Такая связь необходима, чтобы изменять значения элементов формы при нажатии курсором мыши на текст. To add a click event handler to each label. LOG IN . To change the text font in HTML, use the style attribute. This is a really useful feature of HTML form labels that makes it easier to click the option you want, especially on small-screen devices like smartphones. Firstly we need to create a new object of the Label control and then count of the Label controls is determined, Count is useful to give number incremented unique Ids to the controls as well as for setting location of the controls on the Windows Form so that controls don’t overlap each other. Indeterminate state checkboxes. In light of this, I typically have to use JavaScript and a non-label trigger with two-way state change (clicking the non-label trigger updates the checkbox state, changing the checkbox state updates the trigger’s appearance). This attribute can be used with any typical HTML element; it is not limited to elements that have an ARIA role assigned. Since, I want to assign text to the label on button click, I'll call a function on button click. The distance between labels. The

tag, with the CSS property font-family, font-size, font-style, etc. In the case of