Pre-fry the shredded black fungus and set aside. RELATED: Confinement recipe (malay) Hi, I grew up eating this dish in various ways and I love the smell of dang gui. Also, these wine are good for drinking too! Ingredients: 500g chicken 1 cup/250ml DOM or Brandy. Subscribe to my mailing list to receive FREE email updates on the latest recipes. It makes me want to run to our Asian market right now and get this party started! Thank you! Filled with health-beneficial ingredients, these Simple Recipes for the Confinement Period can help to nourish and replenish the nutrients in your body. Pour in water and light soya sauce. Transfer out and set aside. Some other popular Chinese dishes for this period are sesame oil chicken, steamed Chinese herbal chicken, and chicken herbal soup. If you are indeed preparing this dish for a new mother, some people advise omitting salt and sugar, but I think it’s such a tiny amount anyway and should be quite fine, but do consult your physician. Add the chicken pieces and stir-fry for 5 minutes on medium to high heat. Use Le Creuset to cook. Add chicken and the rest of A. V 13 mins.. :). Use the same wok, add sesame oil, pan fry the ginger until aromatic. 1⁄2 teaspoon salt, omit if your rice wine has salt content in it. Place sesame oil in the. Heat sesame seed oil over medium heat. But, whichever one you end up using, make sure you buy the one that has 0% salt content, meaning it can be used as drinking wine. May 13, 2018 - Chicken pieces are cooked in Foochow red wine, ginger, red yeast rice and then served with mee sua noodles. Click on the next page to find out some confinement drinks that you can make at home! 2. Finally, pour in the Chinese Wine and 2 cups of hot water. Pairing this healthier and nutritious kampong chicken with fermented wine rice and wine is the most popular confinement cooking among Fuzhou community. Your email address will not be published. Hi Darren, my Mom makes her own rice wine from white glutinous rice, so I always got them for free. 4) Once ginger is baked, place all the ingredients in a clay pot, add water and simmer for 45 minutes. #5 Chicken Essence. 50g ginger, sliced; 100ml rice wine (Shao Xing Wine) 500ml water; 2 tbsp light soya sauce; 3 tbsp sesame oil; Heat up sesame oil, saute ginger slices and mushrooms til fragrant. I just want you to know that alcohol evaporates during cooking, so it is not actually supposed to make you drunk. Season with salt, then turn the heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and cook for 1 hour. So he improvised by buying a case of Johnny Walker black label whiskey and fixing the soup every day. I shall just document here a simple recipe for confinement food which I have prepared for the new mummy. Put fish on top of … 2 chicken thighs; 100g ginger The requisite old ginger is there, but it also has angelica root, red dates, and goji berries. :). I'm always looking for new chicken recipes, so I'm definitely going to be trying this! Pre-fry the shredded black fungus and set aside. You can serve immediately but the rice chicken wine tastes best after a few hours or the next day. I have also heard people using a red glutinous rice wine - any thoughts on that? Ingredients. I just tried your Chicken in Chinese Rice Wine - It was very delicious! Add seasoning and bring to boil, then serve hot. Add the fried fish and simmer for another 5 minutes. I think you only end up losing between 10-40% of the alcohol, depending on the original concentration and how long you're simmering. Add in brown sugar, light soya sauce, water and glutinous rice wine. I had some Russian pork marinated in vodka dish, and even though the pork was well cooked and a little crispy on the outside, I got up from lunch unexpectedly tipsy! Heat sesame oil in a wok and saut the ginger until golden brown, then add in black fungus and chicken. Bring to a boil and then turn the heat to low, cover with lid and simmer for 15 minutes. Categories: Confinement food, Recipe/No Responses/by lilian It is a fairly thick soup resembling a chicken stew. Most Chinese confinement food has high protein, also most will feature ginger, sesame oil, and rice wine, which is exactly what goes into this chicken in Chinese rice wine dish. During confinement, the mother is usually expected to stay indoors to recover, to have plenty of rest, and to learn how to take care of her baby. ♥. In a wok without any oil, pan fry the chicken until the external are light brownish in colour. With oil pan Fry the pounded ginger and chicken for about 4 minutes Add in the Chinese rice wine and bring it to a boil then simmer down and let it continue to cook for 25 minutes with lid close Once ready serve the cooked ginger Wine chicken TOP with … 2) Add in black fungal and chicken. 200g Bentong ginger slices, 3 tabsp sesame oil, 30g black fungus (soaked, cut into strips), 200g yellow rice wine, 200ml white rice wine, 2 tabsp light soya sauce, 2 chicken drumsticks and 1000 ml water Chicken in Red Glutinous Rice Wine. You just know it is going to taste great with a list of ingredients like that, right? Today I learn there are other cultures that encourages alcohol consumption for new mothers. Add some water and the black fungus plus the soya sauce. Ingredients: 1/2 (400g) kampong chicken chopped into chunks; 150g shredded old ginger; 600ml Fuzhou red wine; 16g rock sugar; 1/2 tsp salt; Method: Heat up 2 tbsp of sesame oil in a wok and stir fry shredded ginger for 3 mins. Sauté ginger V 6 mins Sp2. Very delicious. Add chicken and continue frying. This dish looks absolutely incredible! This Chicken dish looks amazing! Read about Daily Cooking Quest. 5 stars with my alterations. Marinate the chicken with sugar, soy sauce, and olive oil; leave to marinate for 5 minutes. My father was a foreign service officer and we were stationed in Paris, France. Home / All Recipes / Chinese / Chicken in Chinese Rice Wine, Last updated: Feb 5, 2020 — Published: Nov 21, 2013 — By: Anita — 15 comments. Nice! Fry ginger and garlic until fragrant and golden brown. A definite must try. Continue to simmer for 2 hours; Add salt and pepper to taste before serving. Quarter Chicken - cut into pieces 2. Stir fry well for 2 minutes. You do cook away some of the volatile flavors, though, so it tastes more mellow. I've never tried Chinese Rice Wine, but it sounds so savory! RICE WINE CHICKEN WITH BENTONG GINGER Ingredients. This Cantonese-inspired post-natal dish can be consumed starting from first week of confinement period. But, she said if I were to buy them from store, it is best to look for the one labeled nuo mi jiu (糯米酒). Shop at … Stir-fry briskly, pour in � cup of water and simmer with lid on for 10 minutes. Add Wood Fungus, peanuts, Red Dates, and chicken. This is a really simple and straightforward dish. Kampong chicken is leaner and the flesh is firmer, choose only the female chicken as this helps to dispel postpartum 'wind' more effectively from abdomen and nourishes the body after childbirth. Kampong chicken is leaner and the flesh is firmer, choose only the female chicken as this helps to dispel, Blanch the chicken pieces with boiling water, rinse under running, Mediterranean Potato Salad With Shrimp and Feta, Cheddar Cheese, Pretzel, Beer & Beef Hamburgers. One of the confinement dishes my Mom cooked that I love is her Confinement Ginger Chicken with Rice Wine. Add water in the pan to cover all the ingredients. This recipe is only a guide. About 3 minutes. Add salt and sugar to taste. Just before you serve, add dashes of liquor. Any bottle you get from this aisle will be of higher quality than the ones from the cooking aisle. Ginger wine chicken (suitable for confinement) 姜酒雞 Recipe by Baby Sumo Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Serves 3 Ingredients 500g chicken breast 120g old ginger 4 cloves garlic 150ml water 150ml ginger wine 3 tbsp sesame oil 1/2 tsp salt To serve Soy sauce 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped 3 cili padi, chopped 1. But try using fistfuls of dates, wolf berries, wood ears, and 3 chicken thighs cut in half. For Chinese white rice wine, I usually get a bottle of 米酒(mi jiu). Turn off the heat and serve the chicken in immediately. Theres something to the boozyness LOL...In older eastern european traditions women were given beer for several days after birth so it could stimulate milk production. Add in chicken pieces and stir-fry til aromatic, or slightly brown in color. Ginger - sliced into strips 4. Fry sliced ginger and chopped garlic using sesame oil until fragrant. Mix well, and bring to a boil. GINGER CHICKEN - One serving Ingredients - 1. Added soak black fungus, cut into pieces , together with the wine. Muk Yee (Jelly Fungus) - cut into smaller pieces 3. Recipe credits: theAsianparent . The confinement period is important for a new mother's recovery. This dish has been traditionally eaten by new mummies during their confinement month. Heat sesame oil in a wok and saut� the ginger until golden brown, then add in black fungus and chicken. Method : Blanch the chicken pieces with boiling water, rinse under running tap water. Old ginger and chinesewine main highlight in this dish About 2 minutes. Add the rice wine, equivalent amount of water, some liquor and simmer for 30 minutes. Once the chicken is tender, add rice wine according to your preference. Natural Anti Aging Diet and Age-defying Antioxidan... Stir-Fried Kale (Kai Lan) With Ginger Juice Recipe, Fuzhou Fermented Wine Rice Chicken Recipe, Braised Shank with Fuzhou Red Wine Recipe, Stir-Fried Kidney With D.O.M & Sesame Oil Recipe, Steamed Fish With Chinese Wolfberries (Qi Zi) Recipe, Stewed Chicken With D.O.M & Ginger Recipe. Fuzhou Fermented Wine Rice Chicken Recipe Kampong chicken are reared in a more humane way, with more firmer and stronger cuts of meat. thumbsize ginger, slice. It is highly nu This ginger chicken soup is a staple in a new mother's diet in the first month. Add the chicken and cook for 2 minutes, and the chicken has browned slightly. May 5, 2019 - Ginger wine chicken. Cooking 黄酒鸡 using homemade yellow glutinous rice wine. The ginger will continue to ferment. #confinementfood Food After giving birth or miscarriage #chinesedish With wine last to put when it’s ready to serve. Heat the sesame oil in a wok then add the ginger Fry the ginger until light brown and fragrant Add the chicken and a little wine and mix… 2-3 pieces of dong guai 4 red dates Add in chicken chunks and stir fry until pale yellow. In a large wok, heat sesame oil over high heat. Ooo, I never know that. 6) Serve hot. Old ginger and chinese wine are the… It protects stomach, promotes blood circulation, helps to ward off coldness and dispels 'wind' in the body. Add chicken pieces and cook until no longer pink. Heat sesame oil in a pot on medium-high heat and fry ginger until fragrant. Plus, the drinking grade is almost certainly free of salt, so you can add as much salt as needed. Add rock sugar and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. This flavor is one of my favorite ones! This refreshing beverage is an excellent alternative for mummies in I am sure I will fall in love with this chicken meal due to sesame oil adding. When failed, simply used either mi jiu (米酒), or even shao xing jiu (紹興酒). Required fields are marked *, I am a Chinese Indonesian currently living in Minnesota with my husband. About 2 minutes. Cover and simmer. Ingredients ½ chicken cut into small bite size pieces 1 medium sized old ginger sliced finely Rice wine (1/2 bottle) Brown sugar Sesame oil Cut the ginger into fine strips. Only take 40 min. Continue frying for about 3 minutes Toss in the soaking water from the dry ingredients and simmer the whole thing for not more than a half hour unless you're trying to destroy the chicken! The one that has salt content are okay if you are going to use it for stir frying where you only need a couple of tablespoon for the entire dish. Ive tried the recipe using a random rice wine i found, but it tasted totally awful. Chicken in Chinese rice wine is a classic Chinese confinement dish that is super easy to make, as long as you can get a hold of the rice wine. Ingredients (serves 2-4) – 500g medium to chicken thigh, chopped in pieces – 3 slices ginger – 2 tbsp sesame oil. This recipe is passed down to me from my Mom, and hers specifically use two kinds of rice wine, the yellow rice wine (Chinese: huang jiu) and the white rice wine (Chinese: bai jiu) in a two to one ratio. Once the baby is born, the mother will start her 30 days of confinement period (坐月子- zuo yue zi). I’ve even used Japanese sake instead of Chinese white rice wine and it works beautifully. Have fun exploring my 700+ authentic and easy Indonesian and Chinese recipes. Thanks so much for sharing :). This should be where you can find all the different drinking wine such as Chinese Shao xing, Japanese sake, and Korean soju. However, I only use 2-3 small slices of dong guai as it is rather ‘heaty’ to take too much. 1 whole chicken (1 -1.5kg), chopped into 8 pieces* 1 tablespoon sesame oil 200g fresh ginger, julienne 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 1 cup Hua Tiao wine 2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon white pepper *For best results, use organic/kampung chicken. Marinade – 2 tbsp red glutinous wine lees – 1 tbsp red glutinous wine – 3 slices ginger – 1 tsp sesame oil – 1/2 tsp light soy sauce. Delicious. In dishes where the measurement calls for copious amount of wine, if you use those with salt content, it will taste awful. A traditional dish enjoyed by many Chinese. Try out these local confinement food recipes in Singapore that can help your body heal naturally and quickly! Ayam Goreng Saus Kecap Inggris - Chicken with Worcestershire Sauce, 1 whole free-range chicken (Indonesian: ayam kampung), or 6-8 chicken drumsticks, or 3-4 chicken leg quarters, 100 gram ginger, preferably old ginger, peeled (optional) and thinly sliced, 15 gram red dates/jujube (红枣- hong zao), 10 gram Angelica roots (当归- dang gui), 400 ml Chinese yellow rice wine (黄酒- huang jiu), 200 ml Chinese white rice wine (白酒- bai jiu). A delicious food for confinement and Traditional remedy to warm up body. Sweet & nice aroma of the wine blended with the kampung chicken & ginger & sesame oil, really gives an satisfying meal especially during the cold weather like now. RECIPE : Chicken with Chinese wine and dong guai. Add chicken pieces and cook until no longer pink. Here is a family story: over 50 yrs ago, my mother gave birth to my long-awaited baby brother. Some Chinese yellow rice wine to consider are 糯米酒 (nuo mi jiu), 紹興酒 (shao xing jiu), and 花雕酒 (hua diao jiu). Add water and salt to taste. Simmer till the gravy thickens. 2 chicken thighs with the drumsticks – chopped into bite sizes. 2. Add in hong zao and stir fry over a low fire. Then add in the dry or medium dry sherry, sesame oil, salt and water and stir-fry for another 3 minutes. Heat sesame oil in a pot on medium-high heat and fry ginger until fragrant. Mei Cai (Dried Salted Mustard-Cabbage) Braised Mea... Soup Of Mee Suah (Fine Rice Noodle) Recipe, Mesentery Soup with Dang Gui & Pepper Recipe. There is a focus on eating plenty of nourishing food too, especially food to recover and heal the body from delivering a baby, and also, food that increases breastmilk. About 3 minutes. Alcohol doesn't totally cook out when you simmer. He knew about this traditional chicken & wine recipe but had no idea where to find the rice wine. Add red dates, Angelica roots, goji berries, yellow rice wine, and white rice wine. Cover with lid and braised on low heat for 3 mins. Heat sesame oil, stir fry ginger till fragrant, add in the chicken. Put the drumsticks, jujubes, angelica root, astragalus root and ginger slices in a pan. This made all the visiting guests roll on the floor laughing because my baby brother was fat and sleepy all the time, from the richness of the breast milk! If possible, skip the cooking aisle and go to the alcoholic drink section in your Asian market. Stir-fry briskly, pour in … Add salt to taste in the soup. People suffering from perpetual cold hands and cold feet can also try this soup to warm up the body. Hi, just wondering what kind of yellow and white rice wine you used? This first month after birth is also known as the confinement month. Add garlic, shallot and ginger and cook for 2 minutes, until fragrant. sesame oil (sufficient amount to cover the ginger when frying) 1 litter of Chinese Rice Wine a bit of salt to taste (you may go without it for confinement) Direction : 1) Fried ginger for a while, add in sesame oil and continue frying till fragrant. In the process of pan frying, chicken oil will be excreted from the chicken skin. Cooking Rice wine (no more than 15% alcohol) - 1 teaspoon 5. Bring to a boil. I just need to figure out where to get Chinese rice wine. Fuzhou Red Wine Chicken. Method: Similar Recipe: Sesame Wine Chicken Mee Sua Recipe; See Also: Samsui Ginger Chicken Recipe; Sesame Oil Chicken Recipe; Three Cups Chicken Recipe; Compared to our local home-style sesame chicken, the Taiwanese version is more soupy since the chicken pieces are simmered in rice wine.This is perfect comfort food for colder weather or (in SG context the rainy season), since this dish … 1 whole kampong chicken (cut into small pieces). 20g black fungus (soaked and shredded)Seasoning : Blanch the chicken pieces with boiling water, rinse under running tap water. 5) Season to taste with salt. Your comment is awaiting moderation. Bring chicken stock to a boil; add the red beans and cook at high heat for 15 minutes; Lower the heat and simmer for 1 hour; Add lotus root and honey dates. Heat up sesame oil in pan, add in ginger and garlic, and sauté till fragrant. The wine is already salted. Bring the water to a boil, then simmer it for 30 minutes. This recipe looks absolutely delicious! Aug 27, 2014 - Ginger wine chicken. Salt is not necessary. A delicious food for confinement and traditional remedy to warm up body. Here is my step-by-step: In many Chinese families, a lot of households will start making bottles of homemade rice wine whenever someone in the family is expecting a baby. The end result is just like the chicken I have during the post natal period. Braised on low heat for 3 mins fried fish and simmer for 2 ;! Wine is the most popular confinement cooking among Fuzhou community the recipe using a random rice wine with confinement ginger wine chicken recipe... Up body, chopped in pieces – 3 slices ginger – 2 tbsp sesame oil in a more way..., yellow rice wine - it was very delicious chunks and stir fry ginger till fragrant, add the., add in black fungus plus the soya sauce and then turn the heat to a simmer, the... Failed, simply used either mi jiu ) using fistfuls of dates, and cook until longer... 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