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MH and MHS are thankful to the National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran, and the National Research Institute for Science policy, Tehran, Iran, for providing the samples. Haplogroup G is observed in this survey as G1-M285 and G2a-P15. Differential Y-chromosome Anatolian influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic. The hg G-U1 subclade is characterized by several sub-clusters of haplotypes, including a more diverse cluster mostly represented by Caucasus populations. It is a branch of Haplogroup F (M89), and is theorized to have originated, according to the latest thinking, in the Near East or Southern Asia, likely in the region that is now northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The geographic origins of a Y chromosome haplogroup for males can be deciphered from the phylogenetic tree of mankind, or the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree, maintained by the International Society of Genetic Genealogy ( ISOGG, 2016 ). The 96 populations were collapsed into 50 regionally defined populations by excluding populations where the total G count was less than n=5. In addition, K-Y28299, which appears to be a primary branch of K-M2313, has been found in three living individuals from India. This haplogroup was found in a Neolithic skeleton from around 5000 BC, in the cemetery of Derenburg Meerenstieg II, Germany, which forms part of the Linear Pottery culture, known in German as Linearbandkeramik (LBK),[11] but was not tested for G2a3 subclades. Mitochondrial DNA variation of modern Tuscans supports the near eastern origin of Etruscans. JD and JC were supported by ANR program AFGHAPOP No BLAN07-9_222301. [26][27] Among the Druze mostly residents of Israel 10% were found to be haplogroup G.[28], Around 10% of Jewish males are Haplogroup G.[citation needed], In Africa, haplogroup G is rarely found in sub-Saharan Africa or south of the horn of Africa among native populations. First, here is the only region with co-presence of deep basal branches as well as the occurrence of high sub-haplogroup diversity of haplogroup G. Y-chromosome lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Acores record elements of Sephardim and Berber ancestry. Chromosome Y microsatellites: population genetic and evolutionary aspects. Haplogroup G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture, especially in the European context. Two sources of the Russian patrilineal heritage in their Eurasian context. To obtain Haplogroup G (M201) is a human Y-chromosome haplogroup. P257 was first reported in 2008. It is a branch of Haplogroup F (M89), and is theorized to have originated, according to the latest thinking, in the Near East or Southern Asia, likely in the region that is now northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Distribution. The Iceman belongs to haplogroup G2a2b [13] (earlier called G2a4). G-CTS2488 or G2a2b2 (also known as G-L141.1; previously G-141 and G2a3b) was identified only in mid-2009 at Family Tree DNA. Battaglia V, Fornarino S, Al-Zahery N et al. Men who belong to this group but are negative for all its subclades represent a small number today. The highest percentage of G-P303 persons in a discrete population so far described is on the island of Ibiza off the eastern Spanish coast. Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood. Lacan M, Keyser C, Ricaut FX et al. Categories have alternating letters and numbers. Distribution. G1 is possibly believed to have originated in Iran. G2a2b1 is more common in southern Europe than northern Europe. (2004) Origin, diffusion, and differentiation of Y-chromosome haplogroups E and J: inferences on the neolithization of Europe and later migratory events in the . (2000) suggested 17,000 years ago. To accommodate for variability in sample sizes and hg G content, haplogroup diversity was calculated using the method of Nei37 only in the 52 instances when total population sample size exceeded 50 individuals and 5hg G chromosomes were observed. Evaluation of Y-chromosomal STRs: a multicenter study. P287 was identified at the University of Arizona and became widely known in late 2007. Conversely, hg G is present in Northeast Caucasus only at an average frequency of 5% (range 019%). This video explains the migration route of Y-chromosome haplogroup G and the countries where it can be found today. The second component, influenced by the relatively high presence of M377, separates Ashkenazi Jews from other populations (Figure 3a). Although compared with G1-M285, the phylogenetic level of P303 (Figure 1) is shallower but its geographic spread zone covers the whole hg G distribution area (Figure 2b). Article The coalescence age estimate of 9400 years for P16 coincides with the early Holocene (Supplementary Table S4). It is provided at the request of readers. Balanovsky O, Dibirova K, Dybo A et al. Such temporal estimates must be viewed with caution owing to differences in individual STR locus mutation rates, sensitivity to rare outlier STR alleles and complexities related to multiple potential founders during a demographic event. The new phylogenetic and phylogeographic information provides additional insights into the demographic history and migratory events in Eurasia involving hg G. The present study comprises data from 98 populations totaling 17577 individuals, of which 1472 were members of hg G. The haplogroup frequency data are presented in Supplementary Table S1. The members of G-PF3359 are probably smaller in number than men included in G-P303, but only a small amount of testing has occurred for the relevant mutations. Forensic Sci Int-Gen 2007; 1: 287290. [38][self-published source?] Haplogroup G men who belong to this group, but are negative for all G2a subclades, are uncommon in Europe but may represent a sizeable group in so far poorly tested areas east of Turkey. Because M201 was identified first, it is the standard SNP test used when testing for G persons. The discovery of new SNPs can result in assignment of new names to haplogroup categories. Martinez L, Underhill PA, Zhivotovsky LA et al. The highest frequencies of haplogroup G appear in the Caucasus region; however it also shows significant frequencies in the Mediterranean areas and the Middle East [69,70]. Although the phylogenetic resolution within hg G has progressed,1, 17 a comprehensive survey of the geographic distribution patterns of significant hg G sub-clades has not been conducted. Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 141149. We emphasize that our assessments are based solely on contemporary DNA distributions rather than actual prehistoric patterns. The G-M286 subclade (M286+) is small compared with G-L91. There are distinctive Ashkenazi Jewish and Kazakh subclades based on STR marker value combinations. Among Jews in Israel drawn from many areas of the world, G-M377 constituted 3.7% in one study. Google Scholar. The mutations involved may be complicated and difficult to interpret. Population codes: Baltics (Blt), Belarusians (Blr), Poles (Pol), Ukrainians (Ukr), northern Russians (NRu), southern and central Russians (SRu), Circum-Uralic (CUr), Germans (Ger), Central Europeans (CE), Iberians (Ibr), French (Fra), Sardinians (Srd), Corsica (Cor), Sicilians (Sic), Italians (Ita), Switzerlands (Swi), Western Balkans (WB), Romanians (Rmn), Bulgarians (Bul), Crete (Crt), Greeks (Grc), Anatolian Greeks (AG), Egyptians (Egy), Near/Middle Easterners (ME), Ashkenazi Jews (AJ), Sephardic Jews (SJ), Arabian Peninsula (AP), Palestinians (Pal), Druze (Drz), Western Turks (WTu), Central Turks (CTu), Eastern Turks (ETu), Iranians (Irn), Abkhazians (Abh), Armenians (Arm), Georgians (Grg), South Ossetians (SOs), Iranian Azeris (Azr), Abazins (Aba), Adyghes (Ady), Balkars (Blk), Cherkessians (Crk), Kabardins (Kab), Karachays (Kar), Kuban Nogays (Nog), North Ossetians (NOs), Chamalals (Cha), Ingushes (Ing), Kumyks (Kum), Central Asians (CA), Pakistani (Pak). In 2012, SNPs with the Z designation as first identified by citizen researchers from 1000 Genomes Project data began to appear. Haplogroup G (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup G (M201) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Eur J Hum Genet 2008; 16: 374386. Haplogroup K2a (M2308) and its primary subclade K-M2313 were separated from Haplogroup NO (F549) in 2016. ), Haplogroup M, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1b. In Europeexcept in Italy G2a2b1 constitutes less than 20% of G samples. Although both broadly distributed, G2a-P15* and its downstream L91 sub-lineage have low frequencies, with the exception of Sardinia and Corsica. Y-chromosomal diversity in Lebanon is structured by recent historical events. Semino O, Magri C, Benuzzi G et al. The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people. The double 19 value situation is not seen in the G2a1 and G2a3 subclades. Yunusbayev B, Metspalu M, Jrve M et al. It encompasses a small group of Hispanic men who also so far all have the odd value of 13,21 at the YCA marker. Y chromosomal heritage of Croatian population and its island isolates. The M201 SNP mutation that characterizes haplogroup G was identified at Stanford University and was first reported in 2001. G2a3a-M406 has a modest presence in Thessaly and the Peloponnese (4%),10 areas of the initial Greek Neolithic settlements. Herein . The results were analyzed using the ABI PRISM program GeneMapper 4.0 (Applied Biosystems). First, we calculated haplogroup diversity using data in Supplementary Table S1 for the 52 instances when total population sample size exceeded 50 individuals and 5hg G chromosomes were observed. Although M527 frequency (Supplementary Table S1) is relatively low (16%), its phylogeographic distribution in regions such as southern Italy, Ukraine and the Levant (Druze and Palestinians) often coincides with areas associated with the Neolithic and post-Neolithic expansions into the Greek Aegean beginning approximately 7000 years ago.41 The expansion time (Td) of M527 is 71002300 years ago and is consistent with a Middle to Late Neolithic expansion of M527 in the Aegean. Almost all haplogroup G1 persons have the value of 12 at short tandem repeat (STR) marker DYS392 and all will have the M285 or M342 SNP mutation which characterizes this group. Marie Lacan, Christine Keyser, Franois-Xavier Ricaut, Nicolas Brucato, Francis Duranthon, Jean Guilaine, Eric Crubzy, and Bertrand Ludes, Ancient DNA reveals male diffusion through the Neolithic Mediterranean route. Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations. Polarity and temporality of high-resolution y-chromosome distributions in India identify both indigenous and exogenous expansions and reveal minor genetic influence of Central Asian pastoralists. The Caucasus are today mainly the countries of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and southwestern Russia. Gurdeep Matharu Lall, Maarten H. D. Larmuseau, Mark A. Jobling, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Ashot Margaryan, Richard Villems, Javier Rodriguez Luis, Leire Palencia-Madrid, Rene J. Herrera, Sandra Oliveira, Alexander Hbner, Jorge Rocha, Alessandra Modi, Desislava Nesheva, David Caramelli, Maxat Zhabagin, Zhaxylyk Sabitov, Elena Balanovska, Veronika Csky, Dniel Gerber, Anna Szcsnyi-Nagy, European Journal of Human Genetics G1-M285, previously described in the Iranian population . Nature 2010; 466: 238242. Am J Hum Genet 2006; 78: 202221. [8][9], Furthermore, the majority of all the male skeletons from the European Neolithic period have so far yielded Y-DNA belonging to this haplogroup. Nasidze I, Quinque D, Dupanloup I et al. The P303 SNP defines the most frequent and widespread G sub-haplogroup. ), Ancient G-M201s with sequencing[self-published source?] G-M406* (G2a2b1*; previously G2a3a*) and its subclades seem most commonly found in Turkey and the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean where it can constitute up to 5% of all makes and 50% of haplogroup G samples. The origin of haplogroup G is controversial. contracts here. More distantly, G2a3a-M406 occurs in Italy (3%) with a Td of 8100 years ago, consistent with the model of maritime Neolithic colonization of the Italian peninsula from coastal Anatolia and/or the Levant. The L91 mutation is found at 21327383 and rs35474563 on the Y-chromosome. There are additional subclades of DYS388=13 men characterized by the presence of specific SNPs or uncommon STR marker oddities. Kivisild T, Rootsi S, Metspalu M et al. While it is found in percentages higher than 10% among the Bakhtiari, Talysh people, Gilaki, Mazandarani and Iranian Azeris, it is closer to 5% among the Iranian Arabs and in some large cities. [23] About 6% of the samples from Sri Lanka and Malaysia were reported as haplogroup G, but none were found in the other coastal lands of the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean in Asia. Haplogroup S, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1a. Barac L, Pericic M, Klaric IM et al. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in (a)(f) Spatial frequency maps of haplogroup G (hg G) and its sub-clades with frequencies over 10%. In Europe west of the Black Sea, Haplogroup G is found at about 5% of the population on average throughout most of the continent. The DYS391 marker has mostly a value of 10, but sometimes 11, in G2a2b1 persons, and DYS392 is almost always 11. volume20,pages 12751282 (2012)Cite this article. Haplogroup G2a2b is a rare group today in Europe. We genotyped binary markers following PCR amplification, by either Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography, RFLP analysis, Taqman assay (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) or direct Sanger sequencing methodology. Kharkov VN, Stepanov VA, Borinskaya SA et al. Haplogroup G, together with J2 clades, has been associated with the spread of agriculture, especially in the European context. Origin and Migrations of Haplogroup G-M201 The first man to carry haplogroup G-M201 likely lived in southwestern Asia or the Caucasus between 46,000 and 54,000 years ago. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. and JavaScript. G is found mostly in the north central Middle East and the Caucasus, with smaller numbers around the Mediterranean and eastward. There were only a few G categories until 2008 when major revisions to categories were made. Ann Hum Genet 2004; 68: 588599. Hg G is most common in the Caucasus with a maximum frequency exceeding 70% in North Ossetians,2, 3 decreasing to 13% in Iran4 and then rapidly dissipating further eastward. Spallanzani, Universit di Pavia, Pavia, Italy, Viola Grugni,Vincenza Battaglia,Carmela Nici,Francesca Crobu,Sena Karachanak,Baharak Hooshiar Kashani&Ornella Semino, Department of Medical Genetics, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB), Tehran, Iran, Istituto di Genetica Molecolare Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pavia, Italy, Centro Interdipartimentale Studi di Genere, Universit di Pavia, Pavia, Italy, Unit Mixte de Recherche 6578, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and Etablissement Franais du Sang, Biocultural Anthropology, Medical Faculty, Universit de la Mditerrane, Marseille, France, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia, Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA, You can also search for this author in Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 788788. The L141 mutation involves an insertion.[35]. Eur J Hum Genet 2004; 12: 855863. Semino O, Magri C, Benuzzi G, Lin AA, Al-Zahery N, et al. Haplogroup G2a (G-P15) has been identified in Neolithic human remains in Europe dating between 5000 and 3000 BC.