The assessment includes four interrelated parts: In this assessment students demonstrate their ability to recognise and express simple rhyming units. Example stimuli in the Phonemic Manipulation Task. What can American Sign Language tell us about capacity limit in working memory? Psychol. A main determinant of reading in hearing populations remains the mastery of phonological awareness skills, especially those measured at the single word level (Wagner and Torgesen, 1987; Hatcher et al., 1994; Wagner et al., 1994). Free recall also has the added benefit of distinguishing between the primacy (recall of initial list items) and recency effects (recall of last list items), such that primacy effects depend to a larger extent on semantic processing, while recency effects reflect a greater contribution of short-term rehearsal and phonological processing similar to what is observed in serial recall tasks (Martin and Saffran, 1997; Martin and Gupta, 2004). (2005). Four of the oral deaf participants had received CI with an age of implantation of 2.5, 5, 17, and 19 years. Phonological knowledge is often defined in terms of phonotactic constraints. Here we assessed the impact of language experience on reading comprehension in deaf readers by recruiting oral deaf individuals, who use spoken English as their primary mode of communication, and deaf native signers of American Sign Language. Show the student the pictures and name each picture. This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (DC04418 to DB) and the Charles A. Dana Foundation (to DB and MD). It is possible that enhanced semantic processing, or at least a greater reliance on semantic processing (Sinatra et al., 1984; Nation and Snowling, 1998a), may help compensate for deficient phonological skills. In terms of phoneme types, the vowel condition was easier overall than the consonant condition. Dyslexia in adults: evidence for deficits in non-word reading and in the phonological representation of lexical items. 1145, 83–99. Two new tests of English phonological knowledge were designed for use with our profoundly deaf participants. In this task students demonstrate their ability to blend a sequence of sounds to make a word. When they learn to match these processes with written language, they can decode and encode, which means they can break apart written words into sounds and patterns. components are phonological short-term memory and long-term knowledge. “Development of deaf and hard-of-hearing students’ executive function,” in Deaf Cognition, eds M. H. Marschark and P. C. Hauser (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 286–308. 8, 250–270. Phonological recoding in reading for meaning by adults and children. The effect of communication mode on the development of phonemic awareness in prelingually deaf students. Deaf Stud. Prior knowledge and reading comprehension ability of deaf adolescents. There are two assessment tasks in Part 3. This was the case for both the Phoneme Judgment Task and the Phonemic Manipulation Task. allows you to manipulate sounds in words. Child Dev. To reduce such potential confounds, several studies have adopted picture stimuli and asked for phonological judgments about the English names corresponding to the pictures, which has allowed for a less contaminated measure of English phonological awareness in deaf individuals (Sterne and Goswami, 2000; Dyer et al., 2003; MacSweeney et al., 2008; McQuarrie and Parrila, 2009). Nat. “A cognitive neuroscience perspective on second language acquisition: the declarative/procedural model,” in Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition: Methods, Theory, and Practice, ed. FIGURE 6. 8, 3–26. Error bars represent the SE of the mean. Ordered short-term memory differs in signers and speakers: implications for models of short-term memory. There was also a significant main effect of group, F(1,45) = 41.86, η2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, such that the oral deaf had greater accuracy than deaf native signers. Serial recall is often used as an assessment of verbal STM, and is known to rely heavily on phonological processes, as exemplified by a rich literature on the phonological loop and its rehearsal mechanism in speakers (Baddeley et al., 1984; Burgess and Hitch, 1999; Melby-Lervåg and Hulme, 2010; Bayliss et al., 2015). Verbal Behav. This manipulation was deployed in two separate tasks. Short-term memory in the Deaf: a test for speech coding. 106, 551. doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.106.3.551, Cain, K., and Oakhill, J. FIGURE 5. sensitivity to the sound structure of words. We first removed all variance in PIAT scores attributable to non-verbal IQ as well as unaided dB loss in both groups, by regressing PIAT scores against TONI-3 scores and the unaided dB loss in the better ear. Children develop some orthographic knowledge before learning to read. J. Res. FIGURE 3. “Theorizing about the relation between American Sign Language and reading,” in Language Acquisition by Eye, eds C. Chamberlain, J. P. Morford, and R. I. Mayberry (ahwah, NJ: Earlbaum), 221–259. The contribution of phonological awareness and receptive and expressive English to the reading ability of deaf students with varying degrees of exposure to accurate English. Levels of processing: a framework for memory research. If a picture was misnamed or misspelled, participants were informed of the mistake and it was presented again at a later time until all pictures had been named and spelled correctly. Together, this battery is designed to distinguish between various levels of English phonological knowledge and more general cognitive measures as predictors of reading comprehension in our two groups of deaf adults. Deaf Educ. Three-sound words: ‘cat’ (delete /c/) and ‘tin’ (delete /t/), Four-sound words: ‘flip’ (delete /f/) and ‘snap’ (delete /s/). Morphological knowledge concerns how words are … We were unable to acquire the unaided dB loss level for four oral deaf participants and five of the deaf native signing participants. 20, 621–630. However, here we only include performance in each participant’s preferred language (English for the oral deaf; ASL for deaf native signers). doi: 10.1093/deafed/5.4.337. In this task students demonstrate their ability to substitute one sound for another in words. |,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). “How problems of comprehension are related to difficulties in decoding,” in Phonology and Reading Disability: Solving the reading Puzzle, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), 35–67 . Educ. J. Exp. Once phonological awareness knowledge is in place, children have a solid grasp on how to break up words into phonemes and blend phonemes into words. Routes to short-term memory indexing: lessons from deaf native users of American Sign Language. Articles. Ask the student to practice this by producing rhymes in the following sentences. Hearing loss levels were obtained from self-reports as well as consented and IRB-approved access to RIT/NTID records. Lang. This tool is a guide and may not be accurate. Components of phonological awareness. This 92-page book provides a rationale, brief research overview, and suggestions for interactive instructional tasks based on evidence based practice. 16, 263–285. 41, 609–625. Deep (D) trials gave counterproductive information such that using orthographic cues would systematically produce the wrong answer (e.g., first consonant: key/nurse/knee; vowel: leaf/steak/chain). 21, 213–228. Learning to read, although a rite of passage for most children, remains a significant educational challenge. For example, all six pictures that accompanied the sentence ‘They were under the table’ contained tables, three had more than one person, and one had a single person under a table, etc. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Separate lists of video stimuli of letters in English and in ASL were presented at a rate of 1 letter/sec. Data from the Phonemic Manipulation Task was entered into a 2 × 2 ANOVA with orthographic transparency (shallow, deep) as a repeated measure and group (oral deaf, deaf native signers) as a between subjects factor (see Figure 4). Students who demonstrate difficulties in these areas may not automatically recognise and use frequently occurring sound patterns. These results need to be situated in the larger picture of what we know about reading processes. If one or both of these areas are found to be deficient, language impairments may be present. Lastly, there was a main effect of group, F(1,45) = 23.43, η2 = 0.34, p < 0.001, such that the oral deaf were more accurate than the deaf native signers. Fourteen participants reported not using ASL at all, while seven reported having some ASL experience starting in college. Dev. Speech-based phonological knowledge is one of the strongest predictors of reading comprehension in hearing individuals, yet its role in deaf readers is controversial. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1989.tb02534.x. The learner can then use that knowledge and phonological awareness to encode (spell) and decode (read) regular words. doi: 10.1017/S014271640808017X, Colin, S., Magnan, A., Ecalle, J., and Leybaert, J. Early exposure to a natural language, be it spoken or signed, is associated with better knowledge of grammar and syntax (Mayberry, 1993), executive functioning (Figueras et al., 2008; Hauser et al., 2008a), and meta-linguistic awareness (Prinz and Strong, 1998); all of these in turn appear to foster better reading comprehension (Chamberlain and Mayberry, 2000; Padden and Ramsey, 2000; Goldin Meadow and Mayberry, 2001). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Click on the links provided above to access the instructions for administering each part of the assessment. Rundus, D., and Atkinson, R. C. (1970). Phonological awareness and short term memory in hearing and deaf individuals of different communication backgrounds. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2003.12.019, Siegel, L. S., and Linder, B. (2001). If not, repeat the demonstration. Hauser, P. C., Lukomski, J., and Hillman, T. (2008a). The sources of phonological knowledge: a cross-linguistic perspective . In Experiment 2, we seek to determine the relative contribution of English phonological knowledge, English orthographic knowledge, serial recall and free recall to reading comprehension in these two populations of deaf readers. Little is known about the component processes that support reading comprehension in these individuals. 20, 200–207. doi: 10.1007/BF01027184, Hyde, T. S., and Jenkins, J. J. All subjects responded by typing their answer into the computer. doi: 10.1006/jecp.1994.1028, McQuarrie, L., and Parrila, R. (2009). 82, 387–406. Psychol. doi: 10.1016/S0022-5371(72)80001-X, Craik, F. I. M., and Tulving, E. (1975). For these reasons, we focus here on two distinct groups of deaf readers with early exposure to a natural language: deaf native signers of ASL, who have very limited spoken English skill, and orally trained deaf, that speak and lip-read English and were exposed to speech-based natural language and educated in mainstream schools with hearing peers, termed hereafter oral deaf. doi: 10.1044/0161-1461(2005/029), Høien, T., Lundberg, I., Stanovich, K. E., and Bjaalid, I.-K. (1995). This could reflect the highly varied language backgrounds among deaf readers as well as the difficulty of disentangling the relative contribution of phonological versus orthographic knowledge of spoken language, in our case ‘English,’ in this population. J. Each part of this assessment should take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.1998.tb06157.x, Nation, K., and Snowling, M. J. 93, 720. doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.93.4.720, Traxler, C. B. (2008). doi: 10.1111/0938-8982.00023, McDougall, S., Hulme, C., Ellis, A., and Monk, A. Hanson and Fowler (1987) examined deaf signers and found that phonological similarity between English word pairs reduced the reading rate in a speeded lexical decision for both the hearing and the signing deaf individuals, concluding that deaf and hearing participants were using a similar phonetic coding strategy. Pract. Ann. All participants initially named the pictures by typing their corresponding English name into the computer. This may explain why our study is the first one to highlight this link, despite a strong relationship between free recall and reading comprehension in our deaf native signing participants4. Neuropsychol. The Deep Phonological score, r(18) = 0.66, p = 0.003, as well as serial recall span, r(18) = 0.50, p = 0.04 correlated highly with reading comprehension. Austin, TX: PRO-ED. 25, 43–58. 8, 201–212. Our study may explain some of the conflicting reports in the literature (Mayberry et al., 2011) since past studies have included populations that varied significantly in their language experience, all encompassed under the term “deaf.” Furthermore, our study confirms the need to avoid phonological tasks that confound orthographic and phonological knowledge (McQuarrie and Parrila, 2009). (1973). Importantly, serial recall and other verbal STM measures have been shown to contribute unique variance in explaining reading skill compared to phonological measures alone, at least in hearing readers (Gathercole et al., 1991; McDougall et al., 1994). 14, 387. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.14.3.387, Conrad, R. (1972). This test has been shown to be well suited to deaf populations (for a critique in hearing populations, see Keenan et al., 2006). R. M. D. Quadros (Petropolis: Editora Arara Azul), 160–172. (2003, 2006) was adapted to American English by using a native American English speaker to voice the sentences. “The acquisition of reading comprehension skill,” in The Science of Reading: A Handbook, eds M. J. Snowling and C. Hulme (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd). Disabil. Students were assessed across December, February, and May of the kindergarten year. Rhyme generation in deaf students: the effect of exposure to cued speech. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! A 2 × 2 ANOVA on the composite accuracy scores with composite score type (shallow, deep) as a repeated measures and group (deaf native signer, oral deaf) as a between subjects factor revealed, as expected given the previous analyses, main effects of composite score type, F(1,45) = 181.83, η2 = 0.80, p < 0.001, and group, F(1,45) = 33.00, η2 = 0.42, p < 0.001. Demographic and language backgrounds of participants (mean scores with ranges or SD). 13, 362–377. Models 2a-g separately added the interaction terms between group and the remaining seven predictors in a stepwise manner. Psychol. (Berlin: Springer), 191–221. (2000). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Deaf Educ. doi: 10.1007/s11145-009-9180-z, LaSasso, C., Crain, K., and Leybaert, J. Phonological Knowledge: Conceptual and Empirical Issues (English Edition) eBook: Burton-Roberts, Noel, Carr, Philip, Docherty, Gerard: Kindle-Shop The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:, Alegria, J., and Lechat, J. doi: 10.1006/jecp.1998.2477, Swanson, H. L., and Ashbaker, M. H. (2000). While reading is challenging for many deaf individuals, some become proficient readers. Cognition 106, 780–804. Res. There are five assessment tasks in Part 1. This demonstrates that the free recall primacy measure differentially affects reading comprehension in deaf native signers and oral deaf participants. Deaf 131, 243–247. Deaf Educ. In this task students demonstrate their ability to segment words into individual sounds. Psychol. (1989). (1984). Instead our tests require button-press responses and use nameable black and white pictures to provide a cleaner measure of phonological knowledge – there is no explicit phonological representation in the picture itself, unlike for written words. Exploring the articulatory loop. In shallow condition A, the similar sounding pair shared the same orthography whereas the odd-man-out had a different orthography (e.g., belt/dog/door for the first-sound task; king/goat/soap for the vowel task). The use of tasks that systematically manipulated the relationships between phonology and orthography was crucial in being able to draw this conclusion. Moreover, we hypothesized that reading comprehension may show a greater reliance on memory processes, especially semantic-based, in deaf native signers, whereas deep phonological knowledge would be the primary predictor of reading skills in the oral deaf. • Auditory temporal processing could predict Chinese character reading for higher group • Phonological awareness as well is a significant predictor for higher group • Only verbal short-term memory served as a significant predictor for lower group Memory task performance. Cogn. doi: 10.1006/jmla.1998.2564. J. 10, 122–133. Read. How grammar can cope with limited short-term memory: simultaneity and seriality in sign languages. doi: 10.1207/s1532799xssr0801_2, Pennington, B. F., and Bishop, D. V. (2009). The goal of Experiment 2 was to determine the best predictors of reading comprehension within each group, and compare how they may differ across the two deaf populations. Accordingly, greater accessibility through speechreading has been suggested to influence phonological knowledge in deaf populations in previous works (Erber, 1974; Walden et al., 2001). Front. doi: 10.1007/s10882-011-9246-0, Mohammed, T., Campbell, R., Macsweeney, M., Barry, F., and Coleman, M. (2006). Rehearsal processes in free recall: a procedure for direct observation. The resulting phonological knowledge has been shown to be comparable to that of both oral deaf and hearing individuals (Koo et al., 2008) and to facilitate reading skills (Colin et al., 2007). We expected to see differences between the deaf groups in the extent to which they utilized an orthographic strategy, with deaf native signers using those strategies more than the oral deaf. S. ( 1972 ) 2003, 2006 ) was adapted to American English by using a second set flashcards. 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