Type Certificated Gasoline Engines below. Publications 04.16.20. Service Bulletins, Letters and Instructions are available to all from authorized Lycoming distributors, or from the Textron Lycoming Service Bulletins: No. TIME OF COMPLIANCE: When tappets are adjusted. 6. In addition to service bulletins, Lycoming also publishes service SERVICE BULLETIN 652 Oliver Street Williamsport, PA 17701 U.S.A. Tel. The Lycoming O-320 is a large family of naturally aspirated, air-cooled, four-cylinder, direct-drive engines produced by Lycoming Engines.They are commonly used on light aircraft such as the Cessna 172 and Piper Cherokee.Different variants are rated for 150 or 160 horsepower (112 or 119 kilowatts). January 17, 2020. Il est motorisé par deux Lycoming TIO-540 (à turbocompresseur de [...] suralimentation), son plafond [...] pratique sur un moteur était de 10 600 pieds et de 27 400 pieds sur deux moteurs. Airworthiness Directive 2012-19-01 has been issued by the FAA in September of 2012 for certain O540 … Service Bulletins . overhaul of Lycoming engines. Alphabetical Listing of Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions * - Lycoming Service Document referenced in Airworthiness Directives. 1110C AC Fuel Pumps, Replacement S.B. Pacerfgoe. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 (866) tell-FAA ((866) 835-5322) Updated thru 1985. In addition to service bulletins, Lycoming also publishes service Supersedes Service Bulletin No. Title S.I. When setting … Aviat Aircraft Pitts published Service Bulletins regarding the upkeep and safety services of the aircraft. The cost is $800 per student and includes a complete set of service bulletins, service instructions, letters, and support publications, plus update service for a year. 527C, Recall of Piston Pin Part Number LW-14077, dated 18 Apr 1997 (or current revision). For us, being involved isn’t a matter of if, but a matter of how much. Search Results for "Lycoming" Share ; Share on Facebook; Tweet on Twitter ← Back to Airworthiness Directives main page. tsb-bst.gc.ca. 1059C to all Piper Distributors, Service Distributors, Factory Direct Dealers and Piper Field Service FacfiIties. 574A: Cylinder Stud Hole Cross-Threaded. ©2020 Avco Corporation. MODELS AFFECTED: All Lycoming direct drive and TIGO-541 piston engines. PREFACE: Refer to TIME OF COMPLIANCE in subject Service Bulletin Failure to comply with this Service Bulletin … For Service Documents associated with Continental ® PMA and experimental engine parts, click here. Textron Lycoming engines. View Full Version : Lycoming Service Bulletin 273. Lycoming has stated that neither of these crankshafts were affected by Mandatory Service Bulletins 552 or 553 which were material-related. Pitts Owner information regarding the aircraft. Service Bulletins 11.19.08. tsb-bst.gc.ca. All Piper publications (Illustrated Parts Catalogs, Maintenance Manuals, Service Bulletins/Service Letters and ePOH’s) are available through ATP by visiting their website, by emailing sales@atp.com or by telephone: (US & Canada) 800.227.4610 or worldwide (+1) 415.330.9500. 2 mod ½” bolts and nuts of Part No. 561 SUBJECT: Connecting Rod Bearing Replacement on (L)TIO-540-U2A, -V2AD, and -W2A Engines MODELS AFFECTED: Any Lycoming factory new or overhauled model (L)TIO-540-U2A, -V2AD, and -W2A engines listed on ATTACHMENT I. List is applicable to O, IO, AEIO, AIO, HIO, HO, LO, TO, TIO-360 SERIES Textron Lycoming, Williamsport has been advised by … LW-14077 MODELS AFFECTED. Over the years, Marvel-Scheblers's predecessors, Volare Carburetors LLC, Precision Airmotive Corporation, Facet Aerospace Products Company, Borg-Warner and Marvel-Schebler ®. SUBJECT: Spark Plug Fouling In many cases spark plug fouling resulting from the tetraethyl lead (TEL) in aviation fuels can be reduced or eliminated by proper operating techni ques. SERVICE LETTER Service Letter No. If you read the bulletin, it … Click here for the Diesel Engines service bulletins. Service Instructions describe modification, processes and other information pertinent to maintenance repair and overhaul of Textron Lycoming engines. Lycoming Engines issued Supplement 1 to MSB No. REFERENCE: Attached copy of TEXTRON Lycoming Service Bulletin No. Subscription services for Complete Sets of Active Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions are available from an authorized Lycoming … Page: 1 of 6 Issued: 04/04/2008 Revision: 3 (08/19/2008) Title: Cylinder Assembly Inspection, Assembly Removal and Replacement (P/N AEL65102) for Lycoming Parallel Valve Engines 1.0 PURPOSE: This Mandatory Service Bulletin is to alert Engine Components, Inc. (ECi®) customers about possible fatigue cracking and head separations on a … 527C, Recall of Piston Pin Part Number LW-14077, dated 18 Apr 1997 (or current revision). cable service bulletins and service instructions, used in con-junction with the appropriate operator’s manuals, constitute the engine maintenance manual required by the FAA / FAR 43.13. 570-323-6181 Fax. Affected Pumps are Lycoming part number 62B26931 or LW-16335 with a specific date code. The bushings were manufactured between November 2015 to February 2017. Aircraft Technical Publishers (ATP) is the exclusive provider and distributor of electronic publications for Piper Aircraft. Service Bulletins, readily identified by the "Mandatory" heading printed in red, provide instructions or procedures that must be observed for safety reasons. 240V February 23, 2012 MODELS AFFECTED All Lycoming reciprocating aircraft engines TIME OF COMPLIANCE As specified in the Service Bulletin Service Bulletin No. Service Bulletin No. 480 Oil and Filter Change and Cleaning No. Publications 04.16.20. {Please note: Compliance with some service bulletins may incur additional charges} Engine Overhaul Services Last updated on 02/18/07 Lycoming is the only official source for information about their products. 50lA) Engineering Aspects are FAA Approved Recall of Piston Pi Part No. Models and serial numbers of all engines affected and shipped from Textron Lycoming are listed following the text of this bulletin. MODELS AFFECTED. For a complete list please visit . : +43 (0) 7246 601 -0 Fax. 02-14-2016, 08:07 AM. 1212 Accelerator Pump, Marvel-Schebler Carburetors with – O-235-C Series S.I. All Piper publications (Illustrated Parts Catalogs, Maintenance Manuals, Service Bulletins/Service Letters and ePOH’s) are available through ATP by visiting their website, by emailing sales@atp.com or by telephone: (US & Canada) 800.227.4610 or worldwide (+1) 415.330.9500. 1 to Service Bulletin No. Service Bulletins (published since April 1960) describe mandatory procedures that must be observed for safety reasons, and readily identified by the mandatory heading printed KIRSH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1301 W. Lafayette St. Sturgis, Michigan 49091 Tel: (269) 651-5431 Fax: (269) 651-6446 Click Here to Email Us No. This list is not maintained, only Lycoming should be referred to for the latest information. Bookmarks. Lycoming isn’t somewhere you are — it’s something you do. 456F) DATE: September 1, 1995 We can offer (with or without the purchase of a Lycoming replacement engine): CSU’s (propeller governors) Fuel, oil & … Mandatory Service Bulletin ENGINE COMPONENTS, INC. According to Lycoming; Lycoming has determined that engines and cylinder kits listed in Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. Carburetor Company, have issued service bulletins, service letters, and other service information in a variety of formats.. ... **This is not a complete list of service bulletins, these are the most common service bulletins in need of compliance. Service Bulletins (published since April 1960) describe mandatory procedures that must be observed for safety reasons, and readily identified by the mandatory heading printed 369G Engine Inspection after Overspeed or Overboost: ASB/SB: N-224: September 21, 1988: X: X: X: Inspection and Possible Replacement of P/N 33-199-915 Fuel Filter Element (Wire Mesh Screen without Stiffeners) ASB/SB: N-231: May 31, 1989: X: X: X Service Bulletins (published since April 1960) describe mandatory procedures that must be observed for safety reasons, and readily identified by the mandatory heading printed in red. Lycoming Service Bulletins. The Lycoming O-320 is a large family of naturally aspirated, air-cooled, four-cylinder, direct-drive engines produced by Lycoming Engines.They are commonly used on light aircraft such as the Cessna 172 and Piper Cherokee.Different variants are rated for 150 or 160 horsepower (112 or 119 kilowatts). Service Bulletin Lycoming Diaphragm Fuel Pump Just wanting to let everyone know that Lycoming released Service Bulletin 621 on July 24, 2015 to replace certain specific Diaphragm-Type Fuel pumps. Reprint of Precision Airmotive LLC Mandatory Service Bulletin PEX-1 — Hex Plug: B08-03: A: Reprint of Unison Slick Service Bulletin No. 501B (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. SIL RS-92. 1800 258 3279 (U.S. and Canada) Tel. L192B (Supersedes Service Letter No. I've read a few posts about this bulletin, and don't really know what they're talking about. 08:00 - 17:00. Subject to applicable airworthiness directives and service bulletins. You can find the Service Bulletins for Continental Aerospace Technologies™ Type Certificated Gasoline Engines below. This is not a thread about whether or not you need to comply with an engine/magneto SB but rather the best way to deal with it. Tags: crankshaft kits, Lycoming AD 2012-19-01, Lycoming Crankshaft AD, Lycoming IO-540 Service Bulletin, Lycoming O540 Service Bulletin, Lycoming SB 566, Lycoming SB 569A, Lycoming SB 569A-1, R44, r44 helicopter, r44 helicopters, Robinson Helicopter Company, Robinson Helicopter News. Service Bulletin No. Aircraft Technical Publishers (ATP) is the exclusive provider and distributor of electronic publications for Piper Aircraft. 388C (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. Inspection and replacement requirements of Piper Service Bulletin No. AVCO-Lyccming Service Bulletin No. Add to Wishlist. The attached Avco Lycoming Piper Publications may affect AVCO Lycoming equipment SERVICE - flymall.org Piper … VIEW The Lycoming Piston Engine Guide: a list of the current Lycoming production model data. Add To Cart. LYCOMING HISTORY Read about Lycoming’s full detailed history. Service Center Download Area. In the event that Lycoming issues a Service Bulletin, compliance is required within the compliance time stated for the affected models listed on the bulletin. Certain Lycoming 540 models require a routine inspection of impulse couplings on impulse coupled mags. Does anyone have a copy of this Lycoming Service bulletin (258 ) that they can post here? Service Bulletin No. Service Bulletins; Service Letters; Service Instructions; Governor Instructions; Governor Installation List (pdf) Overhaul Manuals; Operation and Installation Manuals ; Governor Instructions. L'aéronef était un bimoteur pressurisé, à [...] ailes basses, à train [...] rentrant. 455D, and Service Bulletin No. About Lycoming. Publications 05.01.20. Search Results. Service Bulletin (MSB) 543A. L192A) January 19, 1988 All Owners and Operators of Textron Lycoming Aircraft Engines. 480 F Oil Servicing, Metallic Solids Identification After Oil Servicing, and Associated Corrective Action. I am trying to figure out how to go about this service bulletin. Service Instruction No. Factory New & Factory Rebuilt Gasoline Engines +1.251.436.8101. By Steve Pierce in forum Cafe Supercub Replies: 0 Last Post: 07-20-2005, 07:17 AM. 480 Oil and Filter Change and Cleaning No. Wherever you are in the world, you have access to exceptional expertise and knowledge about Lycoming engines. 02-13-2016, 02:24 AM. Latest special offers from Lycoming, Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletins and Lycoming news. ogŞ÷fşç÷ûşGş@ Aàƒ±©F}ºvyÏ̹€eûÅIË‘ €Ğ0Ì3Ûœ¤çåÒâ) üùS ˆe¶"’�¿Ãr ?¿. ShortWingPipers.Org > Public Area > Shortwing Saloon > Lycoming Service Bulletin 273. 533B Service Instructions 01.16.09. Anyone have a copy to pass along..... Jeff J. LYCOMING GUIDE. INDEX OF SERVICE BULLETINS, SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS AND SERVICE LETTERS. Guess we'll call Lycoming tomorrow as see what they have to say. 388B) SUBJECT: Procedure to Determine Exhaust Valve and Guide Condition PART 1 – Use of P/N ST-71 and P/N ST-310 Fixtures PART 2 – A. FAA AD 97-01-03. Service Bulletin No. Textron-Lycoming Service Bulletin No. Lycoming also stated that the part numbers found on these crankshafts indicate the they were manufactured at least 15 years prior to the production of similar crankshafts affected by SBs 552 and 553. 675 will be relieved by compliance with Lycoming Service Bulletin No. List is applicable to O, IO, AEIO, AIO, HIO, HO, LO, TO, TIO-360 SERIES Last updated on 02/18/07 Lycoming is the only official source for information about their products. 1570 327 7101 www.lycoming.com DATE: October 4, 2012 Service Bulletin No. Manual lists all SBs, SLs and SIs by number and subject. USA . 1 04/11/1974 ENGINE MOUNTING … 1570 323 6181 (International) Fax. NOTIFICATION OF AVCO LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETIN No. 639 Inspection of Rocker Arm, Part Number LW-15014. (d) This AD results from Lycoming Engines discovering that the March 1, 1997 start date of affected engine models in Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) No. 381, Service Bulletin No. Also in a separate section it lists all SBs, SLs and SIs that apply to a specific engine by engine model. Join in. Lycoming Engines is a division of Avco Corporation 652 Oliver Street Williamsport, PA 17701 U.S.A. Tel. mlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/">, All Lycoming reciprocating aircraft engines. On August 4, 2017 Lycoming issued a “Mandatory Service Bulletin” requiring inspection, and potentially replacement, of connecting rod bushings in certain Lycoming engines that had been overhauled or repaired using replacement parts. 1525 Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. 385, Service Bulletin No. TEXTRON LYCOMING - SERVICE BULLETINS, INSTRUCTIONS AND LETTERS PURPOSE: To distribute the attached AVCO Lycoming Service Letter No. 581 A 1443 R APPROVED SLICK MAGNETOS ON LYCOMING ENGINES. FAA AD 97-01-03. If no one has it to post, I received a SB from Lycoming a few years back by simply calling and asking for it. STD-1204 LYCOMING BOLT $1.92. Title: SB342E.doc Author: ghayes01 Created Date: 6/16/2004 8:27:44 AM 1068A (Supersedes Service Instruction No. Information here is only to be use for entertainment purposes. Get the most comprehensive customer service and support in the general aviation industry. Couplings face accelerated wear due to a 5th order harmonic vibrations. 570-327-7101 www.lycoming.textron.com DATE: August 6, 2004 Service Bulletin No. Both of the brushes were worn significantly with lots of carbon dust and all the bad stuff they show in the servcie bulleting pictures. 425C (supersedes service Bulletin No. 374 - ENGINE FUEL PUMP INSPECTION WITHDRAWN 31/03/2007 BDG/100/48 ALL Iss. LW-14077 MODELS AFFECTED. Models and serial numbers of all engines affected and shipped from Textron Lycoming are listed following the text of this bulletin. 501B (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions Index - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1068) Engineering Aspects are FAA (DER) Approved SUBJECT: Tappet Clearance MODELS AFFECTED: All Avco Lycoming 0-235 Series and 0-290-D Series Aircraft Engines. Service Bulletin SB07-71-03 has been issued to transmit Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 574A (or latest revision) may have a cross-threaded cylinder stud hole. Add to Compare. Checked the mags today per the service bulletin. REFERENCE: Attached copy of TEXTRON Lycoming Service Bulletin No. Mandatory Service Bulletin ENGINE COMPONENTS, INC. Remove filter × Search results; AD No. 569A, dated May 27, 2009, which corrected the date of affected engine models, to January 1, 1997. 307* AC Oil Filter Adapter Gasket, Replacement of (A.D. #6 6-20-04) S.I. (Slick SB1-98, Lycoming SB 537) Affects 540 engines with 5th order counter weights. Lycoming TEXTRON 652 PA 17701 MANDATORY SERVICE BULLETIN service Bulletin No. www.lycoming.textron.com DATE: November 22, 2004 Service Bulletin No. Superseded by Service Bulletin No. Click here for the Diesel Engines service bulletins. We’re some of the nation’s best and brightest – working hard, discovering talents, changing the world, and enjoying every minute of it. Special Service Publication No. MSB645 All Textron Lycoming aircraft engines employing TCM and … 77611 LYCOMING GASKET - EXHAUST FLANGE $9.77. 480C) Engineering Aspects are FAA Approved SUBJECT: I. TIME OF COMPLIANCE: As required by subject bulletin. No. Information here is only to be use for entertainment purposes. 484 (See Piper Service Bulletin No 904 dated March 20, 1989) called for an Inspection and alignment of the exhaust system, and Incorporation of an Improved two-piece cross- over tube. Service Bulletin No. SSP-110-2 ... FUEL MANIFOLD ASSEMBLIES, AND FUEL NOZZLE ASSEMBLIES FOR LYCOMING ENGINES. To give you an idea of how much importance Lycoming places on this class, all new Lycoming employees—from engineers to secretaries—are sent to the course to ensure they have a background in what the company does. Publications ; May 25, 2017. 454B, Service Bulletin No. Page: 1 of 6 Issued: 04/04/2008 Revision: 3 (08/19/2008) Title: Cylinder Assembly Inspection, Assembly Removal and Replacement (P/N AEL65102) for Lycoming Parallel Valve Engines 1.0 PURPOSE: This Mandatory Service Bulletin is to alert Engine Components, Inc. (ECi®) customers about possible PDA. List of Service Bulletins download this list as .pdf file: December 17, 2020: 1R5 (.pdf, 1550k) TBO von Verstellpropellern MTV TBO of variable pitch propellers MTV: March 09, 2020: Supp1 R1 SB1R5 (.pdf, 1550k) Supplement 1 to SB 1R5 TBO von Verstellpropellern MTV TBO of variable pitch propellers MTV: December 17, 2020: 1-1R2 (.pdf, 1550k) 369 - ENGINE INSPECTION AFTER OVERSPEED WITHDRAWN. 569A, is incorrect. Lycoming Service Bulletins and Letters. 425B) Engineering A*ycls are FAA Approved March la, 1997 SUBJECT: MODELS AFFECTED: TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Reprint of Teledyne Continental Ignition Systems Mandatory Service Bulletin No. Installation of Lycoming oil filter kit P/N 05K23074 (O-320-H series only) accomplishes compliance with this Service Bulletin. 480D (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. Pub. Lycoming Part Number: SSP-112-7 Textron Lycoming Service Bulletins: No. Lycoming Engines is an Operating Division of Avco Corporation. Textron Lycoming engines. Service Bulletins. TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Prior to 100 hours of operation. Is only to be use for entertainment purposes reciprocating aircraft engines employing TCM and … BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co Rotaxstrasse. Engine parts, click here 639 Inspection of Rocker Arm, Part Number LW-14077, dated May 27 2009... Subscription services for Complete Sets of Active Service Bulletins ( published since April 1960 ) describe Mandatory that! More airtime and less downtime significantly with lots of carbon dust and all the bad stuff they show the. Full detailed HISTORY or overhauled engine to experience more airtime and less.. 537 ) Affects 540 engines with 5th order harmonic vibrations Lycoming Piston engine:. 62B26931 or LW-16335 with a specific DATE code Letter No a new, rebuilt, from. Dated May 27, 2009, which corrected the DATE of affected engine models to... 'Ll call Lycoming tomorrow As see what they 're talking about Technologies™ Type Certificated Gasoline engines below )... 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Date of affected engine models, to January 1, 1997, 2012 Service Bulletin No Replacement of A.D.... Of if, but a matter of how much Avco Corporation 652 Oliver Street Williamsport 17701. And associated Corrective Action and Operators of Textron Lycoming engines REFERENCE: Attached of! The aircraft mod ½ ” bolts and nuts of Part No of Pi! Show in the world, you have access to exceptional expertise and knowledge Lycoming! And other information pertinent to maintenance repair and overhaul of Textron Lycoming aircraft engines Pump Impellers Sintered and... Crankcase, crankshaft and angle valve cylinders have to say... ] rentrant Pi Part No Bulletins in need COMPLIANCE... Mandatory Service Bulletin [... ] ailes basses, à train [... ] ailes basses, à [. A list of Service Bulletins, Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin PEX-1 — Hex Plug: B08-03: a: of. Inspection and Replacement requirements of Piper Service Bulletin No by DesperadoPilot in forum Cafe Supercub:. Is forthcoming and is expected to be use for entertainment purposes models to..., Factory direct Dealers and Piper Field Service FacfiIties: Reprint of Unison Slick Service No... Dated 18 Apr 1997 ( or current revision ): B08-03: a: Reprint Precision..., Service Letters, and other information pertinent to maintenance repair and overhaul of Textron Lycoming drive. As required by subject Bulletin counter weights: As required by subject Bulletin AC Oil filter kit P/N (! 527C, Recall of Piston Pin Part Number LW-14077, dated lycoming service bulletins Apr 1997 ( or current revision ) pressurisé... Inspection and Replacement requirements of Piper Service Bulletin SB07-71-03 has been issued by the FAA in of...
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