The problem is that after selection of the second drop down list I would like to copy the selected item to the input type text field at the same page without a submit input type; like the example with the three level drop down (but without reload page). This will show the users drop-down list, records are from the database users table. The first dropdown list is the list of countries where users can select one country. I want the user to select an option and the values associated pulled from the database and displayed to the user. Here, we are fetching data from the database and displaying it into the drop down menu. Put the following code under "var team_id" line of code of the previous section. If you don't select any by default, the first option on the list will be selected by default. Add rule to button in relativelayout android programmatically, Set EditText Gradient Background with Rounded Border Android, Android Text To Speech Voice Example tutorial with source code download, Android Simple RecyclerView Adapter with CardView example tutorial, Android QuickContactBadge example tutorial, Android Login UI Design Screen Example Tutorial With Source Code. ' ' . But, now that I've created the drop-down list, the option I select in the list does not show up in the database, its essentially a blank field in the database. Click here to download How to get selected value from DropDownList in php project file with source code. The id attribute is needed to associate the drop-down list with a label. I've looked it up a lot online, but all of those are about fetching data from a database to be used as options in a drop-down list and that's not really what I … In this tutorial, we will show how to retrieve data a drop-down list form with PHP, to deterine which selection a user has chosen. ... 3.0 index.php. This tutorial will show you how to add select boxes and multi-select boxes to a form, how to retrieve the input data from them, how to validate the data, and how to take different actions depending on the input. The
query("YOUR QUERY HERE"); // Run your query echo ''; // Open your drop down box // Loop through the query results, outputing the options one by one while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '