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36. ), The Testimone of Mary Warren aged twenty yeares or thereaboutes Testifeyeth and saith that Sometime in July last mr Burrougs pinched mee very much and choaked me almost to death: and I saw and hard him sound a Trumpett and Immediatly I saw severall com to him as namely Capt Allding Mis Cary and goody pudeater and severall others and they urged me to goe along with them to their sacremental meeting and mr Burroughs brought to me bread to eat and wine to drink which I Refuseing he did most greviously torment me urging me vehemently to writ in his book: also I have seen mr George Burroughs or his Apperance most greviously tormenting mary walcott and Ann putnam and I verily beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has severall times tormented me and the affore said persons by his acts of wicthcraft, Mary Warrin declared: upon: her oath; to the Jury of Inquest that the above written 2, no. "[citation needed], Letters dated to 1691 from the Littlefields, founder of Wells, Maine, and in-laws to Peter Cloyce, and Rev. George Burroughs and the Salem Witch Trials. Yours in all humility to serve inWinter Harbor at night } the Lord,the 13 of August, 1676.} BRIAN PENDLETON.. [6], Burroughs was arrested on charges of witchcraft on May 4, 1692,[7] based on the accusation of some personal enemies from his former congregation who had sued him for debt. Nothing therefore was done at the village, but the steps to arrest him originated at Boston. Zeb Hill Jurat George married Williamina Burrows. This was near enough the border with French Canada that the threat of French and Indian war parties was real. It has taken 10 weeks for George Michael's cause of death to emerge George Michael died as a result of heart and liver disease, a coroner has confirmed. Putnam stated that Burroughss spirit had to come to her on April 20 and confessed to her that he had bewitched his first and second wife to death, as well as the wife and child of Reverend Deodat Lawson and several soldiers at Eastward. Despite this, he was executed on the same day like many others. was Baptised. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Salem, MA.). 2, no. yo'r humble Servant, (Reverse) To Jno Hauthorn 042: Lydia Dustin Died in Prison, March 10, 1693, SWP No. The unhappy animosities arising from this source entirely demoralized the Society, and, besides making it otherwise very uncomfortable to a minister, led to a neglect and derangement of all financial affairs. His secretive nature didnt help either and made it seem like he was hiding something. That about the breaking Out of this last Indian Warr being at the house of Capt Scottow's at black point he Saw Mr George Burroughs lift and hold Out a gunn of Six foot barrell or thereabouts putting the forefinger of his right hand into the Muzle of s'd gunn and So held it Out at Armes End Only with that finger and further this deponent Testifieth that at the Same time he Saw the Said Burroughs take up a full barrell of Malasses w'th but two fingers of one of his hands in the bung & Carry it from the Stage head to the Door at the End of the Stage Without letting it downe & that Liut Richard Hunniwell & John Greinslitt & Some other persons that are Since dead Were then present. I had not time to copy the letter, persons being to go post to Major Walden; but I hope he hath before this sent the original to you. 24 ). The 30 people who testified against Burroughs at his trial were: Sarah BibberEzekiel CheeverRichard CarrierThomas EvansThomas GreenlitHannah HarrisElizabeth HubbardBenjamin HutchinsonAbigail HobbsElizar KeyserMary LaceyMary Lacey JrMercy LewisAnn Putnam, JrRebecca PutnamEdward PutnamThomas PutnamPeter PrescottRobert MorrellThomas RuckSusannah SheldonMartha TylerMary WarrenElizabeth WardwellMary WalcottSamuel WebberMary WebberSarah WilsonSimon WillardWilliam Wormall. How soon it will be our portion wee know not. putnam aged 40: years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifieth and saith. He answered it was so long since he could not tell: yet When the parsonage was finally completed, the Burroughs family moved in and took on a young servant, Mercy Lewis, a fellow survivor of the Wabanaki raid of 1676. then we come into the house of left Ingersoll and I went into the great Roome and abigle come in and said ther he stands I said wher wher and presently draed my rapyer but he emmedetly was gon as she said then said she ther is a gray catt then i said wher abouts doth she stand ther s'd she ther than I struck # [with] with my rapyer then she fell in afitt and when it was over she said you kild hur and immedetly Sary good come and carrid hur away this was about 12 a clock marce luis uppon har oath did owne this har testimony to be the truth be fore the Juriors for In quest:agust:3: 92. we whose names are under writen being present hard mircy lewes declare what is above writen what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs and also beheld hir tortors which we cannot express for sume times we ware redy to fear that every joynt of hir body was redy to be displaced: also we perceived hir hellish temtations by hir loud out cries mr.Burroughs . It is with broken Hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved son, husband and father on February 10, 2018 with his loving family by his side. This article was interesting to me since I am 7th generation from Martha Carrier. evidence: is the truth. 094: Rebecca Nurse Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. *Simon Willard Jurat in Curia, Simon willard owned:to the Jury of inquest:that the By Before the Honoured John Hallum On the 11th of this instant we heard of many killed of our neighbors in falmouth or Casco-Bay: and on the 12th instant Mr. Joslin sent me a brief letter written from under the hands of Mr. Burras [sic] the minister. He protested his innocence. 2, no. When it was finally over and Burroughs still remained in their custody, the lawmen took it as a sign that the Devil had unsuccessfully tried to free Burroughs. Rev. On May 3, 1683, Burroughs visited Salem Village to meet with the village committee in order to settle his accounts. Ann Putnam, junior {testified that his 2 wives He is survived by his loving wife of 49 years, Lorraine (Turnbull); his daughter, Nancy; special sons . William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca Visit this site's About page to find out more about Rebecca. It was no easy thing to secure him at the great distance of his place of residence. The tradition is, that they found Mr. Burroughs in his humble home, partaking of his frugal meal; that he was snatched from the table without a moments opportunity to provide for his family, or prepare himself for the journey, and hurried on his way roughly, and without the least explanation of what it all meant.. Burroughs was apparently familiar with some works of Thomas Ady, critical of witchcraft prosecutions, whom he later quoted at his trial: "A Candle in the Dark", 1656; "A Perfect Discovery of Witches", 1661; and "The Doctrine of Devils", 1676. ), The depotion of Hannah Harres Aiged twenty seven yeares or thareabouts Testifieth and saith that she Lived at the hous of Georg Burros at falmouth & the above said hannah harres many times hath taken notic that when she hath had anny Discorse with the above said burross wife when the above said burros was from hom that apone has Returne he hath often scolded wife and told her that he knew what they said when he was abroad and further saith that upone a time when his wife had Laine In Not above one weak that he fell out with his wife and kept her by Discorce at the Dore till she fell sicke In the place and grew wors at night so that the above said hannah harres was afraid she would dye and thay called In thare Naibours and the a bove said burroses Daughter told One of the women that was thare the cause of her mothers Ellness and the a bove said burros chid his Daughter for telling and the a bove said burros Came to the a bove said hannah harres and told her If that his wif Did otherwise than well she should not tell of It & the abovsaid hannah harres told him that she would not be confined to anny such thing 92. Sources:Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft: With an Account of Salem Village and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Spirits. John lane At some point during this time period, Burroughss second wife, Sarah, died and Burroughs remarried again. 3. As soon as he was turned off [hanged], Mr. Cotton Mather, being mounted upon a horse, addressed himself to the people, partly to declare that he [Mr. Burroughs] was no ordained Minister, partly to possess the people of his guilt, saying that the devil often had been transformed into the Angel of Light. George H Burroughs of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan was born on February 28, 1914. To the Sheriffe of Essex, (Reverse) July 26'th 1692 I have Sumoned the within named James Greinslett according to this Within Sub pena to Give in his Evidence att the time and place within mentioned by me My mother was Norma Burroughs. Jno. 072: Elizabeth How Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. His great grandma was Nora Burroughs (Armistead) from New Point, Mathews, Virginia. {have them write. It is not known why exactly Burroughs was accused but it may have been due to left over resentment from his time as the minister in Salem Village as well as his legal troubles with the Putnam family. Trachea, bronchus and lung cancers deaths have risen from 1.2 million to 1.8 million and are now ranked 6th among leading causes of death. on The Witchcraft Trial of Reverend George Burroughs, The Witchcraft Trial of Reverend George Burroughs, View all posts by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks. This stirred the crowd and it is suggested that some of the spectators may have tried to stop the execution. By the next morning, Washington had a sore throat. <- Return to List of People Involved in the Salem Witch Trials, Categories Colonial America, Salem Witch Trials. Although Cotton's words describe, and to some degree justify the trials . Willard {testimoy about his great Its not clear from the records if the children were awarded any additional money. Hillar, at the Princess-Arms, in Leaden-Hall-Street, over against St. Mary-Ax, and Joseph Collier, at the Golden Bible, on London Bridge. With those words, under the tearful gaze of an ambivalent crowd the George Burroughs was hanged. 25 ), Elizabeth hubord aged about 17 yers saith that the last second day at night: There apeared a little black beard man to me in blackish aparill I asked him his name.