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While these 2023 astrology predictions are based on your zodiac sign or Sun sign, we recommend that you also read the overview for your ascendant or rising sign for a few additional nuances. Also transiting Mars will be opposite transiting Pluto in May again making aspects to Georges sun and moon. It is related to gaslighting which comes to us from the British playwright Patrick Hamilton and similar to George Orwells visions in 1984. Prince Harry and Meghan were obviously told the name of the emerald tiara but it doesnt make the book. Did she know him? How far H has fallen. But there were other things going on. I say storyboard because in television, its used to help the writer as much as the wardrobe department. Dont you miss real romance? All you need to is then pay trolls to whip up controversy online and you have the Moonbump story. Interesting! You were born in South Africa so are up to speed with Moscows and Beijings designs on the Commonwealth, and Africa in particular. Im psychic too and dont do enough with it but Spirit are calling me back to doing light work again. 1. As subjects we are allowed to ask these questions online these days, though of course, back then you have might have been waving at the ravens in the Tower of London! Or was this trick photography? Good grief. Harry was obviously the big goal around then. I see him as a troubled soul who is stuck at age 12 and blames everyone and everything. Its very odd. Janie Bee, Too funny. What we have been seeing is really a crisis waiting to happen it will happen in March. His elder brother was Arthur, married to Catherine of Aragon. hi Jessica, I havent read Spare yet or even seen Harrys Interviews but I am also a professional astrologer and psychic and I admire your work. This is the famous Now you see, now you dont sequence of photographs. The word LIES, therefore, belongs in the word EPISCOPAL for more than one reason. End of quote. This was around the time Lady Susan Hussey was dragged into accusations of racism, rather oddly recorded at a party. Hi Jessica A womb scan of Meghans stomach? He is likely to be a quick-tempered man with poor tolerance for others. It was big. Yuri Milner invested in a company co-owned by Jared Kushner, Donald Trumps son-in-law. Yes, the Duchess of York claimed the Princess of Wales had given her plantar warts with her size 6.5 shoes. I can feel echoes across history. Also, wasnt MM listed as a witness by Virginia Giuffres lawyers? Sometimes it coincides with other cycles which hit a national chart (like France in the French Revolution) and you end up with mobs and guillotines. He could pull it off. If Harry has been privy to information of underhanded dealings I fear for him much and all as I consider his behaviour since decamping to Montecito to be pretty disgraceful . I dont know if it is related to whatever is coming in March. Magnificent, Jessica. He sees them almost as a danger to his relationship with Meghan. In the original prediction about the Royal Family I referenced Affairs, Heirs and Spares and of course it would be six years before Prince Harry even contemplated Spare as a title, so I think I was working on a purely psychic level for that section. Obvious omissions, perhaps, as well as inclusions. Being mindful of the internet gossip/fiction industry surrounding M&H of course. The wedding itself, is textbook. Ive always been struck by Welbys arrogance, even when hes reading from the Bible (as though he himself wrote it). Smoke and mirrors? Ultimately, do you see Harry ever returning or coming to any harm? We walked to the area where her grave is, near the lake. There is a power vacuum. Foster and Hadid divorced in 2017. I assumed it was because she was too young to be able to read the words but then I saw her look upon the coffin with this expression and I could not help but feel she was thinking Dont worry Gan-Gan, I got this. August 21st 2017 Sun 28 Leo Moon 28 Leo, Despite all of this, in one of the comments you say: Astrology does not take sides. However I am confused because when Meghan had suicidal thoughts she said she contacted the firms HR department to talk about it. He just knew. I have been doing some research on Harry, Meghan, Russia and the astrological charts, ahead of a podcast with Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail and an interview in the Daily Express. Happy Lunar New Year. But then we are talking about a country with apartheid as its legacy, and with politicians who cannot be trusted except to line their own pockets. This has been a fascinating read and very eye opening. Thank you for pointing out these familiar narratives in Dianas story and Harrys too. Predictions by the Chinese zodiac expert for Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for 2022 have been revealed as today marks the Chinese New Year. Apparently the US interview was far more critical of the RF and Camilla. I still think as we discussed, the brothers will likely reconcile when the smoke clears these transits, but that is still a bit off into the future. Or another strategy? And comme par hasard, none of the 14 cameras inside the tunnel worked that day It is all very poignant, peaceful and beautiful. Pretty easy to turn the gas off though and open a window! So why would he expect it now. Also, I cant remember which newspaper/commentator I read it but concerns were raised about Hs detailed descriptions of the location of bedrooms, corridors, doors, gates, grounds, rooms and floors in the various royal residences in Spare. CBC April 14th 2022. I cant comment on that, but having finally read Spare, its a vague autobiography. I wonder the credentials and political persuasion of that therapist? As you tweeted, amazing lady has come forward re Hs Spare account of losing his virginity. Caroline. We have also been hoodwinked for a lot of this. and the birth, is Archie also part of this chess game? Why? In fact, it ran a feature (above) questioning his choice of wedding garb. I also get the impression that he is being guided either by Diana in spirit, or by intelligence sources operating in secret. (The Rulership Book, Rex E. Bills, American Federation of Astrologers Inc, Tempe, Arizona, 1971). was them leaving for US already planned, as part of Charles plan to reduce the size of the firm which theyd have to do anyway as theres now so many of them? Even republicans know the facts! Should the heir meet an untimely death or become ill and unable to perform duties, there is no spare at all. This is important. Soho just a comma or a space bar away from an unfortunate slur. The strange thing about the Harry-Meghan wedding is that so many people in the first few rows were divorced. No matter, just glad you arent working into the wee small hours. No. The wedding itself probably deserves its own astrology feature! 109126-mainGrammy predictions 2023 ceremony with Beyonce, Adele, Harry Styles - I wonder if this was on the storyboard along with Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana? Meghan dresses exactly as Diana did, or Wallis Simpson did. It pulls in karma from 18-19 years prior, and a further 18-19 years before that. Jessica This was a good read. I agree the death was an unlawful killing, as did the courts, but I do not believe the standard explanation. I will need to find the astrological chart for MCG to see if there is any foundation for that line of thought. Please say yes! William does give the impression of having some of the Queens steel , lacking in Charles. Who was king of England, the Pope or Henry? This is a manufactured war. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. I feelt the medium rage as well the day of the wedding and turned of the TV, the feeling I had was that it didnt feel authentic. They keep on repeating the sentences And then finally the 25 Taliban. Charles has form for being indecisive/weak even. Remembering Rex Bills published it, years 13 years before Harry was born, he associates Sagittarius with: . Town and Country magazine seem to think so, saying the Vladimir Tiara was a piece that was the subject of some speculation around the royal wedding.. Yes, The Guardian were given Spare. Gas can be subtle. At age 50, when Harry and Meghan were to be married I knew to look for much more. I also think there is done so much damage that there is no way back in that relationship.. See my comments about Netflix and manufactured drama. When this happened in the era of Henry VIII women rose to power through a twist of birth order, following a period of patriarchy, as Henry disposed of wives who would not give him a male heir. A pen is placed in her hand, but she appears unwilling to sign. I would be curious to hear from Peter Settelen again and in turn hear from Diana again about the missing pieces of her story and how it may help make sense or make peace. 11, "Born on a Tuesday afternoon". Read a comment once, someone said their wedding & timing, was a plan by the RF to divert attention from Andrew. for what exactly? When its good, its brilliant when its bad, its awful. Being a largely science based person, I cannot explain this. It is the fastest, easiest way to divide people isnt it? Hi Jessica, I have not. It may end up being the longest comment thread we ever keep open, but it will be so interesting to look back on. Dangerous. Lady C is very well connected, as shown by her posting of the first notification of the Queens death, for which she was castigated. Stay safe, And the triangular mountain itself not dissimilar to the one of the front of th American dollar bill. In the years leading up to her death she had been desperate to reconnect with Charles who only a few years before dumped her for being too needy. Just a few more steps and we will have a fractured Church of England, rather like the ground after a couple of minor earthquakes. Jessica His escape may be to ditch the role! Fantastic work by you as always and love reading your blogs. I have been reading your site since early 2016, so I had seen your predictions, but will re-read, and digest it all, not at warp speed however. The bridesmaid dresses not fitting is another good example of this kind of disruption. Do I sound cynical here? Then the other day I was reading snippets that had been leaked from Harrys book where he calls Camilla dangerous and says that her road to redemption in the publics eyes is littered with bodies. This will change the way we work and live forever and deliver a four-day week. I quote again: For her part, Meghan and her mother spent the night before the wedding at Cliveden. A marriage for Harry? You can bet Charles III has done similar levels of research on stamps; my money would be on a difficult situation where the postal industry cannot wait but he cannot go out with a stamp which would be withdrawn later. I worry for him as he is an extremely sensitive soul. I think the woman is British. The US court system includes a discovery process. If fiction, I think how creative the authors of it are. The excitement of Russian America, or American Russia, ends. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. We are lucky to have a minute-accurate personal birth chart for Harold as he insisted in referring to himself in Spare. I also agree with you re Andrew. I also recall that the Queen was insistent that Prince William and Prince George should cease to travel together. What a sharp contrast that tight fit family of 4 is to what we have now. The stars are aligned for an historic change in the balance of power for Charles, Camilla, his children, grandchildren, sibling and so on, around 23rd March. There is always a lot of speculation anytime Harry is spotted with a new "friend." Normally, that type of conjecture is just tabloid gossip, but in the case of an Aquarius, it's probably. Thank you. The other huge mistake people are making, from an astrologers point of view, is to separate Harry from Andrew. The documentary made repeated reference to how easy it was for the Russians to get influence at the highest levels, and how highly skilled they are, to the point that their targets wouldnt necessarily even realise that they were working for the Russian state. It has now become doubly tragic as a man has been executed. Bloodlines are part of that. Jessica, thanks, very interesting. Astrazeneca now apparently The supposedly drunk driver The old car Etc. I wonder if he actually realises? The bigger picture here is the cycle of the South Node in Libra, which rules marriage, and particularly Holy Matrimony, from July. Diana is not happy. One by one, institutions are being picked apart or exposed. He said that until recently, he doubted it, but an incident that took place in Feb of 1994 put a rather different complexion on the issue. So by demoralising the Royal Family they loose their popularity that leads to more countries in the Commonwealth leaving therefore reducing/weakening the commonwealth. I dont know but I dont trust China anymore than I trust Russia. So for as much as he is gaslighting the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (whom he has a decent amount of power over) and we are doubting the evidence of our own eyes (the Meghan-Oprah Winfrey exchange about Archies skin colour) now that Harry has changed his position you have to wonder if he is not also like the victim in the Patrick Campbell play. The three of them could have chosen to release the interview at any time, or not release it at all, out of respect to our Queen and her family, but they did not. (This leads the author PT to recount this next bit): Her Mulberry bag shes holding possibly mirroring the moon. after Harrys commitment in the army and his actions in Afghanistan since Charles, as a real connoisseur of the Quran and a religious perennialist was against the belligerent intervention in Irak; he apparently expressed his moderate opinions to Tony Blair at the time. Your eagle eyes have spotted that Prince Harry was also in Istanbul at the time. I feel that Harry will one day limp back to his family damaged and bruised. Shes on this side, shes an intelligence agent and this was definitely London. Was there any relations between them? I personally think the C of E I know youve mentioned the security services in the past but, surely, she would have been checked out on the quiet or is it a case of they were too busy with the Andrew business plus working as hard as they do foiling all the terrorist plots we dont get to hear about? Is Harry the honey trap to somehow catch the bigger and more threatening fish? Whatever it means, it meant to me some sort of US connection.