[107] While the American welfare state effectively reduces poverty among the elderly,[108] it provides relatively little assistance to the young. The realist paintings of Thomas Eakins are now widely celebrated. Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2000)", http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GCTTable?_bm=y&-state=gct&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U&-_box_head_nbr=GCT-P1&-mt_name=&-_caller=geoselect&-geo_id=&-format=US-1&-_lang=en, "Table 1: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places Over 100,000, Ranked by July 1, 2008 Population: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008", "Table 5. [229] Aside from web portals and search engines, the most popular websites are Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Blogger, eBay, and Craigslist. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that would become th Read allIs the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? [151] The basic literacy rate is approximately 99%. Over a half-century, up to 40 million American bison, or buffalo, were slaughtered for skins and meat and to ease the railways' spread. Country music developed in the 1920s, and rhythm and blues in the 1940s. Justen Faull and Wes Faull, two Christian brothers and film makers take you on an eye opening journey into the truth behind who really founded America. "How Much Health Insurance Is Enough? It became common to treat it as singulare.g., "the United States is"after the end of the Civil War. [234] Popular literary genres such as the Western and hardboiled crime fiction developed in the United States. [17] The United States is the world's third or fourth largest nation by total area (land and water), ranking behind Russia and Canada and just above or below China. [226], Americans are the heaviest television viewers in the world,[227] and the average viewing time continues to rise, reaching five hours a day in 2006. Buell, Lawrence (Spring/Summer 2008). Boxing and horse racing were once the most watched individual sports,[242] but they have been eclipsed by golf and auto racing, particularly NASCAR. That date is now celebrated annually as America's Independence Day. The United States has operated under a two-party system for most of its history. The Franco-American treaties of 1778 used "United States of North America", but from July11, 1778, "United States of America" was used on the country's bills of exchange, and it has been the official name ever since.[14]. The Constitution has been amended twenty-seven times; the first ten amendments, which make up the Bill of Rights, and the Fourteenth Amendment form the central basis of Americans' individual rights. Americans have long been important in the modern artistic medium of photography, with major photographers including Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, and Ansel Adams. The wave of immigration, lasting until 1929, provided labor and transformed American culture. The three largest airlines in the world by passengers carried are U.S.-based; Delta Air Lines is number one. Is the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? With Russ Dizdar, Justen Faull, Wes Faull, Thomas Horn. Major artistic movements such as the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning and the pop art of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein developed largely in the United States. Since the Civil War, only one third-party presidential candidateformer president Theodore Roosevelt, running as a Progressive in 1912has won as much as 20% of the popular vote. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Executive Producer: Thomas R. Horn. Total Run Time: 2 hrs 17 min. The United States Constitution was ratified in 1788, and the new republic's first Senate, House of Representatives, and presidentGeorge Washingtontook office in 1789. Robert Maginnis & William Ramsey. The supervolcano underlying Yellowstone National Park in the Rockies is the continent's largest volcanic feature. [140] Of the world's thirty busiest passenger airports, sixteen are in the United States, including the busiest, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. With high birth rates, low death rates, and steady immigration, the colonial population grew rapidly. The United States has a "special relationship" with the United Kingdom[59] and strong ties with Canada,[60] Australia,[61] New Zealand,[62] the Philippines,[63] Japan,[64] South Korea,[65] Israel,[66] and several European countries. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that would become the catalyst of the final world kingdom. ", http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2494/does-the-united-states-lead-the-world-in-prison-population, "Pew Report Finds More than One in 100 Adults are Behind Bars", http://web.archive.org/web/20080303025427/http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/news_room_detail.aspx?id=35912, http://web.archive.org/web/20070611192107/http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/tables/incrttab.htm, "World Prison Population List (8th edition)", http://www.prisonstudies.org/info/downloads/wppl-8th_41.pdf, "The Impact of the War on Drugs on U.S. Incarceration", http://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports/2000/usa/Rcedrg00-05.htm, "Executions in the United States in 2007", http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-united-states-2007, http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/death-penalty-international-perspective#interexec, "Quinn Signs Death Penalty Ban, Commutes 15 Death Row Sentences to Life", http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/clout_st/2011/03/quinn-signs-death-penalty-ban-commutes-15-death-row-sentences-to-life.html, "Homeward Bound: Recent Immigration Enforcement and the Decline in the Illegal Alien Population", http://www.cis.org/articles/2008/back808.pdf, "Statistical Abstract of the United States", http://www.census.gov/prod/2005pubs/06statab/pop.pdf, "Executive Summary: A Population Perspective of the United States", http://web.archive.org/web/20070604165856/http://www.prcdc.org/summaries/uspopperspec/uspopperspec.html, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2054rank.html, "Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Years 1998 to 2007 (Table 3)", http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/publications/LPR07.shtm, http://www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/c2kbr-35.pdf, "Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: 2010", http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-02.pdf, "B03001. [194] In 2008, 273 incorporated places had populations over 100,000, nine cities had more than 1 million residents, and four global cities had over 2 million (New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston). [142] The United States is the world's largest consumer of petroleum. Writers such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry David Thoreau established a distinctive American literary voice by the middle of the 19th century. [176] In 2010, the country had the fifth highest number of executions in the world, following China, Iran, North Korea, and Yemen. [144] The United States has 27% of global coal reserves. Belly of the Beast Directors Cut is a ground-breaking documentary film that presents the hidden history of the United States and its secret origins of the deep state that youve never seen or heard before, as well as decoding their present day conspiracies and the future prophecies to come. The Rocky Mountains, at the western edge of the Great Plains, extend north to south across the country, reaching altitudes higher than 14,000feet (4,300m) in Colorado. [209] Women now mostly work outside the home and receive a majority of bachelor's degrees. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that . [187] The census counted more than 19 million people of "Some Other Race" who were "unable to identify with any" of its five official race categories in 2010. [180] The U.S. population almost quadrupled during the 20th century, from about 76 million in 1900. Mark Twain and poet Walt Whitman were major figures in the century's second half; Emily Dickinson, virtually unknown during her lifetime, is now recognized as an essential American poet. More recent American creations include hip hop and house music. Camarota, Steven A., and Karen Jensenius (July 2008). [12] The former British colonies first used the country's modern name in the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the "unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America". [109] A 2007 UNICEF study of children's well-being in twenty-one industrialized nations ranked the United States next to last. [29] Those born in the major territories (except for American Samoa) possess U.S. Active volcanoes are common throughout Alaska's Alexander and Aleutian Islands, and Hawaii consists of volcanic islands. The Beat Generation writers opened up new literary approaches, as have postmodernist authors such as John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, and Don DeLillo. [208] The total reporting non-Christian religions in 2007 was 4.7%, up from 3.3% in 1990. On June14, 1775, the Continental Congress, convening in Philadelphia, established a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. Eric Etheridge with Asger Deleith (August 19, 2009). [184] Mexico has been the leading source of new residents for over two decades; since 1998, China, India, and the Philippines have been in the top four sending countries every year. On July4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed their right to self-determination and their establishment of a cooperative union. Belly of the Beast Directors Cut spotlights these topics and so much more. This globally sovereign empire would lead the entire world into an age of spiritual enlightenment, posturing itself as a true utopia while it ushers in a revival of ancient magick rites, as well as a return to the worship of old gods and goddesses. ", http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7559458/cte-concussion-crisis-economic-look-end-football, http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0115108.html, "Distribution of Medals2008 Summer Games", http://www.factmonster.com/sports/olympics/2008/distribution-medals-summer-games.html, http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0115207.html, http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-medals/, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-g.html, U.S. Census Housing and Economic Statistics, U.S. His second term in office brought both the Iran-Contra scandal and significant diplomatic progress with the Soviet Union. The tide of modernism and then postmodernism has brought fame to American architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Philip Johnson, and Frank Gehry. Thomas Edison's laboratory developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera. The Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges run close to the Pacific coast. Americans' eagerness to expand westward prompted a long series of Indian Wars. In 2002, the Bush administration began to press for regime change in Iraq on controversial grounds. [190] Minorities (as defined by the Census Bureau as all those beside non-Hispanic, non-multiracial whites) constituted 36.3% of the population in 2010,[191] and nearly 50% of children under age 1,[192] and are projected to constitute the majority by 2042. [156] Approximately one-third of the adult population is obese and an additional third is overweight;[157] the obesity rate, the highest in the industrialized world, has more than doubled in the last quarter-century. American troops fought Communist Chinese forces in the Korean War of 195053. Required fields are marked *. This globally sovereign empire would lead the entire world into an age of spiritual enlightenment, posturing itself as a true utopia while it ushers in a revival of ancient magick rites, as well as a return to the worship of old gods and goddesses. Belly of the Beast: Directed by Justen Faull, Wes Faull. This globally sovereign empire would lead the entire world into an age of spiritual enlightenment, posturing itself as a true utopia while it ushers in a revival of ancient magick rites, as well as a return to the worship of old gods and goddesses. Blewett, Lynn A. et al., LA (Dec 2006). The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms, was ratified in 1791. The Northern states abolished slavery between 1780 and 1804, leaving the slave states of the South as defenders of the "peculiar institution". [161] The World Health Organization ranked the U.S. health care system in 2000 as first in responsiveness, but 37th in overall performance. National infrastructure development spurred economic growth. Belly of the Beast: Director's Cut DVD'S available exclusively at https://www.fourthwatchfilms.comStream Belly of the Beast: Director's Cut right now at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/bobdcIs the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? The 1867 Alaska Purchase from Russia completed the country's mainland expansion. Tap share icon (1)4. The United States has won 2,301 medals at the Summer Olympic Games, more than any other country,[243] and 253 in the Winter Olympic Games, the second most. Most of Alaska is subarctic or polar. At 3.79million square miles (9.83million km2) and with over 312 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and the third largest by both land area and population. Film, TV, Motion Capture, Performance Capture, Voice-Over. Health care coverage in the United States is a combination of public and private efforts, and is not universal as in all other developed countries. [24] About 91,000 insect species have been described. It is a constitutional republic and representative democracy, "in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law". Choreographers Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham helped create modern dance, while George Balanchine and Jerome Robbins were leaders in 20th-century ballet. To the east of the 100th meridian, the climate ranges from humid continental in the north to humid subtropical in the south. Using Safari browser2. [216] Mainstream American culture is a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of European immigrants with influences from many other sources, such as traditions brought by slaves from Africa. <br><br>Before going independent he completed many circuits on the track with Need for Speed, then blasted off with Mass Effect 2, before going undercover with the Tom Clancy Franchise and played, created and shared with Sackboy on . The short form "United States" is also standard. [32] Some, such as the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture, developed advanced agriculture, grand architecture, and state-level societies. Other sources give smaller figures. "Social Security Isn't Broken: So Why the Rush to 'Fix' It?" [82] Using purchasing power parity exchange rates, the overall median is similar to the most affluent cluster of developed nations. Japan surrendered on September 2, ending the war.[49]. It was fourth in productivity per hour, behind those two countries and the Netherlands. Belly of the Beast Director's Cut is a ground-breaking documentary film that presents the hidden history of the United States and its secret origins of the deep state that you've never seen or heard before, as well as decoding their present day conspiracies and the future prophecies to come. Adams, J. Q., and Pearlie Strother-Adams (2001). [85] According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $15.1 trillion constitutes 22% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).