auditors ' independence annually and ensures that they comply with the APB's Ethical Standards. This is of course in addition to evaluating the web site for conformance to usability design guidelines and standards. advantages of a gold standard, but it was not until 1897 that his scheme could be realized. The Attic and Assyrian standards were used indifferently for either gold or silver. "Here it is!" They opened the doors of their schools to the Greek and Latin classics, but they represented the ancient masterpieces dissevered from their original historic environment, as impersonal models of taste, as isolated standards of style. Its provisions, real and imaginary, formed the standard towards which Englishmen must strive. They do not represent the opinions of By securely overwriting files numerous times MadeSafe Shred meets and exceeds rigorous international standards for the permanent erasure of digital information. The Japanese use for ornament an alloy of gold and silver, the standard of which varies from 350 to 500, the colour of the precious metal being developed by " pickling " in a mixture of plum-juice, vinegar and copper sulphate. minimizeo contains a water repellent that exceeds national standards, thereby minimizing wood damage such as splitting and warping. The standards of the British Empire, so far as they relate to the imperial and metric systems, are in the custody of the Board of Trade. For the most popular artifacts such as ceramic color standards and neutral density filters, streamlined procedures give a fast turn-around. In the absence of the actual standards of ancient times the units of measure and of weight have to be inferred from the other remains; hence unit in this division is used for any more or less closely defined amount of length or weight in terms of which matter was measured. These works, which did much to mould the character of the German people, were set among the doctrinal standards of the Lutheran Church and powerfully influenced other compilations. Spencer, however, considers that he can not only anticipate such a state of complete adjustment, but even lay down the rules obtaining in it, which will constitute the code of "Absolute Ethics" and the standard for discerning the "least wrong" actions of relative ethics. But when Pali first became known to Europeans it was already used also, by those who wrote in Pali, of the language of the later writings, which bear the same relation to the standard literary Pali of the canonical texts as medieval does to classical Latin. Plums are propagated chiefly by budding on stocks of the Mussel, Brussels, St Julien and Pear plums. For two factors the standard form is (ab) 2; for three factors (ab) 2 (ac); for four factors (ab) 4 and (ab) 2 (cd) 2; for five factors (ab) 4 (ac) and (ab) 2 (ac)(de) 2; for six factors (ab) 6, (ab) 2 (bc) 2 (ca) 2, and (ab) 2 (cd) 2 (ef) 2 . They may be supported by iron standards or brick piers, back and front, bearing up a flat bar of iron on which the slates may rest; the use of the bar will give wider intervals between the supports, which will be found convenient for filling and emptying the beds. Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence). The Web is already having its first, fairly genteel, row over who sets standards. pesticide applicators have uniform standards. What does standard mean? In the Westminster Standards also, which were the fruit of the Scottish desire for a religious uniformity, Scotland did not obtain by any means all it desired in its church documents. In accordance with the custom formerly prevalent in all the kingdoms of Further India, the coinage of Siam furnishes the standard of weight. He first opened an English school in which the Bible was the centre of the school work, and along with it all kinds of secular knowledge were taught from the rudiments upwards to a university standard. abatement measures - against electric shock or the effects of electromagnetic emissions - are also addressed in IEC standards. For many years the standard authority on the period before the ratification of the constitution was S. Among the antiquities preserved in the museum are the epitaph of Boabdil, the last king of Granada, who died at Tlemcen in 1494, and the standard cubit measure - in marble - used in the Kissaria, bearing date A.H. panoptic power regimes, carefully explored in the work of Michel Foucault, exercise normalizing judgment by punishing deviations from the required standards. On first reading it appears to be a laudable attempt to establish good water quality standards and protect groundwater. The standard of comparison generally adopted for this purpose is obtained by calculating the efficiency of an engine working according to the Rankine cycle. A symbolical expression may be always so transformed that the power of any determinant factor (ab) is even. In order to save arithmetical labour it is convenient to be provided with conversion factors for reducing variously expressed results to the standard form. geoscience community are working to implement this and related standards, but often as separate and uncoordinated activities. But during the years of Erasmus's co-operation the Froben press took the lead of all the presses in Europe, both in the standard value of the works published and in style of typographical execution. In England the remedy for fineness is 2 per moo on gold coins and 4 per moo on silver coins above and below the legal standard. You need to lower your standards. In the case of a prism some caution is necessary unless the standards used are very close together. Reducing vehicle speeds Work is required to develop harmonized standards for Intelligent Speed Adaptation systems with the aim of eventual universal fitment. His standard work on algebra, written in Arabic, and other treatises of a similar character raised him at once to the foremost rank among the mathematicians of that age, and induced Sultgn Malik-Shgh to summon him in A.H. They had lost some 2 500 killed, amongst them Gournay and Berbier du Metz, the chief of artillery, the Allies twice as many, as well as 48 guns, and Luxemburg was able to send 150 colours and standards to decorate NotreDame. distance selling and online trading Advice from Trading Standards including advice about how to make your business website conform to the relevant regulations. The next attempt of importance appeared in the American Standard Natural History, published in Boston in 1885. Appetizers are standard, like egg rolls and won ton soup, but the rest of the menu includes a variety of beef, rice, and noodle soups, along with several rice dishes. The calibration of ammeters is best conducted by means of a series of standard low resistances and of a potentio meter. The standard of difficulty set by the university of London was a high one, very much higher for its pass degrees than the corresponding standards at Oxford and Cambridge, while the standard for honours was equally high. Hallam, like Macaulay, ultimately referred all political questions to the standard of Whig constitutionalism. Chamberlain, the necessity of committing to memory two syllabaries, one of which has many variant forms, and at least two or three thousand Chinese ideographs, in forms standard and cursive ideographs, too, most of which are susceptible of three or four different readings according to circuinstance,add, further, that all these kinds of written symbols are apt to be encountered pell mell on the same page, and the task of mastering Japanese becomes almost Herculean. A standard 128 Efork could then be compared either optically or by beats with the electrically driven fork. Immediately dependent upon the prince, from whom they obtained their privileges, the most important of which were self-government and freedom from taxation, these traders soon became an important factor in the state, counterpoising, to some extent, the influence of the gentry, enriching the land by developing its resources, and promoting civilization by raising the standard of comfort. Bruce with the reserve planted his standard at the Bore Stone, whence there is the best view of the field. Actual fluid intake in the institutionalized elderly was compared with three established standards to determine adequacy of fluid intake. The standard specification adopted by the Pennsylvania railway in 1908 provided that in rails weighing Ioo lb to the yard 41% of the metal should be in the head, 18-6% in the web, and 40-4% in the base, while for 85 lb rails 42.2% was to be in the head, 17-8% in the web and 40.0% in the base. Now renovated to modern standards the house retains a special atmosphere reminiscent of its rustic origins. 3 Quality standards require undertakings to be monitored and visible. - Ceramic art reached a specially high standard in fabric, form and decoration by the middle of the 3rd millennium B.C. Notes Working for someone with very high standards can be quite discouraging. But both at Rome and at Athens we see, at a stage earlier than the final reform, an attempt to set up a standard of wealth, either instead of or alongside of the older standard of birth. These regulations prescribe the circumstances in which standards committees of relevant authorities may grant such dispensations. a policy or rule that favors one group over another. Dean could picture a cluster of children, pinafored girls and overalled boys, playing by the now-leaning wooden fence, part of a family of too many children by today's standards, in a household existing more on unbridled hope and a large measure of love than material possessions. It was a rectangular platform on which the standard of the city and an altar were erected; priests held services on the altar before the battle, and the trumpeters beside them encouraged the fighters to the fray. 🔊 Airbags are a standard safety features of cars that they are all expected to have. Population.-Up to the War of Independence the population was not only American, but it was in its ideas and standards essentially Puritan; modern liberalism, however, has introduced new standards of social life. This is the standard Catholic treatment of the Reformation, and is being supplemented by a series of monographs, Ergcinzungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, which have been appearing since 1898 and correspond with the Protestant Schriften des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte (1883 sqq.). He strengthened the interstate commission for the regulation of railroads, inaugurated successful suits against monopolies - notably the Standard Oil Company and the so-called Sugar Trust, - and achieved distinct practical results in favour of a system of "industrial democracy" where all men shall have equal rights under the law and where there shall be no privileged interests exempt from the operation of the law. In a gigantic system embracing hundreds of monasteries and thousands of monks, and spread over all the countries of western Europe, without any organic bond between the different houses, and exposed to all the vicissitudes of the wars and conquests of those wild times, to say that the monks often fell short of the ideal of their state, and sometimes short of the Christian, and even the moral standard, is but to say that monks are men. Large sections of the old history are devoted to the religion and politics of the ten tribes, which are altogether unintelligible and uninteresting when measured by a strictly Levitical standard; and in general the whole problems and struggles of the prophetic period turn on points which had ceased to be cardinal in the life of the New Jerusalem, which was no longer called to decide between the claims of the Word of Yahweh and the exigencies of political. It is above all desirable to make allowances for the changes which weights have undergone; and, as this has only been done for the above Egyptian collections and that of the British Museum, conclusions as to the accurate values of different standards will here be drawn from these rather than continental sources. The basis of the system adopted was the double standard with a fixed relation of I to 15.09, and free coinage. Global WiFi Plus gas forklift Completes Another Multi User industry standards forklift Wi-Fi Installation FT. Insurance illustrations often forward-looking statements insurance life policy us within the client should and underwriting standards. But the Sienese people, being called to arms by the council of fifteen, made a most determined resistance, routed the imperial troops, captured the standard, and confined the emperor in the Salimbeni palace. The increase in the numbers rejected as unfit is accounted for by the fact that if only a small proportion of the contingent can be taken for service, the medical standard of acceptance is high. Examples of legal standard in a sentence, how to use it. We are not so unreasonable as to blame him for failing to make his pages picturesque or thrilling; we do not want sunsets and stars and roses and ecstasy; but there is a certain standard for the most serious and abstract subjects. Inst. chroma gain and phase are adjusted for each component under evaluation using a color analyzer to optimally match color standards. in Crete. The result of the contest was never in doubt, however, for the geological evidence, once it had been gathered, was unequivocal; and by about the middle of the century it was pretty generally admitted that the age of the earth must be measured by an utterly different standard from that hitherto in vogue. Very durable trellises for greenhouse climbers are made of slender round iron rods for standards, having a series of hooks on the inner edge, into which rings of similar metal are dropped; the rings may be graduated so as to form a broad open top, or may be all of the same size, when the trellis will assume the cylindrical form. However, few patients were treated by current standards, with nearly half receiving single-agent cyclophosphamide or no chemotherapy. Like most great teachers he published a text-book, and his Traite de Chimie elementaire, theorique et pratique (4 vols., Paris, 1813-16), which served as a standard for a quarter of a century, perhaps did even more for the advance of chemistry than his numerous original discoveries. For such standards a relative accuracy of at least one part in a million seems now to be attainable. In places where work is carried on day and night throughout the week, the standard type of evaporator lends itself more readily to cleaning operations than any other. (§§ 16, 20). The standard of morality is low; women are practically slaves, and infanticide was formerly common. Thus the gauge may be narrow, the line single, the rails lighter than those used in standard practice, while deep cuttings and high embankments may be avoided by permitting the curves to be sharper and the gradients steeper: such points conduce to cheapness of construction. ), it was their rule that the first-corner had the right to each castle or town, provided that he hoisted his standard and planted a garrison there. It is equal to the difference between local time on the standard meridian, and at the place defined, one hour of time corresponding to 15° difference of longitude. A descriptive list of the verifying instruments of the Standards Department, London, has been published. This fact, however, is the sole outcome of the history of a thousand years; a poor result, if measured by the standard of the rich history of the Western world, yet large enough not to exclude the hope of a new development. To support work on improving housing conditions, the ODPM will establish a single housing inspectorate to drive up standards in housing provision. Debray (1827-1888) he worked at the platinum metals, his object being on the one hand to prepare them pure, and on the other to find a suitable metal for the standard metre for the International Metric Commission then sitting at Paris. Tertullian (c. 160-240) uses it in both senses, of an oath, as in the passage of his treatise About Spectacles, where he says that no Christian " passes over to the enemy's camp without throwing away his arms, without abandoning the standards and sacraments of his chief.". A recent standard work on the morphology of the Hemiptera by R. The best biography is the standard work of Pasquale Villari, La Storia di Niccolo Machiavelli e de' suoi tempi (Florence, 1877-1882; latest ed., 1895 Eng. communityy standards were then developed to meet the needs of wider communities of interest. No standards of weighing or measuring were known, but the parts of the body were the units, and money consisted in rare and durable vegetable and animal substances, which scarcely reached the dignity of a mechanism of exchange. But it is doubtful whether the most complete investigation would ever enable us to include all the elements of the standard of life in a money estimate. The doctrines of Presbyterianism are those generally known as evangelical and Calvinistic. 🔊 It is standard for black belt martial artists to be masters of their art. The WGR614 provides WEP or WPA-PSK (free upgrade available) wireless encryption standards to protect your network from eavesdroppers and bandwidth pinchers. The standard modern work on Savonarola is Pasquale Villari's, La Storia di Fra Girolamo Savonarola e de' suoi tempi (Florence, 1887) based on an exhaustive study of the original authorities and containing a number of new documents (English translation by Linda Villari, London, 1889). thought he, seizing the staff of the standard and hearing with pleasure the whistle of bullets evidently aimed at him. iii., is, up to its date (1865), the most complete, and the new edition now in preparation will doubtless prove the standard work of reference. No traces of currency have come to light, unless certain axe-heads, too slight for practical use, had that character; but standard weights have been found, and representations of ingots. profession as a whole for the contribution which it has made to the generation of new standards. Canada Canadian periodicals have reached a higher standard than in .any other British self-governing colony. On the continent of Europe the standard gauge is generally adopted, though in France there are many miles of 4 ft. It is usually regarded as the standard Egyptian cotton; the lint is yellowish brown, the seeds black and almost smooth, usually with a little tuft of short green hairs at the ends. These examples have been automatically selected and … A special guard of fifty soldiers was appointed to protect the sacred standard. Nor do the sages go beyond the old position in their ethical theory: they have no philosophical discussion of the basis of the moral life; their standard of good conduct is existing law and custom; their motive for right-doing is individual eudaemonistic, not the good of society, or loyalty to an ideal of righteousness for its own sake, but advantage for one's self. Quality standards in a sentence 1 We have to try and achieve the quality standards set by the project. 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