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90-91), 2001 120,900 Portland Fellowship Current E&PPC fellow Herb Schlossberg who served as a Fieldsteads program director during the 1990s, conceived the master religious right plan for fighting organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering in 1997. 2005 5,0 2006 0 2001-2004 0 Describing his time in Uganda, Hartley stated, in a November 27, 2009 appearance on a colleagues radio show, just two weeks ago I was with the members of parliament and had a marvelous time, these are dear brothers and sisters in Christ and they are in earnest about righteousness and the cause of Christ and the amazing thing is they are standing for righteousness in areas that where we have long ago sold ourselves down the river but theyre looking to us for spiritual mentoring to, that they as kings and queens so to speak can stand in kingdom alignment and operate according to Biblical principles in their spheres of influence. 2001 10,000 While Focus on the Family has within the domestic United States recently toned down its anti-gay rhetoric, FoF nonetheless continues to aggressively support, both domestically and internationally, coordinated and well funded attacks on LGBT rights. Since implementation of the new abstinence-based policy, Ugandas HIV infection rate has risen. According to AI, its Family Task Force generally supports the principles and purposes of the World Congress of Families and participates in its global meetings. (see:, 2001 51,000 2007 0 Compassion's program, however, is unapologetically Christian and every Compassioncenter is connected to a Christian church or ministry. 2006 1,346,868 Robertsons vilification extends to eliminationist hate speech targeting entire societal groups. 2007 400 Compassion International alumni, now adults, thank sponsors for their impact in emotional letters. 2006 14,000 2003 297,000 A new ex-gay umbrella organization, the Restored Hope Network, is positioned to fill the niche once occupied by Exodus. Disciple Nations Alliance teaches Biblical Worldview principles outlined in DNA leader Darrow Millers book (co-authored with Stan Guthrie) Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth To Transform Cultures (1998, Youth With a Mission Publishing). 2005 35,850 A Project of Compassion International. Not blood, but faith should rule us. From 2012-2014 the ADF played a major, if not the central, behind the scenes role in the Hobby Lobby v. Burwell Supreme Court case and the welter of similar religious liberty court cases that were being litigated across America (see entry on The Becket Fund.). 2002 $5,000 2003 2,678,900 2003 3,500 2002 185,479 Ahmanson also provided heavy funding for Californias 2000 election anti-same sex marriage Proposition 22 and also the 2008 election anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2002 1,929,607 The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. My boys chew their graham crackers into the shape of handguns at the breakfast table wrote Eldredge, in Wild At Heart. One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. In. I will not send them away hungry" (Matthew 15.32). We want children to have the opportunity to see living faith in action, hear the gospel and be discipled in the ways of Christ. 3. 2010 30,100 2007 0 (, 2004 100,000 2004 16,400 Oyet himself claims to have helped co-author Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill, and First Lady Janet Museveni is widely rumored to be the biggest political force behind the bill. 2009 7,050 The way God used sponsors through Compassion to Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations, 2014 LGBT Vision for Action Policy Implementation Assessment, Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTQI People Around the World. The need to make conversion and discipleship an essential component of Christian 2002 100 2011 48,750 2005 0 2007 6,000 MDentistry: advancing health through education, service, research and discovery. 2001 14,000 [5] In 2022, it would be present in 27 countries. As described in the World Evangelical Alliance book Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and practices From Around the World (page 153, edited by Kelly ODonnell, 2002, World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission), AIM has focused especially on building missions infrastructure, including a partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL (also heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation): Africa Inland Mission has historically had a vision to provide services for the broader missions community of like- minded mission agencies in East Africa. 2007 5,350 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) While Bahatis religious affiliation has been characterized as traditional Anglican, the Truro Church is anything but. 2008 84,820 Evidence has emerged that Nazarios Knights Templar members proved their loyalty through an act of cannibalism. 2011 -7,387, The Jesus Film Project (Campus Crusade For Christ International) EIN 95-6006173 What number can I call if I need more information? You can log in to My Account from the upper right-hand corner of any page. 2002 114,125 We did not eat up to four days a week sometimes. 2002 12,978 2009 1,500 We would sing, dance, and eat a lot. 2008 90,135 . 2012 0, Global Aid Network EIN 95-4578963 On page 172, Ware and Ham wonder how same-sex marriage will not lead to legalized bestiality: If homosexual relationships are legitimized based upon personal desires, where does society draw the line with other deviant and destructive behaviors that some find despicable? 2013 613,815, The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty (EIN 52-1858532). 2006 35,000 Preliminary independent, secular research in the Journal of Political Economy studied the organization, concluding that it had large and statistically significant impacts on participants' years of school completion, the probability of later employment, and the quality of that employment, in part as a consequence of improved self-esteem and expectations in participating children. 2007 2,500 (see: 2009 6,800 2002 1,000 2008 2,674,708 2004 20,000 Center For Arizona Policy 2008 22,500 Through In South America, Compassion works in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In 2003, ADF filed a brief in a support of now-overturned sodomy laws in the Lawrence v. Texas case, and in 2008 ADF defended Californias ban on same sex marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry. 2009 1,600 2012 117,400, New Hope Charitable Foundation (DBA New Hope Ministries EIN 68-0335100). 2009 1,371, Youthbuilders (formerly National Institute of Youth Ministry. The hallmark of Compassion's work is one-to-one child sponsorship. Our goal is that the children in our program follow Jesus Christ in faith and deed, support themselves and share with others in need, are responsible members of their families, churches, communities and nations; and maintain their own physical well-being by the time they complete our Child Sponsorship Program. 2006 50,000 If only you knew that one day I'd become a soldier. 2003 3,964 In his 2005 book Battle Cry For A Generation, Teen Mania head Ron Luce (who has personally appeared at The Gathering) noted a decline, among the post-WW2 Baby Boomer generation, in belief in the infallibility of scripture and then cited, on page 4, the alleged consequences. From the start, E&PPCs applicaton of Judeo Christian morality was highly selective. 2002 25,700 2006 217,500 2008 33,000 2009 4,400 (EIN of Bethel, Redding, CA provided) Alcorns ministry focuses on young women with addictions and behavioral problems. Declares Dobson, I consider Summit Ministries to be one of the very best resources available, and I dont say that lightly. (see: 2010 1,080,234 2005 5,000 Headed by current Council for National Policy board member L. Brent Bozell III, the Media Research Center in 2006 launched, as a sub-project, Robert H. Knights Culture and Media Institute. My family was definitely at the heart of poverty. 2011 277,260 TheCall head and co-founder Lou Engle has claimed that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and be cured by exorcism of those demon spirits. 2011 0 Beyond the amounts listed below, it also receives substantial funding through the NCF-funded Alliance Defending Freedom. Exodus International 2001 5,260 The Rev. 2011 77,200 2012 0 Gender confusion, according to Eldredge, results when young boys are not allowed to fully express their innate aggressive, even violent, urges. Fred Hartley III has held prominent leadership roles in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, including serving as the CMAs prayer and worship leader at the Christian and Missionary Alliance 2011 General Council meeting. 2002 3,000 In his 2008 book The Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling The Coming Elijah Revolution, Enlow writes, on page 171, A mass homosexual parade and celebration that was to bring many millions of dollars to New Orleans was scheduled the week Katrina hit the city. 2009 250 AIM was conceived from the efforts of Scottish missionary Peter Cameron Scott, and launched its missions and church-planting work with an 1895 expedition to Kenya, where AIM is particularly well established in Africa. Wrote journalist David Corn, for The Nation magazine, in 1991. One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson, who was personally groomed as a Fellowship leader by longtime Fellowship head Doug Coe (Colson has also been one of the most frequnetly featured speakers at The Gathering.). 2010 296,490 (1,500 to AFA radio ) 2006 200 We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. The Explosive Power of the New Apostolic Reformation,, Marco Rubio Attends a Radical Anti-Gay Mega-Church With Extreme Beliefs, Anti-Gay Policy, Exorcisms, and Creationism At Marco Rubios Miami Church, Truth Wins Out Commends Former Ex-Gay Leader Randy Thomas For Coming Out As Gay, Truth Wins Out Dismayed By TLC Special Promoting False Ex-Gay Identity, PFOX Humiliated After Billboard Twin Turns Out to be Gay and Not a Twin, Pence, Sessions, Price, Pompeo, Conaway Sponsor Antigay, Anti-Islam, Creationist Bible Study Network, One Half of Freedom 2015 Cosponsors Funded By National Christian Foundation, Investigation Reveals, The Biggest Anti-LGBT Rights Funder In America: Case Study #1 The Alliance Defending Freedom, From U.S. to S. Korea to Africa, Christian Anti-Gay Activism Led By The NAR, Embattled Homophobic President of Burundi Tied To Anti-Gay New Apostolic Reformation. On the international front, Focus on The Familys more recent active participation in the World Congress of Families which has included the participation of top Focus on the Family leaders in WCF planning sessions further underlines the fact that the softening of FoFs anti-LGBT rhetoric has been mainly a public relations ploy. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American, 'Poverty stopped with us': Compassion International celebrates 70 years of ministry, World Food Day 2022: 'Many go hungry, the lucky eat once a day'. How do I contact Compassion International? ADFs supportive function was expressly intended, by its founders, to give ADF leverage to corral existing Christian right legal groups and attorneys away from previously antagonistic legal strategies and towards complementary, mutually reinforcing approaches. In 2012 Christian Union held an eight-school conference on faith healing featuring the New Apostolic Reformations Che Ahn, co-founder with Lou Engle of the virulently anti-gay group TheCall. Over the decades since its 1976 launch, E&PPC has functioned as the cutting edge of the neoconservative-driven culture war against progressive theology and secularism (see: ). In September 2009, AIs Africa affiliate Advocates Africa hosted a conference (see:, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at which ADF Senior Vice President Jeffery Ventrella led a plenary session with the title Religious Freedom, the Homosexual Agenda and Advocacy. As detailed in journalist Katherine Stewarts book The Good News Club: The Christian Rights Stealth Assault on Americas Children (2012, Public Affairs, a member of the Perseus Book Group), in its 2001 ruling in the case Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the United States Supreme Court that public schools could not exclude religious groups from establishing after-school activities in those schools because religion, the majority opinion argued, is essentially a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment. 2013 329,100, Teen Challenge (see section on Assemblies of God. The South Tampa Fellowship Church presents a textbook quality case study in how the ex-gay industry has gone underground. Noebels book characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish which sought to change the natural order created by God himself.. 2009 297,229 2023 Compassion International. 2011 30,400 NCF funding of the Fidelis Center is uncharacteristic in that NCF (and the Gathering) rarely fund Catholic organizations. 2007 83,400 (combined, all AoG entities/missions) Sheldon declared, A dangerous Marxist/Leftist/Homosexual/Islamic coalition has formed and wed better be willing to fight it with everything in our power. Leaders in the non-denominational Fellowship of Christian Athletes are required to sign a Sexual Purity Statement which includes the following: God desires His children to lead pure lives of holiness. Discipling Nations states the laws of the state are to be founded on the law of God and declares, We are Gods soldiers claiming territory for our King.. No products in the cart. We really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. American Values NCF is the biggest philanthropy represented at The Gathering, which as an event was conceived at a mid-1980s meeting at The Fellowships The Cedars Arlington, VA Mansion retreat center overlooking the Potomac River. 2012 84,628 2011 2,306,758 While National Christian Foundation direct funding of CFCV has been modest, heavy NCF funding has flowed, indirectly, to CFCV through the Alliance Defense Fund/Alliance Defending Freedom. 2010 171,149 began at the Fall and continues through history. 2009 7,300 The Christian Legal Society has partnered with the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) in the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez case which came before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010. 2010 8,000 2005 27,500 [3] Swanson had traveled there to preach the gospel to the US Army troops, but during his visit he was deeply moved by the plight of the scores of abandoned children he saw. Paul Cameron has consistently misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism and observed, Dr. 2001 40,000 Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. eternal salvation, but also for the transformation of culture and economic life. Compassion International leader Dan Brewster, Director of Holistic Child Development Academic Programs for Compassion International, has been in the forefront of the development of the 4/14 Window concept, as outlined in Brewsters 2011 Compassion International book Child, Church, and Mission ( which features the same imperative, on indoctrinating children, as expressed in the quote above, from Wess Stafford. Cromartie took over as acting director for E&PPC in 2001, with the departure of E&PPC president Elliott Abrams, who had served since 1996. American Values, with your help will fight this radical agenda state-by-state and here in Washington., 2001 34,250 (More) Rating Information Great Eldridge outlined an agenda for the religious right to follow in its assault on gay rights. Natural disaster. Along with Purpose Driven Life book author Rick Warren, Stafford was a featured speaker at The Gathering 2007. If we believe that man is made in the image of God, then we would do well to remember that the Lord is a warrior (Exodus 15:3).. 2013 2,000. 2012 11,200 2002 21,643 2005 1,000 2006 50,400 I was told that it was the devil trying to control me and lie to me. ( see: ), 2001 200 That state department position went to future E&PPC president Elliott Abrams (who took the E&PPC helm in 1996). Wrote the author, through His lovethat one-of-a-kind, unconditional, sacrificial love like no otherI was delivered from homosexuality. Christian Film and Television Commission 2009 16,850 2006 22,200 2012 200,300, Pennsylvania Family Institute (EIN 23-2569197), 2009 5,000 Palau and his two sons have made an especial effort to evangelize in the liberal/progressive city of Portland, Oregon. 2004 1,742,865 2012 9,000, Philadelphia Biblical University (EIN 23-0973290). It is been my great privilege to be able to be their representative (see:, Hammond holds Africa biblical worldview conferences patterned after those held by Summit (see:, Both Hammonds ministries and Summit Ministries are heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation (see respective entries on those ministries. In a section, on pages 49-50, titled A morally bankrupt climate has arisen, Luce bemoans, You walk past the Victorias Secret and glance into the storefront window: Your eyes fall upon massive posters of half-naked women, You stroll into Abercrombie and Fitch to pick up a catalog: You end upo paging through gay and lesbian pictures (set in strip clubs and shower rooms) that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, Transgendered persons are a non-issue, Gay Pride is celebrated, and some [Abercrombie and Fitch] commercials even seem to sell the idea of being gay more than a product., 2001 500