Economic theory posits that economic welfare is the total benefit available to society provided by various economic transaction and situation (Economic Online, 2014). Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into coconut milk or coconut oil. [116], It is one of the most useful trees in the world.[16]. As part of the activities, there was a two-day conference aimed at re-educating Guyanese about the diverse benefits of the coconut fruit focusing on its economic diversification and multipurpose use, while heightening awareness and boosting the local Agro-tourism sector. The meat may also be grated and mixed with water to make coconut milk, which is used in cooking and as a substitute for cows milk. It is spread by host insects, that thrive on heavy turf grasses. "The potential of the Coconut Industry is huge and benefits are available for parties from all sectors. In some coconut growing countries, the coconut is the main or only source of foreign exchange earnings. The fats in the coconut minimize the pores that attract dirt and bacteria and prevent skin from getting damaged. Long-term consumption of coconut oil may have negative health effects similar to those from consuming other sources of saturated fats, including butter, beef fat, and palm oil. [23] However, there is some evidence that it may be polygamomonoecious and may occasionally have bisexual flowers. The coconut industry is an important pillar of Philippine agriculture. Its BRIX level is 16 [sugars] compared to 12 in sugarcane juice. The fruit, meat, water, and milk of the coconut are all widely consumed as part of the diet in many parts of the world. The earliest Cocos-like fossil to be found was "Cocos"zeylanica, a fossil species described from small fruits, around 3.5cm (1+12in) 1.3 to 2.5cm (12 to 1in) in size, recovered from the Miocene (~23 to 5.3 million years ago) of New Zealand in 1926. Be notified when an answer is posted. Rajamohan T. Clinical Biochemistry. The fresh husk of a brown coconut may serve as a dish sponge or body sponge. Gasa suggested, for lack of paper, delivering by dugout canoe a message inscribed on a husked coconut shell, reading Nauru Isl commander / native knows posit / he can pilot / 11 alive need small boat / Kennedy.[159] This coconut was later kept on the president's desk, and is now in the John F. Kennedy Library. Coconut milk contains 5% to 20% fat, while coconut cream contains around 20% to 50% fat. ; Muralidharan, K.; Parthasarathy, V.A. [39] Thenga, its Tamil/Malayalam name, was used in the detailed description of coconut found in Itinerario by Ludovico di Varthema published in 1510 and also in the later Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. [95], The practice of using macaques to harvest coconuts was exposed in Thailand by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in 2019, resulting in calls for boycotts on coconut products. In Cambodia, the roots are used in traditional medicine as a treatment for dysentery. It was the world's largest producer for decades until a decline in production due to aging trees as well as typhoon devastation. Economic importance of Coconut (Notes) - YouTube Hawaiians hollowed the trunk to form drums, containers, or small canoes. HE Moore Jr, NW Uhl. Coconut buttons are often used for Hawaiian aloha shirts. In order to resolve this enigma, a 2014 study proposed that the ancestors of Cocos had likely originated on the Caribbean coast of what is now Colombia, and during the Eocene the ancestral Cocos performed a long-distance dispersal across the Atlantic Ocean to North Africa. In addition to the traditional products of copra, coconut oil and copra meal, coconut has the unique advantage of producing a wide variety of food and environment friendly non-food products which are used both domestically and for a global export market. The Hindu goddess of well-being and wealth, Lakshmi, is often shown holding a coconut. Fruit growing, on the other hand, is perennial in nature, allowing the grower to remain engaged in farm operations throughout the year and to make full use of farm resources and assets, such as machinery, land, and water, for production purposes throughout the year. [145] They can also be processed to extract palm sugar. [146] The sap when fermented can also be made into coconut vinegar or various palm wines (which can be further distilled to make arrack). [3][4] It has also acquired religious significance in South Asian cultures, where it is used in Hindu rituals. [131][86] Most of the fat is saturated (89%), with lauric acid being the major fatty acid. Perera, Champa K. Bandaranayake and Hugh C. Harries. The coconut has cultural and religious significance in certain societies, particularly in the Western Pacific Austronesian cultures where it features in their mythologies, songs, and oral traditions. [37][38] In the West it was originally called nux indica, a name used by Marco Polo in 1280 while in Sumatra. Coconuts could not reach inland locations without human intervention (to carry seednuts, plant seedlings, etc.) [58] Coconuts also need high humidity (at least 7080%) for optimum growth, which is why they are rarely seen in areas with low humidity. Coconut oil is also a main ingredient in Ayurvedic oils. Choti Holi 2023: When is Choti Holi 2023? Here's all you need to know Flowering occurs continuously. On the eve of Choti Holi . The liquid of the nut, known as coconut water, is used in beverages. Coconuts were introduced by Europeans to the Americas only during the colonial era in the Columbian exchange, but there is evidence of a possible pre-Columbian introduction of Pacific coconuts to Panama by Austronesian sailors. Severe frost is usually fatal, although they have been known to recover from temperatures of 4C (25F). What are the physical characteristics of a coconut? This, together with their use of the South American sweet potato, suggests that Austronesian peoples may have sailed as far east as the Americas. [32], Further complicating measures to determine the evolutionary history of Cocos is the genetic diversity present within C. nucifera as well as its relatedness to other palms. Drift models based on wind and ocean currents have shown that coconuts could not have drifted across the Pacific unaided. A young, well-maintained tree can produce around 300 litres (79 US gallons) of toddy per year, while a 40-year-old tree may yield around 400L (110USgal). [52][53] Other evidence for a Central Indo-Pacific origin is the native range of the coconut crab; and the higher amounts of C. nucifera-specific insect pests in the region (90%) in comparison to the Americas (20%), and Africa (4%). Pintonesia Trading Corp has served customers from all over the world and it has become our top priority to meet our customers satisfaction and expectations. Elvira is known for her creative approach to cuisine, and her passion for teaching others about the culinary arts. How useful is a coconut tree Write 5 sentences? (2015), however, suggests that their diversity in New Zealand indicate that they evolved endemically, rather than being introduced to the islands by long-distance dispersal. All of these introductions are within the last few centuries, relatively recent in comparison to the spread of Pacific coconuts.[49]. What is the economic importance of coconut? The Philippine Coconut Industry: Status, Policies and Strategic Lately, civil wars and crop failures have driven up the EU Rotterdam coconut oil price, which has doubled during 2010-2011, nearing $2,000 per tonne, according to the UK Grocer. Nevin KG. "Effects of coconut oil on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in Sprague-Dawley rats". Economic Importance of Coconut Oil | Bizfluent The researchers concluded that it was brought by early Austronesian sailors to the Americas from at least 2,250 BP, and may be proof of pre-Columbian contact between Austronesian cultures and South American cultures. coconut, edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the palm family (Arecaceae). Besides the edible kernels and the drink obtained from green nuts, the harvested coconut also yields copra, the dried extracted kernel, or meat, from which coconut oil, a major vegetable oil, is expressed. The Makapuno (phenomenon) coconut is recognized to be due to the absence of two enzymes in the nut that are responsible in the degradation of the galactomannan in the solid endosperm so that it remains soft and this has become the characteristic of the nut. [citation needed], The two most common harvesting methods are the climbing method and the pole method. Easily kills parasites and helps remove them from body. Mature fruits have significantly less liquid than young, immature coconuts, barring spoilage. Linguistic, archaeological, and genetic evidence all point to the early domestication of Pacific coconuts by the Austronesian peoples in maritime Southeast Asia during the Austronesian expansion (c.3000 to 1500BCE). [18][19][20], A full-sized coconut fruit weighs about 1.4 kilograms (3pounds 1ounce). They were selected for by the Austronesian peoples for their larger endosperm-to-husk ratio as well as higher coconut water content, making them more useful as food and water reserves for sea voyages. Some of the intercrops identified include cassava, bananas, blackpepper and ginger. [143], The sap can be reduced by boiling to create a sweet syrup or candy such as te kamamai in Kiribati or dhiyaa hakuru and addu bondi in the Maldives. [73], The coconut palm is damaged by the larvae of many Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species which feed on it, including the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) and Batrachedra spp. Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil could also help reduce acne. The hard shells, fibrous husks and long pinnate leaves can be used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decoration. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 13:03. [62] The two groups are genetically distinct, with the dwarf variety showing a greater degree of artificial selection for ornamental traits and for early germination and fruiting. Neera has a low glycemic count at 35 compared to cane sugar or sugarcane juice that has a glycemic count of 80. 3. The coconut palm Your energy will be boosted and the thyroid gland hormones production will be enhanced. Copyright 2020 Deejay Coconut Farm Pvt Ltd | All Rights Reserved |, Scope for Coconut Cultivation and its National Importance, Four things you most likely didnt know about coconut hybridization. the coconut indu stry of g reat economic imp orta nce. The coconut is a versatile and valuable crop, with a range of uses that contribute to both local and global economies. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. The know-how of coconut cultivation and necessary soil fixation and irrigation may have found its way into Omani, Hadrami and Al-Mahra culture by people who returned from those overseas areas. In the 18th century, Belize exported dried coconuts to Britain to produce food . Overall, the coconut fruit is an important economic resource that has a wide range of uses and contributes significantly to local and global economies. The sap derived from incising the flower clusters of the coconut is drunk as toddy, also known as tub in the Philippines (both fermented and fresh), tuak (Indonesia and Malaysia), karewe (fresh and not fermented, collected twice a day, for breakfast and dinner) in Kiribati, and neera in South Asia. Indo-Atlantic coconuts, in contrast, all have the ancestral traits of tall habits and elongated triangular fruits. [132] Coconut milk can be diluted to create coconut milk beverages. It is also used as a natural moisturizer, especially for winter. Inflorescence : Large, lateral arising from the axils of leaves, compound spadix, enclosed by large woody bract called spathe. Because coconut milk and oil nourish skin, moisturizing, restorative, vitality to skin, has a radiant effect. Research into countermeasures to these pests has as of 2009[update] yielded no results; researchers from the Kerala Agricultural University and the Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragode, continue to work on countermeasures. Mature Malakatad coconut meat has a tough texture and thus are processed before consumption or made into copra. However, they can be found in humid areas with low annual precipitation such as in Karachi, Pakistan, which receives only about 250mm (9+34in) of rainfall per year, but is consistently warm and humid. Coconuts only came into prominence as an important food item after the 1860s and this was largely due to its use by the Indian indentured immigrants who had replaced the slaves on the plantations and who had used coconuts in a variety of ways in their native land. (2009), assigned it to Cocos based on the size and the ridged shape of the fruit. It can be used in liquid form as would other vegetable oils, or in solid form similar to butter or lard. The various parts of the coconut have a number of culinary uses. Coconut Tree is commonly found in coastal areas. [43], The specific name nucifera is derived from the Latin words nux (nut) and fera (bearing), for 'nut-bearing'. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for irritated, chafed skin. The origin of dwarf varieties is Southeast Asia, which contain the tall cultivars that are genetically closest to dwarf coconuts. [13] It is consumed throughout the humid tropics, and has been introduced into the retail market as a processed sports drink. Coconut meal: Nutraceutical importance and food industry application Why Is Coconut Abundant In The Philippines? - Sweetish Hill Nevertheless, the authors Gomez-Navarro et al. The use of coconut branches in corporal punishment was revived in the Gilbertese community on Choiseul in the Solomon Islands in 2005. 50 % of existing coconut palms have passed their economic bearing age (60 years) and are due for replanting, around 900 million coconut seedlings are required at a value of USD$ 2.7 Billion to secure a sustainable future for the global coconut estate. Copra prices went down and plantations were neglected or under-planted with other crops. [166][167][168] Amphioctopus marginatus is the first invertebrate known to be able to use tools.[167][169]. Scientific studies have found it effective for treating enlarged prostate and improving serum cholesterol. The various products of Coconut include tender Coconut water, copra, Coconut oil, raw [125] These can be toasted or baked to make bacon-like fixings. Furthermore, the exports of coconut products serve as the nation's prime foreign exchange earner. Macapuno is a coconut variety with a jelly-like coconut meat. Several countries' economies are based on the coconut palm. Stem Aerial, erect, unbranched and columnar, having prominent scars of leaf bases. The leaves are used for thatching houses, or for decorating climbing frames and meeting rooms in Cambodia, where the plant is known as d:ng.[158]. Traditional Training of Pig-tailed Macaques as Coconut HarvestersM Bertrand; Science; Jan 1967. Nutrition Facts: Vegetable Oil, Coconut. These skilled, unpaid laborers can pick hundreds of coconuts daily. Coconut trunks are used for building small bridges and huts; they are preferred for their straightness, strength, and salt resistance. [79][80][81], To avoid this, coconuts workers in the Philippines and Guam traditionally use bolos tied with a rope to the waist to cut grooves at regular intervals on the coconut trunks. Choti Holi, also known as Holika Dahan, is an important Hindu festival celebrated throughout India, one day before the main Holi festival. [33], Coconuts are susceptible to the phytoplasma disease, lethal yellowing. For the ProRodeo Hall of Fame bucking horse, see, Geographical distributions of Indo-Atlantic and Pacific coconut subpopulations and their genetic composition (Gunn, Inferred historical introduction of coconuts from the original centers of diversity in the, "Grated coconut" redirects here. Coconuts probably originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and are one of the most important crops of the tropics. [171] Often it is decorated with bright metal foils and other symbols of auspiciousness. [185], This article is about the plant. Indo-Atlantic coconuts were also introduced into the Atlantic Ocean by Portuguese ships from their colonies in coastal India and Sri Lanka; first being introduced to coastal West Africa, then onwards into the Caribbean and the east coast of Brazil. Coconut is grown in more than 90 countries of the world and Indonesia, Philippines, India are the major producing countries of the world. Corrections? . However, like most palm fossils, Cocos-like fossils are still putative, as they are usually difficult to identify. The young coconut plants need to be nursed and irrigated with drip pipes until they are old enough (stem bulb development) to be irrigated with brackish water or seawater alone, after which they can be replanted on the beaches. [1] This pattern coincides with the known trade routes of Austronesian sailors. Coconut palms yield roughly 20 percent of the market's oils and fats, Just Change Trust estimates. [45][24][48][49] Their cultivation and spread was closely tied to the early migrations of the Austronesian peoples who carried coconuts as canoe plants to islands they settled. Micronutrients in significant content (more than 10% of the Daily Value) include the dietary minerals, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc (table). Coconut oil is also considered good for hair. Only a few of the roots penetrate deep into the soil for stability. Based on color and size, younger coconuts tend to be smaller and have brighter colors, while more mature coconuts have browner colors and are larger. [134][135] It can also be diluted into a beverage. de Lourdes Arruzazabala, M.; Molina, V.; Ms, R.; Carbajal, D.; Marrero, D.; Gonzlez, V.; Rodrguez, E. (2007). It also plays a central role in the Coconut Religion of Vietnam. They include morphotaxa like Palmoxylon sundaran, Palmoxylon insignae, and Palmocarpon cocoides. According to the Just Change Trust in India, over 500 million coconut palms are cultivated in tropical regions, where coconuts are the prime source of fats and protein for more than 400 million people. During germination, the embryo pushes out of the functional pore and forms a haustorium (the coconut sprout) inside the central cavity. Coconut oil, aside from being used in cooking as an ingredient and for frying, is used in soaps, cosmetics, hair oil, and massage oil. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses.The inner flesh of the mature seed, as well as the coconut milk extracted from it, form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. Dried half shells are used as the bodies of musical instruments, including the Chinese yehu and banhu, along with the Vietnamese n go and Arabo-Turkic rebab. Dried copra gives 60 to 67% oil and 33-40% oil cake. The endocarp or shell is used for fuel for making shell charcoal, activated carbon etc. In the Malay language, it is pokok seribu guna ("the tree of a thousand uses"). Coconut palms are cultivated north of south Florida to roughly Cocoa Beach on the East Coast and Clearwater on the West Coast. The nuts we had in baskets on deck remained edible and capable of germinating the whole way to Polynesia. PT. [174], The flowers are used sometimes in wedding ceremonies in Cambodia. [57] If they were naturally distributed and had been in the Pacific for a thousand years or so, then we would expect the eastern shore of Australia, with its own islands sheltered by the Great Barrier Reef, to have been thick with coconut palms: the currents were directly into, and down along this coast. [18][19] Niu vai endocarp fragments have been recovered in archaeological sites in the St. Matthias Islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. In addition, fossils of potential Cocos ancestors have been recovered from both Colombia and India. As of 2006, the U.S. annually imported 190 million pounds of coconut oil, whose worldwide trade reached $20 million. [92][93][94] Training schools for pig-tailed macaques still exist both in southern Thailand and in the Malaysian state of Kelantan. A coconut (Sanskrit: narikela) is an essential element of rituals in Hindu tradition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Economic And Social Department: The Statistical Division. [130], A special cultivar of coconut known as macapuno produces a large amount of jelly-like coconut meat. Domesticated coconuts also have more amounts of coconut water. On account of this, thepalm has been regarded as Kalpvriksh (Tree of heaven). It is claimed that they evolved to disperse significant distances via marine currents. It is produced as the endosperm nourishes the developing embryo. Each spike in the spadix bears 2 to 3 female flowers at the base and 200 to 300 male flowers at the top. [120] They can also be determined traditionally by tapping on the coconut fruit. [27] It is a haustorium, a spongy absorbent tissue formed from the distal portion of embryo during coconut germination, facilitates absorption of nutrients for the growing shoot and root.[142]. "Chapter 12 Coconut". Many insect pests and diseases affect the species and are a nuisance for commercial production. The stiff midribs of coconut leaves are used for making brooms in India, Indonesia (sapu lidi), Malaysia, the Maldives, and the Philippines (walis tingting). Malakatad (literally "leather-like") refers to fully mature coconut meat (around 8 to 9 months old) with an opaque white appearance, a tough rubbery to leathery texture, and is difficult to separate from the shell. It is also often stated that coconuts can travel 110 days, or 5,000km (3,000mi), by sea and still be able to germinate. Neera has a low glycemic count at 35 compared to cane sugar or sugarcane juice that has a glycemic count of 80. The liquid of the nut, known as coconut water, is used in beverages. Though safer and faster than the climbing method, its main disadvantage is that it does not allow workers to examine and clean the crown of coconuts for pests and diseases. Hearts of palm are eaten in salads, sometimes called "millionaire's salad". The husks can be used as flotation devices. (1995). [173] In the foothills of the temple town of Palani, before going to worship Murugan for the Ganesha, coconuts are broken at a place marked for the purpose. The inner posterior tepal is completely outside. However, it is not native and displays a genetic bottleneck resulting from a founder effect. Coconut is an important food crop produced worldwide and is a palm family member. The coconut is also an important economic resource for the production of fiber and other materials. Due to growing sedentary lifestyles and heavy-handed landscaping, a decline in these traditional farming and soil-fixing techniques has occurred. In 1987, a "coconut law" was signed by Governor Edwin Edwards exempting from insurance liability any decorated coconut "handed" from a Zulu float. [91][85] In other areas, like in Papua New Guinea, coconuts are simply collected when they fall to the ground. Sri Lanka established its Coconut Development Authority and Coconut Cultivation Board and Coconut Research Institute in the early British Ceylon period.[109]. As of 2006, the U.S. annually imported 190 million pounds of coconut oil, whose worldwide trade reached $20 million. Economic Importance of Coconut | PDF - They also include fossil fruits that have been tentatively identified as modern Cocos nucifera. In Australia, a Cocos-like fossil fruit, measuring 10cm 9.5cm (3+78in 3+34in), were recovered from the Chinchilla Sand Formation dated to the latest Pliocene or basal Pleistocene. This mite infests coconut plantations, and is devastating; it can destroy up to 90% of coconut production. Required fields are marked *. [77], Coconut has a number of commercial and traditional cultivars. [1] The term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut")[2] can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. nuciferae. [26][27][31], Outside of New Zealand and India, only two other regions have reported Cocos-like fossils, namely Australia and Colombia. The fruit is adapted for ocean dispersal. Conclusion A high source of important vitamins and minerals, as well as high in fibre, fruits are an excellent food choice. Cocos-like fossils of fruits include "Cocos" intertrappeansis, "Cocos" pantii, and "Cocos" sahnii. Economic importance The palms with the greatest importance in world commerce are the coconut and the African oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ); both are prime sources of vegetable oil and fat. Some cultivars such as 'Fiji dwarf' form a large bulb at the lower stem and others are cultivated to produce very sweet coconut water with orange-colored husks (king coconut) used entirely in fruit stalls for drinking (Sri Lanka, India). [6] On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30. [26][27] The vast majority of Cocos-like fossils have been recovered generally from only two regions in the world: New Zealand and west-central India. Other aspects such as seed size, shape and weight, and copra thickness are also important factors in the selection of new cultivars. The biggest barrier to establishing an investment climate for coconut and an economic alternative to oil palm land area expansion is the critical lack of quality planting materials and coconut investment model. (PDF) The Coconut Industry: A Review of Price - ResearchGate Economic welfare can be evaluated through consumer surplus and producer surplus. These vary by the taste of the coconut water and color of the fruit, as well as other genetic factors. In Florida, wild populations of coconut palms extend up the East Coast from Key West to Jupiter Inlet, and up the West Coast from Marco Island to Sarasota. Because of its properties that reduce appetite and boost metabolism, coconut oil can help in losing fat in the long term. [180], According to urban legend, more deaths are caused by falling coconuts than by sharks annually. Freshly shredded mature coconut meat, known as "grated coconut", "shredded coconut", or "coconut flakes", is used in the extraction of coconut milk. Coconuts were also later spread in historic times along the coasts of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans by South Asian, Arab, and European sailors. But this is uncommon. Economic importance of coconut fruit. Botanical description and 3rd Floor, St Patricks Complex, Brigade Road, Is eating coconut good for your skin? Some dried coconut is purely coconut, but others are manufactured with other ingredients, such as sugar, propylene glycol, salt, and sodium metabisulfite. Most less-developed countries depend on agriculture as a major source of income and employment. ~The effect will be much stronger when consumed by adding ~When mask made with milk inside coconut, color tone of skin will be opened. Handwritten notes availableIf you find any doubt then you can ask me in the comment section below Please do like,share, comment the video and subscr. Its versatility and value make it an important commodity that continues to play a vital role in the economic development of many countries around the world. Economic Value of Climate Variability Impacts on Coconut Production in Coconut palms yield roughly 20 percent of the market's oils and fats, Just Change Trust estimates. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Coconut Prices Set to Soar Amid Civil War and Crop Failures; R Ford; The Grocer; April 8, 2011. Coconut is a plant-based source of saturated fat. The oil cakeis used to feed cattle.and poultry. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits because their endosperm contains a large quantity of clear liquid, called coconut water or coconut juice. Agriculture Industry In the past, the harvesting of coconuts and their husks was considered part of the waste or for burning fuel, and they did not have much economic benefit. It has great demand in confectionary and other good industries. It is used for cooking various dishes.