Reported Speech Reported Statements When do we use reported speech? This reported speech exercise looks at statements with the past simple. 6. To download/print, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. March 21, 2017 Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph. Reported speech : worksheets pdf, printable exercises, handouts. So learning direct and indirect speech rules is very necessary. the actual words of the speaker; and the reporting speech, i.e., the introductory words added to the reported speech. stream You can & download or print using the browser document reader options. The first is direct speech when we express what the speaker said as it is and the second is indirect speech where we express what was said in … Direct and indirect speech for esl. Kelly said that she didn’t know the answer. 20 0 obj Explore numerous NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 English Grammar Reported Speech Pdf free download is available online for students. It wasn't fair. We hope the given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Workbook Unit 7 Reported Speech will help you. Kelly said (that) her kids were at home. Complete the sentences in reported speech choosing the correct option. :น[r'8*ตึzป�pG—�ูžฆ€˜ขธuงษู6=น'ˆปw7‰๖ฯ–[aรๆqXว๖[eงณ21sนทญฆ–ฑฐส“S6—”7ฃ"หlืฝื๑2_ž›บ*ชŽ�ธ๙4“i‡\VถCjœใฟสr7~บœiทeึTU™vท‚m`ŽzP๕‰ึ{~S์E6‰ฝo_…x{zšโN—ม7‡kzšะ๒uˆร‹ะržwแ๙:Œzฎ๊}ดๆe]fUƒสบ1—ซผฌจฐฌปฌm‹bŠฮ„ฎษ)‡…�ๆ๊โโaๆษืUัfmีvS2ฬu4U‹DSUU0฿๖ดฆr๘&฿2c๘0t8ฝอ2๔ฬSฒmทอฺfศYEฑ˜ๅ๋,Y�� ŽBฒยฎg%ฉใ žGฎ™6๎~8M�7ร rตป.‰ำลถG=2แบคฎ๔Ozฤ‚S[โˆ'c5Jภฟฯร@]šH จศำ&'ฦž1&๖4๔R/=jœถ=’วฎ‰ุ๘์๒ฑ่Ž™ฉKยพ Œ้YํฏNฤงศ‘บมทœžทคถ•ฃZT`ฅ�๊ศAฑซไ‚ฦ›ภY รดษ&c๒{ฝqฑฤƒภŸzแ=‘ŒB` /TT4.0 13 0 R /TT5.0 14 0 R /TT7.0 16 0 R /TT2.1 11 0 R /TT1.1 9 0 R /TT6.0 Considering this Edumantra is providing reported speech rules and direct and… Read More » ถ’็vCฉ๘ฌNNศุึ†˜ฆp4hogZ€ื๊รปญพ“ร ย&4O(๘\ืฝ6๏€Bญ๕3ก~ฌ‹'าคซ๗;ŽทeŽษผ!/� กด57sFcO?�สD@ฌ็ฆ@^!%7SBรfP�๖5โk‚™H�g€ฦoB.ีŠ †ถf$žฃVำ(๔ีึฦ›Zˆงฺ›#๕ฦY�ฮขc!พ4. 1. that can usually be omitted after say and tell + object. << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 7 0 R >> /Font << /TT3.0 12 0 R Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we typically change the tense of the words spoken. 4. Review reported statements here; Download this quiz in PDF here; More reported speech … drฏมฮกํีึž�๋p„,�อ�คฤ#$(†“โมT๎๎�'๎�ํ›ั™pไู_เ๊qฯ:jฟฤEซงMA๊rึ–…–pฒ แYฃ0lฆ„็•ก2S�zฝ ๙๊JตSญ`šฑ_ค๕Xึ iUหp�)ฟL#ญ'ง๊ชwไzฤ)‡ดวqืภˆ\8’ง็(E†^Cล+!hxผ๙ย@มซ;sุ_–O^๎๗W'Eฺเ„ฦFMCู›A3า’ย ๊๐นจ English Aptitude MCQ provides all type of competitive english mcq questions on Direct And Indirect Speech which is important for exams like Banking exams,IBPS,SCC,CAT,XAT,MAT etc. It wasn't fair. It only foccusses on the affirmative form. You have to learn basic English Grammer topics like Tenses, Verbs, Nouns, etc… If this verb is in the present tense, it's easy. CBSE Class 9 English Reported Speech Notes. When we say things that have been said, we use two ways of expressing it. Reported Speech Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers Pdf. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Reported Speech exercises pdf download for all class students and the students of all levels. 11 Juan said (that) his mother made/had made those cakes. endobj Found worksheet you are looking for? Download PDF. ๓ห /!ี�ซุx“จย#ฎขZH๐%ูc|่9oรI๓‰{ฮ๙ž>!kูป฿.N-E#›%^ša6ไvฐm็0‡Vธ์“:#‚ซฃC๔ชณ7A8]>„X[–~M'>แ”z>๋ใ๑#ฃ>ฯ›Fฐัไœ;�ซำถ๏Mโ|Yฅ๖�V็�T*�ุดQู๏ีšช˜ขณภœ™๒ฮfRอ�X”KใNHa'ไlฑใ๋ฃ'ศ๒“0ก็'Š.ัzW๗ฒโคก�Pึ๚%hเxํ =ฤuTม็ใข$8)hผ้๔x”v๔,ฮYว“ญฅ๔‚ณyษกŒ k'฿Wกฉโ`ทรฯ๑W€๋่�-ฃ‹� บ๗K้tf‡ี‰{ดร็จ[ฯM�อmฐท6qๆ R}5ฉล‹๔ฬ๖r'นหฏ€QKปจสอ๔ช]๐ๆบุ\๘ ˜ endobj Says to …………………………… tells. Reported Speech Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 33 18 Free Online English Grammar Quizzes - Tests - Exercises About Reported Speech Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 33 Direct and Indirect Speech Direct Speech Direct speech is that form of narration in which the actual words of a speaker are reported. 6 0 obj Hi, I am Manjusha. There is no comma after say in indirect speech. endstream endstream [ /ICCBased 17 0 R ] Reported Speech Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers Pdf. endobj '�wศ™€ฐ…K. Keep reading to understand how to use reported speech and download this free English lesson! Step 1. 5. In other words, the present simple becomes the past simple. \๑‘ศ„z…BiฌฺI๋ ฤDž4YดDyูใn9&*~�สฯEซt฿yทx|gผe8|ๅษาฒ๊บฆ^,ำฌํปฆ}อ๕้%U์ภ—ทบช๕ฃค :sง™ตภLฉ๘-ย3š–๓�]tฏƒณาK$หb&��"wH2Zi๚5๓มดWฅžํpn�ช๒"จŽwvเ•v%"OAพรJ’ž๏ง xzบD6ฐ๙1eo‹ษ“e.ยg฿ก๑ํ u p๚y่ \|œA้็ฉ=Ÿk�Z2๕ˆcไd๓ˆJ“Ž่๙�ุ๓‡}{pt||จ9ทC^ล|aMXู„�vCช๊ฐีฦ0๖มธZ- ˜,tุƒต�…ั4A�gMœxdNIิ‡c,ถ iXมX฿๔Œใ๚`j)=~dลษ;ขk— �˜—(u9jซบโg›U›ฺo 4.0,` €3p� „€H–.Hi@ฒA>ุ CBSE Class 9 English Grammar – Direct And Indirect Speech. >> �ง๚~4l๎B=๎DfษdOœงNsส]ืu>ํt}ขณ�๚ง.‘ร:๓Yฯ�Q.มิฏอvๆrีŒKฌไ*๊ิ$W!มฒkฬgถ�šฺ๘ืBsอd5K3ฝ๖ฝA๋%@0บฎฑยเ—งฦฆโjฅŽ6L‚๎๔‚ŸะดSอrœ๊น� Poปห็ง $ฦศw—c„ODDMฑ0Dฤ\(oส`ฐถฤƒ~“hฟTฺIˆq5z„Sยค€ฟู2ๅฮ/ถ†ธg†\T#ๅๆ�J�ว‰ฦ˜€"n…ฺฬีธ‰ผฟ˜฿ล6๓M^‰�ๆ –"hณ„ม ๕r…qeSำธ:&xD๎๊ @๔|˜๑๎จ21๓5Hภxแ8N๑!b–1+x#ภ4CMฃ๙๋ !ฺฮ•ธ.ˆฃปฆkศlMูฝP—Xy ^,ฅมส…�ฆ,Q1"๚์'๚—ƒgฐoA์K%L๖'3A�๚ฺ’4MR”Š8–t 45าv�ยLHžsะูยๅa–}ู์จ5ล`+ั5=ส˜6ฮ) DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH (With Rules and Examples). 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Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2009 'ˆ�น|ดฟ*`ใm๑[ฉอุ๏ฆ่,๑ล๒ˆ๚ฺo#แ›��Žุ›9dมฑl�`QŠqžZ xอ\[s�ถ~็ฏ`7=jlš xํ5ซด้ดนุJ๛ะด3ฒtน‘bวRโvฆ?พ฿ุH8:™˜‡ทลb/฿^ ๊๛๒ห๒๛r*[UีชฎUู CีLๅ0๕Uื—ฏ๖ๅ฿ส๏ส‡nUyq[ึๆฟ�ผRWMkฯ้GWที8L๔^WีSqqS~|†ซๆ w8ป)žฉJ•ชRไฦบš๔�’'bnหก๏ซaุB๎๏ๅ๎''˜ค.w๏Ÿ”ฬ{?ฅ+แW๐ใƒ“ขฎZ:โฦ[‹wD็�’ฏ”g‚ฒ2ทนฒ›IUzิฌrณํQ�ัC_ตบ๋œฒนบช๋ฉ/ฯ.สถ3F้ึ(›Jฦ(ก๖๗�๗ฮhบฟwRโ_่]%?ภม�†ฦ้ไg๖๐๕ฮผ๓๕ Nuฑsง?�ะพx�AๆสRp‡‡๖์ฝ๚ค$ลg่อ˜ณ›ab^ฮูภR‘๒6M.ฏ;(�ำีG7ฮK๋›-S$X?9 stream �{uYv…Aต™ษŒฅ€9 ๅv#4ึืL0;'#Fไ’เRๅNNฆไผศ;Cา‡F;ฑพเ;{#๙๗QM•9ˆs„U›ํ6ซ๛�Hซึห›@qโDJ|…7กsUnฆnFง7+˜สฤ+DBpศ5 ฤ�N›๚šd2oz๐^ANั™–1ฃi’6apฌBไฝ"บ@๎ฌุŒ‹}Aˆ/‹0๘X'+€ษP59™2„•Ž๘"K{LCฯแ\Nบz ฅ9TXxูbuัdmWWฉ,ถžgg&�ž”uL�จัxแ]ฎู*u›ิๅูcY-œฆ๎ฅMก˜Tๆูy3L‹zฑhฐo›lŒใ~ฟC6ฤฬlไoถผข�’��ำขุฐO๑)ื�œฯ—ปขd/œStNมํr:Œๅ๎ธฉ๓sี3^ŒหcZศ>x%าั‚ux๎๗wฌcํชQ‚ิ(kgๅ เม‹…yqMมซWื‡aN DHั6|~Lร๖›ฺิ/�jaฆŽ1MQคxT/แ $iค"�JVม˜ฤ‰๓;ๆe Looking for an easy way to Learning of English Grammar Exercises for Class 9 ICSE. [7Aท\ทSwBOK/X/_ฏQ๏ก>QŸญŸคฟGฟ[สภะ ฺ`‹A›มจกŠกฟažaฃแc#ช‘ซั*ฃZฃ;ฦ8cถqŠ๑>ใ[&ฐ‰I’IษMSุิ�T`บฯดฯkๆh&4ซ5ปวขฐ�YYฌFึ�9ร=‹X‹�_,ํ,S-๋,Y)YXmด๊ฐ๚รฺฤšk]c}ว†jใcณฮฆ�ๆตญฉ-฿vฟํ};š]ฐ�ปNปฯ๖๖"๛&๛1=‡x‡ฝ๗ุtv(ป„}ี๋่แธฮ๑Œใ'{'ฑำIง฿Yฮ)ฮ ฮฃ๐ิ-rัqแธr‘.d.Œ_xpกิU�•ใZ๋๚ฬMื็vฤmฤ�ุ=ู�ธ๛+K‘G‹ว”ง“็ฯ^ˆ—ฏW‘Wฏท’๗b๏j๏ง>:>‰>>พvพซ}/๘a��v๚�๓ื๐็๚ื๛O8ฌ ่ In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the speaker’s exact words: He said (that) he had lost his umbrella. 3. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.29 841.89] Keep working and you'll understand and be able to use the form soon. ่pญๆ ฟะ^ไ:บwห่†ธ?„Žธ?ฬ]\๕Wct๗๎�ฏี3น๖SŒyัoH๎^/‰ ฌ(#าŽv๐}ซะ€๖ฌะฑฆ็๓๑ŒIP\๑€8—ฆEBง{_ฃม@!$แŒ!ŸMฒ�ž๓[–ฏ76ฟ Steps to be kept in mind for changing direct speech into indirect (statements). Directions (1-30): In the following questions, a Sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Sample Paper : English Communicative Class-IX (GRAMMAR) Q 1. ฿ฦฟ' Zk‚!– $l$T็�„ย4QจOt"†yฤ\b)ฑŽุAผI&N“I†$R$)™ดTIj"]&=&ฝ!“ษ:dGrY@^Oฎ$Ÿ _%’?P”(&OJEBูN9Jน@y@yCฅR จnิXช˜บZOฝD}J}/G“3—๓—ใษญ“ซ‘k•๋—{%O”ื—w—_.Ÿ'_!J�ฆ�ธQม@มSฃฐVกFแดย=…IEšข•bˆbšb‰bƒโ5ลQ%ผ’’ทOฉ@้ฐา%ฅ!BำฅyาธดMด:ฺeฺ0G7ค๛ำ“้ล๔่ฝ๔ e%e[ๅ(ๅๅๅณสRย0`๘3RฅŒ“ŒปŒ๓4ๆนฯใฯ�6ฏi^�ผ)•๙*n*|•"•f••ชLUoีีชmชOิ0j&jajูj๛ี.ซฯงฯwžฯ_4�ไ�‡๊ฐบ‰zธ๚j๕ร๊=๊“šพU—4ฦ5šnšษšๅš็4วดhZตZๅZ็ต^0•™๎ฬTf%ณ‹9กญฎํง-ั>ค�ซ=ญcจณXgฃNณฮ]’. If you are a student, then take this English grammar reported speech quiz to gauge your knowledge on the subject. Remember that the tense of the original statement moves one step back in reported speech. You still need to practice reported speech. %PDF-1.3 4 0 obj Direct and Indirect Speech: The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. Ozair Ahmed Baloch Government Boys Primary School Sammu village, UC-1 Gadap Town Karachi. << /Length 18 0 R /N 3 /Alternate /DeviceRGB /Filter /FlateDecode >> Prepared By:. Direct and Indirect speech is directly not asked in class 9 and 10 in CBSE Board but reported speech is not out of syllabus. English. The reporting verb is changed as under. ศพผhญ‘ฏs2z�็๚\ŠnแLA"Sๆ๖dr%ข,ฃ฿„lมt� Following are the English grammar exercises of direct and indirect speech in paragraph form with answers. 2. To express what the speaker said in our own words -Indirect Speech. Abdul Rauf Baloch Government Boys Secondary School Bhiroo village, UC-1 Gadap Town Karachi. †มK0�i‚๐ขAชค™BึZyCAP8ลC‰’@๙ะ&จ*ƒชกCP=๔#tบ]ƒ๚�ะ 4�}„˜ำa ุ ถ€ูฐ;GยหเDxœภ�แJธ>ทยแ๐ ,…_ย“@ศัFX๑DBX$!k‘"คฉEšคนH‘qไ‡กa˜ฦใ‡YŒแbVaึbJ0ี˜c˜VLๆ6f3๙‚ฅbีฑฆX'ฌ?v 6›-ฤV``[ฐ—ฑุa์;วภโp~ธ\2n5ฎทืŒป€๋ร แ&๑xผ*�๏‚มs๐b|!พ Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers Pdf. English grammar online Reported Speech Exercises with answers for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 with answers. โ5I–ฌฌ6๖ฉผžฒทhฌฤพใๅ`mฮwฆQ�6›œ7$๖{ู—ชฉpOฎฤ�lEภุ๔'i1โบฒ1R๐•�l�^ุ”�ฌ๊O',*)vxท…œ˜@ๅ์ลึ‡ะต�qM็œโะQŒ บX๑fฟ—>ห/”%ฏ+ๆbh�>7’g_ฅ&eฦAผสแ%ุชผb‰1.g;ฉ+ำโ~s.l•รŽณp฿จCหn^่ฃฌ{•�ฒ#8๓�˜…�ยŠ๙EMณ’€ฃs…)kโห~kหหา]ๆลผ!C#œ๙7^๎๛๔๘‹ภ^ุ-TMxbŒ#;โ =Šƒeep;;๙รรh…\ฌ๎kล%สˆcy฿bฒ‰o6a…Gไภ*~bำ%๚อพ�.\}‚ำตุœ0ชฐrV6ฆ4า�h฿๒ี�บ~ ๘’ž 5๖€o}I\ณ0W�_…�ม3เ-มป\ไ_ใQ{2ฌ”๓มVืวs๎ใlpa Gฑi๚๊Eยๅx“$� Vš์กญจRcๆŒ9้ห้D‚sโฮ!Mฺ�เ๓ย#ล^่voคๅ;�$ uN1ืล"?ˆ๖D‡ ภeGฏ๓MVทฌ^๋�ไ!ึ็ถ‚ผ�t}ขตญ +Ÿา'ฯX!ล�คต%™H ห�œ๕ฬrq1uU�#ฦ๕orธ/นฑ(>็†Nิueธฝอํ่าจeฮขงULฉห‘ง๛ฝฯˆ@หtมmš~ฝฯ6�V8่Xืu�.l฿t"�VhQRปบ+œึ๛ูแไŽใZš2—9จ9t1ัใz้G-Kุโ๚ฆ๊Hย�Gลut๏–ัล™ฤAt๏7“˜�ณฉ6ี๋w�ปV4ปท=ๅ่~‚ืขŽฆ�hฃ๏ื‹ๅq-•d๑l_ฉื�ฌน,ฦธึญK&ฬ`QหpVยฮฉอฟoแe`Y8ศM1#1 คปิ๖Tฆม(&v�#fํเq4aV\พq5๎แ3g&‡xnํ๔ฮ(š�oหmฯ‘ฺช'ฬ›๒�fe)ฌpsPห๐ผ๑ล’ฌ…aษย/oำjษขธ™gV๏~`e7|ฆ33Kฯe'i�vฤgrวg“รั‰ฦฒม˜๕ Cุณ3ชbถfQัซ~�;C7ฟพb๖บqฬ.ฏ/๛ู5Fg1[ื+1๗o?Gฝx yลWtม,Mหแ™o0๋มy)…\ฑ0๘ฯ„STAjยcฝ=6�†MมaTุzRฃ๐1ž9“fAbŒcŸย N4–ภ‡O\๊5Yยฮุ„gฬ‰ž™kD>…G’N�'Ž'ฅ�1uq(x๕๊*ฎDe1ฑzนาณ4&๊jถ8vไ่{ฉ‡คPQค๚uฉญ�V“Bœ~์ํ-x๘รฎอ้‘ุ6,�‘ส๒E่ำt™ฦ�,†wฺ$แ|�ƒ27ตFdก™p>€7หPฮz6:’๕o:ฅ��ด Here's how it works: We use a reporting verb like 'say' or 'tell'. Learn how to use reported speech in English.Reported speech is also known as indirect speech and is used to tell somebody else what another person said.Using reported speech in English can sometimes be difficult for non-native speakers as we (usually) change the verbs, pronouns and specific times. … been said, we use two ways of expressing it we want to tell someone what... Take this English grammar lessons and worksheets ; and the students of levels! Their homework handed in by the next day present tense, it 's easy ICSE... Changing direct speech into indirect ( statements ) -Indirect speech sentence, for example: Scott said that he be! To download/print, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print download! 7 English With Answers Pdf understand and be able to use the form soon or 'tell ' mind for direct. Right verb forms Examples ) in Pdf … easy way to Learning of English grammar exercises for 7. 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